
Sorry, dude, but guys in other countries are having more sex than you. Way more. We know, it doesn’t make sense. Pop culture and the Internet would have us believe that American men are the most oversexed stallions on the planet, that every girl is 20, tanked, and topless. Plus, we have George Clooney and Matthew McConaughey. And has anyone tallied Tommy Lee’s numbers?

Yet, there are the stats. According to a Men’s Health survey of 40,000 readers worldwide, foreign men have sex up to 70 more times a year than you do. So much for our superpower status. But don’t worry–we have a plan. We took a trip around the world to find out what makes men from other countries so attractive to the women they pursue. We also enlisted the help of sex experts around the globe to save you from another sexless night.

I guess America has too many geeks!

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    #32: Didn’t used to be that way, but it sure is headed that way.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    Pedro, todavia quiero saber quien es la dama en la foto. Si no me puedes decir eso, no tienes nada que me interese.

  3. joshua says:

    I have spent 3 out of the last 5 years in the Uk and can unequivocally say that binge drinking is as everybit as intense as in Phoenix and the Bay area among under 26 y/o’s.
    Some of my older European friends constantly complain that it’s becoming more and more like the US in the UK and other countries in Europe. Teen pregnancy on the rise, AIDS cases up, STD’s rising like an over yeasted cake. The jails in the UK are full of teens and 20 somethings for drugs, something that wasn’t so prevelant only 10 years ago. Of course they blame the US for it all, but lets face it, we have a far more 1 worldly world in 2007 than we did in 1997.

    I attended a fairly conservative University populated with the sons and daughters of the upper middle class and the aristocracy and they drink and screw like just like my friends here in the states. To be sober ANY night, not just Fridays or Saturdays marks you as a loser or totally unpopular. Most large cities in Europe are having a problem with public drunkeness(by 18 to 28 y/o’s), vomiting and passing out in public places(bus benches, parks, sidewalks, fountains), something that carried a public stigma 10 or 15 years ago. The Uk has 18 as a drinking age, which coincides with the time when most Brits are already well into their university time.

    Times they are a changin Smartalix…..the internet, and computors in general, world wide 24/7 entertainment media has put most kids and people my age on the road to 1 world much faster than anyone thought it could happen. To bad the habits we all are learning aren’t exactly the best ones. “)

  4. Smartalix says:


    The UK isn’t really Europe, but I get what you’re saying. However, the figures still show that we lag many European nations in teen drug use, drunkeness, and pregnancy. So where are all the hidden people if it’s just as bad there?

  5. hhopper says:

    Mister Mustard – I don’t know who the girl is but here is where the pic came from:


  6. Mister Mustard says:

    Thanks for the info hhopper.

    Looks like there are a number of ladies at that site that it might be fun to embriagiate,e,g. http://tinyurl.com/3dkvk3

  7. joshua says:

    #37…they aren’t hidden , but your not going to see the numbers like we see for no other reason than popultion disparity. Remember the UK is having a prison crisis….with approx. 60,000 prisinors total in all areas of the UK……thats barely more than we have in California alone.

    If you read the British press as much as I do, you see the stories about the problems with teenage drunkeness, and teenage pregnancy, as well as drug use. It dosen’t make the news here, because it’s not us, we are somewhat parochial in our news stories, but over there they report what takes place here on a daily basis.

    Just spend an hour a day, reading the BBC News and the Times of London online sites, for about 2 weeks…..you will get a feel for whats going on.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Pedro, perhaps I was not making myself clear. Must be all those languages I’ve been speaking the last couple of weeks. I do not want to INEBRIATE her, I want to EBRIAGIATE her. Don’t you have any family values?

  9. smartalix says:


    Like I said, the UK isn’t really Europe. They have a real problem with drinking:

    UK in ‘premier league’ for binge-drinking, says landmark European report

    From the report:

    The report, funded by the European Commission and written by the UK-based Institute of Alcohol Studies, shows that:

    The UK are one of the top bingeing nations in western Europe, binge-drinking 28 times per year on average – about once every 13 days.

    UK adolescents are also the third-worst binge-drinkers in the EU, with more than a quarter 15-16 olds binge-drinking 3-or-more times in the last month.

  10. lex allen says:

    Doesn’t surprise me. Women here have a choose. most will say ‘No’ just because they can

  11. IR says:

    Kwit bashing religion. It’s *organised* religion
    that sucks. I’m 46, I’ve believed in Jesus since
    I was 7 (not from parents). This hasn’t stopped
    me from having lotsa unmarried sex, cheating
    on my ex, exploring the world of drugs, etc.
    All the while never loosing my faith or going
    to church, except for a year that I fell off the
    wagon and tried a church. People say they
    believe in God, but then they go to a church
    and listen to some *man* or literally believe
    in a bible that was written by men and edited
    and rewritten massively by men over the


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