Everyone gets upset when the ref makes a bad call. Doesn’t matter what sport. But, you can usually lay off the error to the fact that “the referee” is a human being – fallible, you can’t focus your attention on everything happening at once.
Suppose that referee is betting on the game where they are in charge? What if that referee stands to gain from some portion of the score being altered – even a little bit?
The NBA has acknowledged the FBI is investigating Tim Donaghy for betting on games, including ones in which he officiated.
According to a law enforcement official, authorities are examining whether the referee made calls to affect the point spread in games on which he or associates had wagered thousands of dollars over the past two seasons.
Those studying Donaghy’s games might have noticed some trends.
When the home team was favored by 0-4 1/2 points, it went 5-12 against the spread in games officiated by Donaghy this season, according to Covers.com, a Web site that tracks referee trends. Home underdogs were 1-7 against the spread when it was 5-9.5 points.
Look at the revenue that flows from sports betting in the U.S.. It’s enormous. The last best guess I saw was $300 billion annually, legally and illegally. Legalized sports betting doesn’t affect the illegal – and untaxed – flavor very much.
And someone who cheats steals from everyone else in the system.
Well, I’ll go out on a limb and say that referees shouldn’t bet on any of the games. Course, that doesn’t mean it should be illegal.
Why is the FBI investigating this? At worst we have a referee that called a few plays in a game wrong. If there were more of this, it would probably shut down the illegal gambling that the feds are supposedly so worried about.
The FBI and gambling investigations… how amusing considering J Edgar was such an addict it compromised his prosecution of organized crime. Well, that and the fact those clever Italian lads had photos of Mr Hoover in a dress enjoying the pole position of his assistant Mr Clyde Tolson.
#2 – still haven’t learned to click the link, eh?
What’s the big deal? This sort of thing makes betting on basketball the same as investing in the stock market or gambling in a casino. You puts down yer money and you takes yer chances. All the games in life are rigged, one way or another and regular, honest people pay the price. It’s the American Way.
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