I don’t think this advertising ploy would fly nowadays.
Video: Honey, Your Coffee Sucks!
By hhopper Saturday July 21, 2007
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Agreed. Whats a cup of Joe without a good cigarette?
Honey, you’re coffee is worst than nuclear waste.
Feminist will kill that company now.
Anyway, its funny =)
Coming from a country whose former colonies were all coffee producing…(Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Timor…) And the daily half-a-dozen expressos average intake, I’d say that No coffee coming from a can would be good enough to even serve as ink on a napkin…
3–I haven’t had a cup of coffee in years – – -not since getting my capachino machine.—But Costco roasts coffee on premises and you can get a can fresh from the roaster. Its pretty good- – -or do you have to pick your own beans?
That ad is about coffee?
Substitute some other, more intimate terms, and gain insight as to the feelings advertisers were manipulating in women in those more cloistered times. “Coffee” was a symbol.
If she makes better ‘coffee’, the marriage will be more secure.
5–I don’t understand your post. Yuban is selling coffee by tying it to a woman’s performance as a wife. What else could suck?
I told my wife how much I hated to snap my fingers twice to get a cup of coffee. You know, it is really hard to wipe your butt when your hand is in a cast.
What coffee did they use on the Titanic?
Why, Sanka of course. At least it didn’t keep them up all night.
“Demeaing [sic] women since the 1800’s”? I think the people that tacked on those final few more seconds meant “demeaning”… poor spelling habits kinda ruin the moment. Nice try, though.
Nevertheless… I do realize that the REST of the commerical actually made it to the air in the 1950’s, and it’s a cute little piece of social history. God forbid a man would actually make a pot of coffee himself to show her “how it’s REALLY done!” instead of just bitching about it to the little woman.
My testicles are aching, just thinking about saying those things to my various former female significant others.
It makes sense to me. Western advertisers have always relied on the insecurities of women to sell them products. Women are too fat, not pretty enough, too anxious, not using the right brand, etc.
Think about it, nearly every ad geared towards women uses the premise that if you use product X instead of proudct Z you’re doing it wrong, you’re not getting enough value, you’re harming your kids and family, etc.
#8, Mr. Fusion, You know, it is really hard to wipe your butt when your hand is in a cast.
You know, it’s also difficult to “get lucky” when you are overheard laughing out loud at that ad and your comment. 🙂
Bless her pretty little head. Silly woman making aweful coffee, probably spendig all their time thinking of which hat they wanted to by *sarcasm*
This commercial only goes to show how much we have changed….
Advertising that the wife can’t make good coffee, to try to improve the market, in an age when up to 40% of some coffees sold was actually burnt corn (FDA Allowed that as a filler, to offset prices.)
Most people didn’t understand that 100% properly made coffee, didn’t have an oil slick, in those days.
Now, (pardon the opinion) Starbucks makes coffee that tastes worse than most of those, and is making a fortune selling it, to people that dream of the oil slick coffee days. (Of the times I have tried Starbucks… they never came close to good coffee.)
Keep in mind, in those days, the coffee you purchased, determined the quality of the coffee you made. In point of fact, these commercial do not denegrate the wife’s coffee making. They, in point of fact, denegrate the woman’s choices in buying coffees.
Also, they point out a MadAv bias against men. Saying no matter how good and successful a provider he is, the male of the species is a tactless bore with no taste, manners or social graces. Women should not object to the once in a while slur from MadAv. Men should be doing search and destroy legal missions against the metro quasi males that run the agencies.
and, just as an aside to the feminist slam about men making coffee, from ovenmaster, I come from a family that the men generally had to teach the women to cook, since they all barely could use a can opener.
I have taught many women (and men) short simple tricks on cooking, including the ultimate in simplicity on how to make good coffee.
Most women… couldn’t, until they learned the technique.
Their coffee was ok… just not great.
(I know I am going to get slammed from the feminists… But about 200+ women (and quite a few men) liked the trick I teach on coffee. I am not a sexist. I am an experimenter, that learns and shares. I just don’t like people that are biased against any group, just because they are not the same ‘fill in the blank’ as they are. (exception are stupid- as opposed to ignorant – people. Gender, race, social status have no hold on stupidity. )
PS: use two filters – no more -no less
The amazing thing is that this kind of ad is constantly seen today. Except the advertisers make pretty sure that the wives are doctors, lawyers, nuclear physicists, brain surgeons, corporate CEOs, government officials. Misleading and thus also demeaning for its patronization and manipulation. Yes, I exaggerate to make a point, but not by much: “I’m a pediatrician… and when my daughter wets her diapers…”
Living in Seattle – Starbucks capital of teh world, i havent seen anyone actually MAKE coffee if they weren’t getting paid to do it
#15: Vince, my piece wasn’t a feminist slam, nor was it meant to be.
It was a slam against men, men who’d rather complain to their wives instead of showing or helping her make decent coffee. Men just didn’t do that in the 50’s. Ask my Dad. Me, on the other hand, if my wife made lousy coffee, I’d discuss it nicely, and offer to help improve the coffee. I wouldn’t just sit there and make cracks about her inability to brew it.
Nowadays, with equality, with hope and luck a husband and wife would be able to help each other improve things… even in the kitchen. If I offended anyone, I do apologize. But again, I was making a dig at how men would rank out the wife instead of offering to help.
‘help the little woman’ implies her role is to make the coffee. I got a wise lesson on that topic long ago.
I once asked a lady “What’s for dinner?”
She responded: “Do you think I was born with recipes on my tits?”
I never asked again. In the 40+ years since, I’ve happily spent thousands of dollars in restaurants with many lovely ladies.
No feminists read dvorak blog.
You can safely LOL all you want from those good ol’ ads LOL
*If* the coffee really sucks, I see no problem in saying it out loud.
The woman who “made it” didn’t really make it, obviously. If she didnt try it out herself she wouldnt know the brand she bought sucks. Its all good 😉
And to “get lucky” – well, thats an american thing. Most of the world just have sex, its only american guys who have to “get lucky” in order to have sex 😉 But then I dont blame ya, yankees, you are living in a feminist ghetto every day LOL
Forgive, the picking on a non-feminist remark.
But, I stand by what I said.
Especially about the MadAv (and media in toto) attitude that males are totally incompetent in the kitchen. (the ratio of male to female chef’s is still far and away male… though in the last 20 years, certified female chef’s have grown in that percentile. (putting a white hat and calling oneself a chef, does not necessarily make it so).
It is a matter of perspective (who feels most offended) how the commercials are viewed. Women today say it is a slam against them. Never was. Even in those days.
I take umbrage because I just would not drink the coffee…
I would find out how to make it better.
I would then teach that lesson.
(either that, or stand on the table, unzip and refill the cup with something…. er… um… ooops???)
I guess that puts me in the feminist ghetto…. sigh
A last point, at that time, it was also possible that the woman didn’t drink the same coffee she made for her husband. He would drink it black. She would drink it with lots of cream and sugar.
That makes all the difference. (Note: I could not fit enough sugar in the Stabucks cup… Sorry Seattle.