Click here and risk the wrath of the Spanish court

A senior Spanish judge has ordered police to confiscate copies of a satirical magazine containing a cartoon that depicts Crown Prince Felipe and his wife, Princess Letizia, in a graphic sexual pose.

Judge Juan del Olmo of the National Audience wrote in a court order that the cartoon on the cover of El Jueves showed the royal couple in a “degrading” posture that may have broken laws that protect the royal family and the dignity of the crown. The laws carry a maximum prison sentence of two years.

In the cartoon, which referred to a new, €2,500 government bonus for every newborn child, Prince Felipe says to Princess Letizia, “Do you realize, if you get pregnant this will be the closest thing to work that I have done in my life.”

Reminds me of what passed for schoolyard porn when I was a kid.

  1. Bio1 says:

    Spain is a great country. This has been a good joke even for our King and Queen. Spanish people go in front of our justice. You only have to see the increase on the interest for reading El Jueves.

  2. RBG says:

    Tell them to lighten up… it’s only ink. Ink!

    I see a day, very soon, when anyone with the slightest media presence will automatically be expertly photoshopped into the most degrading scenes possible and posted on the web.

    Just have a look what they’ve done with Archie, Betty & Veronica. (So I’m told.)


  3. TheDoctor says:

    For the Spanish-impaired, here’s the translation:

    Headline: 2500€ per child

    The Prince speaking:

    You see? If you get pregnant…

    This will be the closest thing to working that I’ve done in my life!

  4. Jägermeister says:

  5. JoaoPT says:

    #5 and for all of us Hebrew impaired…

  6. Jeff says:

    Can someone please enlighten me as to why any modern country still has a royal family (elected, and or otherwise)? No crown has every had an dignity (and even allowing for one is an embarrassment to humanity).

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, In modern democracies that still retain a monarch, it all has to do with tradition. Similar to the way Americans still hold a hand over their heart when the flag passes in a parade. There is a symbolism that is good for one’s soul even if it is useless in everyday life.

    If you consider a monarchy to be an embarrassment to humanity, then how would you explain the tizzy certain “patriots” get in when someone burns a flag in protest.


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