Associated Press – July 19, 2007:

A woman has won a court fight to keep the placenta after her daughter’s birth. She had planned to grind it up and ingest it as a way to fight postpartum depression, but now plans to bury it.

Clark County District Court Judge Susan Johnson granted a preliminary injunction Tuesday, ordering Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center in southern Nevada to return the placenta to Anne Swanson. Hospital officials said they will comply.

The hospital had refused to give the uterine lining to Swanson following the April 12 Caesarean birth of her daughter, with officials calling it contaminated biohazardous waste. The judge ordered the hospital not to destroy the placenta, which was frozen, and ordered that it be turned over to Swanson within two weeks.

  1. bobbo says:

    You know, everytime I start to think “be reasonable” the authorities will not abuse their powers – – -they do. Anyone with power, over time, will want to enforce simple rules against everybody, regardless of the real or percieved harm.

    Now, the woman sounds like a nut case to me, but she is protecting all our liberties.

    God Bless her and her placenta.

  2. Named says:

    Placenta is the only meat that is NOT from the slaughter of animals, and therefore can be eaten by even the strictest of vegans…

    That said, if you’ve ever seen a fresh placenta AND like organ meats, it does look pretty yummy.

  3. Ben Waymark says:

    Bit of plecenta never hurt anyone, and really, #1 has a very good point… whats the point of living in a free country if you aren’t free to do things because they seem weird or different…..

  4. JoaoPT says:

    Hmmm slaughter…I’ve always had some problems with the boundaries…
    What is slaughter anyway? Is it the killing of living organisms, or just the ones we call animals. And would those be higher (like cows or pigs) or lower (like snails or shrimp)…
    And why should we be vegans anyway? We’re naturally omnivorous, so we can digest vegetables and meat. Obviously we’re not herbivorous (like cows) or we would have large multi chambered stomachs, and our fast metabolism indicates that we need hi energy food.

    Back to the point…
    The lady is entitled to get her placenta. Period. It’s hers. No question. But hospitals usually discard it as waste (or sell it for cosmetic uses…). So she would have to request that before birth (or C section…).

  5. Jeffrey Dahmer says:

    I’d eat it!

  6. RTaylor says:

    Almost all other mammals consume the placenta. Recycle the nutrients, the body is burning calories to make milk. Maybe there is some hormone boost in this

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Do you eat that with fries?

  8. James Buttitta says:

    Typically the placentas are preserved in formalin for later pathologic examination.

    Formalin is a carcinogen and not a tasty foodstuff.

    If one wants the placenta, arrangements need to be made before birth. Any reasonable hospital can an will do this.

    I have heard that some folks dig a hole, put the placenta in and plant a tree over it

  9. Cinaedh says:

    I wonder if that doll has a normal exit point for that baby or if it’s an American doll and the baby has to come out by C-section only, as illustrated?

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #7, Jägermeister, I’d go with the fava beans and a nice Chianti….

  11. tallwookie says:

    that bitch is crazy

  12. RBG says:

    Would you eat them in a box?
    Would you eat them with a fox?

    Swanson’s Frozen Foods

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #10 [BubbaRay] – …a nice Chianti.

    Yesah I think red wine is suitable for this dish…

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – “Yesah”… was supposed to be “Yeah”… 😉

  15. hhopper says:

    I sorta thought “yesah” was cool.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, With Chianti sounds good, but how would you serve it. Sliced thin, cubes, minced, breaded, poached, parboiled, flame broiled, … What would make a good side; buns (fresh from the oven), baby carrots, caviar, collard greens, …

  17. Jägermeister says:


    Oh, boy… here are people who share their recipes: 😛

  18. Ron Larson says:

    My gut tells me that the hospital overstepped their bounds there.

    I wonder if the hospital took this position of declaring the placenta “biohazard waste” from their legal department. Perhaps they are afraid that someone will eat it, get sick from it, then sue the hospital for not preventing them from doing it.

    Perhaps the solution is to get the mother to sign a waiver that releases the hospital from any liability from damages that arise from the use of the placenta. After all, the hospital doesn’t know exactly how she plans to store it and prepare it for consumption.

  19. Hairy Carrot says:

    I’ve eaten much worse. How about with fava beans and a nice chianti.

  20. Jim Mirkalami says:

    I have been visiting this site a lot lately, so i thought it is a good idea to show my appreciation with a comment.

    Jim Mirkalami

    PS: I am a single dad 😉


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