This is what happens when you smash a burning can of WD-40. Hey, it’s another use for WD-40…getting rid of dorks!

  1. OmarTheAlien says:

    Kids…I remember the time I was a bit late in shoveling coal into the furnace, the damned fire went out, the parents were gone (and yeah, they’d left strict instructions about shoveling coal from bin to furnace, etc) and in one of my more creative and spectacular (and successful) attempts at resucitating the fire I reached deep into the furnace and poured a small can of paint directly onto the small core of smoldering coal. The resulting flashback left me sitting on my ass in the coal bin, sans the hair on the pouring arm, and with smoke and the smell of burning hair coming off the top of my head. There were no witnesses, nobody to see the expression on my face. Guarantee you, it had to have been priceless.

  2. KVolk says:

    Damn it! Why isn’t that boy inside playing a video game like a good american kid. That’s no way to get a good size fat american ass built up…….jeesh kids these days.

  3. Anonymous says:

    [message deleted – .ed]

  4. BubbaRay says:

    This is exactly why mom and dad taught me not to do stupid things with fireworks. I’d hate to be the kid asleep in the chair… (length=1:26)

  5. Joe Dirt says:

    Ain’t nothing special, we do this sorta thing in southern ohio all the time…

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #19 [Mr. Fusion], #21 [Olo Baggins of Bywater], #31 [Wally the Engineer], #32 [OmarTheAlien]

    Thanks for the laugh guys! 😀

  7. Ryan says:

    xaviarxlr, you are the biggest nerd i’ve ever run into. Good for you!

  8. tallwookie says:

    holy crap thats an awesome video

  9. natefrog says:


    Obviously, if we remove warning labels from everything, I think this problem will work itself out…

    With any luck, quite amusingly, too. 😀

  10. tonyB says:

    I would have used a pellet gun from about 20 yards

  11. joshua says:

    #35….BubbRay…great video….I especially loved the part with the guy holding the rocket against his crotch. 🙂
    No reproduction going on there.


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