President Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers over to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said.
In 2002, Bush transferred presidential powers to Cheney for more than two hours.
I couldn’t begin to Post what I’m thinking.
Um … that’s quite a colon scope in the photo. No wonder I’ve been a tad nervous about getting my colonoscopy. I’d be even more nervous with Cheney wielding the damn thing.
Hiding one’s iPod and colonoscopy don’t really belong on the same thread guys. Unless …
So his doctor is doing to him what he’s been doing to the country? Too bad he’ll be anesthetized.
Seriously, if you haven’t had one before… go get it done… Colon Cancer is way bad. Fortunately, it is the easiest cancer to prevent by getting checked. if you are pollup free.. you won’t have to do it again for 10 years. if you do have some pollups the Dr. will take care of them. and you wont die a horrible death from the “ikybutt” . They put you out, you won’t feel a thing and you can have a lollypop when you are done..
The worst part of it is the laxitive you take the night before..
So when the fucking asshat cokehead fascist petty thug dictator wanna-be George “Nepotistic AWOL cock-sucker” Bush hands power over to corporate bastard warmongering face shooting reptilian heart murmur Dick “9/11 co-conspirator” Cheney, will Cheney get a Presidential library?
If that does not attract some flames from our right wing friends… nothing will… 🙂
I’m trying really hard to resist…….but it might as well be I who says it……..maybe they’ll find his head up there and pull it out.
Or, he can now say he looked everywhere for the WMDs.
Which neurosurgeon is performing the procedure for Dubya?
So how can they tell the difference?
If you live in, oh, say, Tehran, a nice weekend somewhere else might be nice about now.
Dickie’s got the Bomb.
Dickie’s got the Bomb.
What will normal people do?
When Dickie drops his nuclear IOU?
Come on guys there has to be a few good asshole jokes out there!
I was told not to sign any legal papers or drive until after 24 hours! Maybe he’s not getting a sedative?
Well if Dick wanted to see whats in the Bush….
How can Cheney be in charge if Bush’s asshole is getting reamed?
This is funny,
they always do this at the END of the pres. rein of terror…
trying to find out if his HEAD and BUT are in the right positions/condition..
subtle, but BRILLIANT
Where is COLON Powell?
They won’t find anything wrong. Bush is a perfect asshole.
#8, #9, #10 #11 … funny stuff… laughing my arse off here.
Seriously tho, I had it done without being knocked out. Thought I was being a tough guy… F#@#ing hurt worse than anything you can imagine. I opted for the full length proceedure as well. (rather than the first foot or so).
#18, My vote for funniest quip.
Since they make you take a laxative I believe this is the first time I can honestly say Bush is not full of shit.
I have never had a colonoscopy however I have heard that you have tremendous gas afterwards. Bet those upcoming cabinet meetings will be entertaining.
I’ve had two and neither of them hurt, at all. A little uncomfortable but that’s it. They don’t want you doing anything afterwards so my wife took me out to her car and drove me to my truck about 100 feet away and I drove myself home.
I don’t want anyone on this list thinking it is so bad that they don’t have it done.
Sound comment, Steve #27. I hung back from joining this discussion starting to sound like a local senior citizens’ meeting; but, my sole experience was the same as yours – and I drove home afterwards, as well.
In fact – not surprising – I got into a geek discussion with the tech assisting the doc and he rolled the monitor over so I could watch the progress inside my gut. Pretty interesting, actually. Especially since it came out OK.
Probably due, again. I’m one of those “do as I say-types” when it comes to health. I get my annual checkup, right on time – every 3-4 years!
yeah when i heard about this, my first reaction was something along the lines of :
“uh oh”
What if….
GW had complications from the anesthesia and well…. died …
Cheney became president and promptly had a heart attack and .. died..
Who would become president…..
Oh the irony!