I don’t watch football so I’ve never heard of the guy, but it’s assholes like him that make me despair for our species.

Vick case sheds light on dark world of dogfighting

No matter how Michael Vick’s indictment on charges of operating a dogfighting ring is resolved in court, allegations against the NFL star have forced mainstream America to confront the grisly image of canine death matches.

Law enforcement and animal-protection advocates who have participated in raids on the type of enterprises that the Atlanta Falcons quarterback and three other men are accused of running say the reality of the dogfighting underworld is even worse than most people can imagine.

They say seized dogs inevitably are euthanized, the plywood walls of the typical fighting ring are splattered with blood, and cruelty shrouds every aspect of the dog’s life.

“When you go to where these fights have happened, you’ll find a couple of dog corpses or a pit full of blood,” says Mack Dickinson, a Louisiana state trooper who heads that state’s dogfighting investigations. “We’ll open up their kennels, where they’ll put dogs after they’ve fought, and they’ll have blood all over the walls.”

Diane Jessup, a former Washington state animal control officer, says, “With dogs that don’t win, it’s not uncommon for them to be electrocuted, shot, hung or burned.”

“Let me at him!”

Even the US Senate got in on the condemnation.

[Senator Robert] Byrd, 89, said he would not prejudge the men’s guilt or innocence, but he left no doubts about his sentiments.

“I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God’s creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt,” he said.

“One is left wondering,” he said. “Who are the real animals: the creatures inside or outside the ring?”

And from another article, something I heard about on the radio this morning.

On April 25, Authorities seized 52 pit bulls from Vick’s Surry County property and also found equipment used in dogfighting operations including a “rape stand” used for forced breeding, treadmills, drugs to enhance fighting performance, and a blood-stained fighting pit.

Oddly, Vick’s website mentions nothing about all this. And then there’s this heartwarming story for those who are cat people.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Ipsa res loquitur, Bobbo. Dog fighting, murder, rape, assault, theft, fraud, they’re all wrong. And they are illegal.

    Without a doubt there are SOME THINGS that are illegal but not wrong, and some things that are wrong but not illegal.

    Dog fighting does not fall into that category.

    It’s wrong, it’s illegal, and if the guy is guilty, he should be strung up by his balls.


  2. Micromike says:

    #6 – Man of Leisure. You are sick, and the fact you have failed to profit from counciling shows you like being sick. Like many other twisted sickos you love to put words in other peoples mouths and assume you see the world clearer than they. This is a symptom of your mental illness, it’s called delusions of grandeur. I never said I wished lynching on the guy, I said it would justify lynching and I stand by it. Pack your racism charge up your ass, I didn’t even care enough about this sick bastard to know what race he was when I wrote that and I live in the west where we lynch more white people than black (historically). Your parable about the scorpion has nothing to do with this and the dogs are not born vicious they are just terrified after being treated horribly and fed things like gun powder to make them mean. The dog doesn’t want to kill, it just wants to avoid being killed and is doing the only thing it can under the circumstances. This has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of dogs but everything to do with sick bastards like you thinking it is OK to torture dumb (unable to speak) animals. There has never been a dog born vicious, NEVER, they are made that way by cruel handling. Again if you weren’t such a mentally deranged bastard you would understand this. Only people who know nothing about dogs assume they are born killers and that simply is not true, never has been true and never will be true. People make dogs vicious, usually ignorant, deranged assholes like the guy in the story.

    The dogs are innocent and have no choice or control. You, on the other hand are supposed to be able to reason and do better but you choose to be ugly and despicable. I second the motion to make you Troll of the Year. I think your head is so far up your ass you haven’t seen the light of day in years and will never get another breath of fresh air.

    The fact that you don’t get the point proves you are mentally deficient and ignorant and only you can change that.

    I repeat – you are sick and should get professional help, and listen to it, for the good of your family and the people in your town.

  3. bobbo says:

    61—You’ve said that, and only that, about 4 times now? ((and yes, NOW I’m bustin yer balls!)).

    Don’t you think it is indicative of “something” that all those crimes on your list are against people with the only exception being dogs? And thats why I’m asking.

    It is I think mostly cultural. Not our culture, so make it illegal. It could be modified and regulated to make it more “humane” but lets just exercise our police powers against those from who we have different values. Kinda like making skateboarding illegal in so many places. I can’t skateboard, so lets make it illegal.

    What I’m after is why not keep dogfighting something we disdain and disapprove of, rather than go the extra step of making it illegal. FREEDOM is allowing others to do things we would not. Are we not a FREE people?

    Responding with “Its Illegal” or “Its wrong” or both will mark you as “not in tune with the multicultural variety the world has on display.”

  4. bobbo says:

    62–Many dogs are made viscious that way but my half sharpei was bred as a palace guard, I got him as a puppy and he was treated like a baby. As a puppy on our first walk in the neighborhood, he went ape-shit at the sight of a cat, squirrel, or other dog. Completely fine around people which was his saving grace. One night someone rather small snuck into our house thru the dog door and at 200AM Ghengis bolted up in our bed and ran to that room and attacked the guy. Blood on the concrete outside the dog door.

    Wonderful dog. He killed himself running thru our glass sliding door when trying to get at a dog being walked on the sidewalk.

    Dogs, like people, can be made worse by conditioning, but have a variable disposition as Darwin noted.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    OK, Bobbo. You win. You talked me to death.

    I’m outta here.

  6. bobbo says:

    65—No, in not being clever enough to engage you further, I lost the opportunity for a good discussion. thanks for contributing that cruelty for its own sake is a difference in kind and worthy of being illegal.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #66 – Bobbo – You are one sick, twisted, and pedantic little muther fucker…

    I hope you around for a very long time 🙂

  8. Human Being says:

    Amazon.com is a corporate profiteer in dog and animal fighting. Amazon.com sells dog fighting and animal fighting books, videos, magazines, etc. Go to their site and tell them what you think or call their toll free number. They are very argumentative about their “right” to do that!

    Target is also doing aggressive promotion of Vicks items to capitalize on this tragedy. I just went to their website and sent the following email:

    SHAME on Target for promoting Michael Vicks merchandise instead of pulling it from the shelves!!! You put yourself in his base category, and the buying public, myself included, won’t forget it! In fact, I will be going on several blogs right now to point that fact out. With any luck, the Humane Society and PETA will soon be boycotting you, too.

    Any response?

  9. bobbo says:

    68–Only since you asked—where there any good sale items?

    or more seriously, Yes!! – – Identify your values and take appropriate steps. If its “in mind” where are animal rights in your list of priorities? In other words, what other issues do you take action on? ((Just curious.))

  10. Do you condemn how dogs were treated on Vick’s property, that they were kept chained? Did you know that Iditarod dogs are kept permanently chained? Dogs who don’t make the main team are not taken off chain. For the facts, visit the Sled Dog Action Coalition website.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Do you condemn how dogs were treated on Vick’s property,
    >>that they were kept chained?

    Sure. Chaining is bad. Chaining and then hooting and hollering with dollar bills in your fist as dogs rip each others to bloody shreds for the fun and profit of onlookers, that’s even worse.

    I’m no fan of the Iditarod. Of course, I’m no fan of taking kids from their parents at 4 to train for the Olympics either. There are a lot of sick people in this world. Plenty to go around.

  12. meetsy says:

    “man” of leisure (I’d guess that you don’t quite live up to that title) you are not getting it. The dogs are bred to have a genetic flaw, but then it is exploited. Fighting dogs are tormented from the moment they are born to “get fight”. They are starved. They are beaten. They are forced to attack smaller animals (very often stolen house pets, by the way). So, yeah, your Auntie Sally’s prized pug might be the stolen pet to be sliced up (to get blood dripping) and put into a burlap sack and dangled above a bunch of starving fighting pups. Graphic, yes, but it’s one of the many training techniques to get the dogs “blood thirsty”.
    These sicko breeders breed hundreds upon hundreds of puppies a year, and only a few end up in the fight pen. The rest are either killed (more training for their litter mates) or tossed out (ending up in the pound and/or in unsuspecting adoptive homes).
    In areas like West Oakland, CA you come across rotting mutilated carcasses of dogs every few days. Dogs with gaping bite wounds, and dogs that have had their heads smashed in. (Oh yeah, the “owners” often get mad and kill a dog that didn’t show good fight.) Meanwhile, in the more affluent areas there are hundreds of pets that are lost or stolen and never found (kids get 10-30 bucks for each piece of “bait” they bring in). It’s so bad that you cannot risk bringing your pet along for a car ride (if you are going to do errands) or leave them in your own fenced yard.
    Dog fighting is not like Iraq. It’s not a free choice (you don’t have to join the Army, doofy). And, we don’t start brutalizing humans (to fight) from the moment they are born. Dog fighting is not humane. It’s another sick sport.
    As for football….feh! Who cares to watch a bunch of millionaires prancing around on astro turf? Seems gay to me.

  13. Sam says:

    I hate him. I wish he was dead. I’d like to kill him myself. He’s a sadistic scum-sucking bastard who deserves the worst in the world and he will get it. He makes me sick. He should be fired. I pray NIKE pulls his sponsorship. They will. People hate monsters like him. KILL the BASTARD. His mother must be a real prize to raise a satan like him.

  14. Sam says:

    He deserves to die an agonizing death. I’d pay and laugh to see it. He is evil, pathetic, stupid, cruel, and trash with cash. He needs to lose everything he has and end up broke, reviled, and living in a cage until satan punches his ticket.

  15. Flathead Nick says:

    Man of Leisure (#6) is a loser and the two issues are un-related. What Michael Vick did is akin to tortouring and assulting children….the fundamentals are the same in that kids and dogs are living, breathing, feeling and helpless creatures that have to rely on others to be responsible for them and do the right thing to ensure their survival and prosperity. Michael Vick’s actions are unacceptable.

    Man of Leisure showed his ignorance and idoicy by making that statement – #7 is no better. I’m ashamed to know that you are Americans – you shouldn’t be allowed in this country until you can appreciate what it provides for you. F-ing d*ck

  16. KaiLani says:

    I believe Vick should be put throught the same tourture he put the poor dogs though. Lets exhaust, rape, starve, beat and drug him on a daily bases. Any animal put threw that kind of tourture is of course not safe to any community and needs to be put down but thats not the breed. NO animal is born or bred to fight they are tought to fight and be viciuos by there master. since pitbulls are so smart and eager to please they will do there best to not dissapoint, and that is why pitbulls have such a bad name. those super stars think they can get away with anything, well i think thats bullshit! Carma will get those who fight and abuse pitbulls! i love pitbulls and i cant stand what people turn them into it is such a waste.


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