Colorado Daily – July 12, 2007

Last weekend more than a dozen envelopes bearing the image of skull and crossbones and containing letters threatening the lives of CU-Boulder evolutionary biology professors were slipped under the doors of CU-Boulder buildings.

According to a reprint of the letter posted online, the threat reads: “every true Christian should be ready and willing to take up arms to kill the enemies of Christian society.”

“EBIO (evolutionary biology) professors are terrorists against America and Š intellectual and spiritual child abusers of their young and impressionable students Š the EBIO department not only blasphemes God, who is invisible, but it blasphemes His Only Begotten Son and our Messiah, Jesus Christ, which is more unforgivable Š for all these reason all God-fearing and Truth-loving persons must say, They must go!”

CU officials won’t name a suspect, but numerous sources close to the case say the letters – as well as a barrage of threatening e-mails – were signed “Michael Korn.”

Menacher “Michael” Korn is a 49-year-old Israeli national and former Messianic Jew who says he was baptized into Christianity in the Sea of Galilee seven years ago and is now on a mission to convert Jews and Muslims. His blog, JesusOverIsrael., references CU-Boulder specifically and says he lives in Denver, although he has a North Carolina area code.

Of course the US press is burying this story. It’s nearly a week old and this is the only report of it I could find on Google News!

  1. sdf says:

    Some video of other happy campers:

  2. ECA says:

    Jesus was a Pacifist…

  3. Jerk-Face says:

    2. “Jesus was a Pacifist… ”

    “I come not in peace but with a sword”

    But of course a Christian apologist would argue he didn’t really mean that, he actually meant the opposite. Which is why we all know that the Bible is the absolute and unchanging literal truth.

  4. ECA says:

    3, ever hear of an Abridged dictionary??
    well the Bible 99% of the people READ, is Totally abridged.
    I suggest getting the reference guides to the bible, and would ask you to give me the Location of that Quote.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    These folks is America’s answer to the Talibans. Religious oppressors.

    #1 – Good video, sdf. This lady is more fucked up than my fundamentalist Pentecostal neighbor.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    I read a quote a while back… it went something like this:

    If Jesus had been killed on an electric chair… Would the Christians wear small electric chairs around their necks?

    Interesting question…

  7. Jerk-Face says:

    4. And like I said, the Christian apologist would argue….

    Either the quote is right or is wrong. If the quote is wrong the Bible is wrong.

    If it’s right, the quote either means exactly what it says or it means something different from what it says. If it means something different, the Bible cannot be understood objectively.

    So either the bible is wrong, but even when it isn’t, it is.

  8. hhopper says:

    sdf – Scary video.

    And the brainwashing continues…

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Of course the US press is burying this story. It’s nearly a week old and this is the only report of it I could find on Google News!”

    Puh-lease, it’s in Boulder, Colorado; where death threats to anyone opposing their flavour of Jesus is a common thing.

  10. tkane says:

    I don’t see why you think this was being “buried” by the press. Obviously the guy is a kook. Does it pay to give shrift to every kook that makes threats and doesn’t carry it out?

    Now for those quotes:
    Matthew 10:34
    “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law – 36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

    But then again:
    Matthew 5:39
    38″You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[a] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

    Clearly the sword means the breaking away from the Jewish traditions and the troubles this would cause. I mean, would it sound more credible if it read “Verily I come to shake things up?”

  11. gtriamy says:

    7. It sounds like you’re confused a little here. Your mind set doesn’t work with religion, especially christianity.

    To take the bible literaly word for word would be dumb, because the english bible that you are reading, is not God’s word. If you were to look at the bible in a historical context, the bible was originally written in another language (Greek or something like that, I don’t remember; don’t get all mad at me because I can’t remember the original language, it’s been a long day). This original text was then translated into another language. It was then translated again. Then some people didn’t like the first translation, so they translated it a different way…etc.

    To gain a better (look that I don’t use the word full because in order to gain a full perspective you have to read the original text) perspective you have to either (a) use a bible with crib notes and supplementary text or (b) go to school and learn about the bible in all its different ways. Besides, the bible is the word of God, and if we knew how to speak the word of God fluently, we wouldn’t have this problem.

  12. Jerk-Face says:

    10. “Clearly the sword means the breaking away from the Jewish traditions and the troubles this would cause. I mean, would it sound more credible if it read “Verily I come to shake things up?””

    Thanks for proving my point exactly. The Bible cannot be read literally or objectively.

  13. Jerk-Face says:

    11. “To take the bible literaly word for word would be dumb”

    I cannot possibly agree more! In fact, I think it’s the most insightful thing I’ve ever read on this blog. Pat yourself on the back!

  14. sdf says:

    #5 a nice and timely video 🙂

  15. SN says:

    10. “Does it pay to give shrift to every kook that makes threats and doesn’t carry it out?”

    I’ve read plenty of stories about Muslims who were arrested before they were able to carry out their threats. How is this any different?

  16. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Anyone else want to join the antitheist movement? It seems to make more sense everyday. Tell me again how this or any other flavor of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion is a religion of peace; I keep forgetting.

    WWJB would be more appropriate. (Whom would Jesus Bomb?)

  17. John Paradox says:

    I read a quote a while back… it went something like this:
    If Jesus had been killed on an electric chair… Would the Christians wear small electric chairs around their necks?

    Some comedian (real comedian, not just some yutz) had: what if Jesus had been killed by bee stings?

    If you were to look at the bible in a historical context, the bible was originally written in another language (Greek or something like that, I don’t remember; don’t get all mad at me because I can’t remember the original language, it’s been a long day).

    Most of the ‘books’ in the OT were in Hebrew, the NT was mostly Greek, because those were the ‘languages of the day’ (for those who cared about the Bible). I have various ‘non-canon’ Gospels, etc. in a row of books about Religion/Theology and have read some VERY interesting stories.


  18. Mr Christian says:

    #7 WHAT?

    #3 You have misquoted the passage. in context it says:

    34 ‘Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.35 ‘For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

    Of course this part needs to be taken in context of the whole chapter, and the book in which it appears. Not everyone will be able to understand what he said and why he said it. Only those who by Gods Holy Spirit have been given the gift of understanding will be able to glean the truth.

    I really like what Jesus said in the preceding verses:
    32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

    Kind of makes you think doesn’t it?

    #6 That is ridiculous. There are no “if”s” pertaining to the crucification of Christ. The prophecy pertaining to the crucification of Christ was clear that he would be hanged on a tree. And the prophecy was fulfilled not by Jesus or his followers but by those who hated him, so you know it was legitimate.

    I think the US media is doing right by burying the story if they have no credible sources. Who knows who really wrote and sent those letters.Could be him, could be someone claiming to be him.

    I hope that whoever is sending the threats is caught and put out of commission. We have enough with terrorist threats from outside we don;t need the from within.

    As for the video, who knows. It could be accurate, I could be over dramatized. It could accurately portray whats going on. my question is what does it have to do with these threats in Colorado? Are you saying the kids did it? I guess anything is possible, but you really don’t believe every bit of video you see do you?

  19. RBG says:

    0. And while you’re at it, could you itemize all the other bomb threats across the US?


  20. Jerk-Face says:

    18. “#7 WHAT?”

    Yeah, following simple syllogisms would pretty difficult for a Christian. I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt your brain.

    “You have misquoted the passage. in context it says:”

    Really, God wrote in English? I never knew.

    “Not everyone will be able to understand what he said and why he said it.”

    Thanks for proving my point yet again. The Bible is not objective and should not be read literally.

    “Kind of makes you think doesn’t it?”

    So was I supposed to take that quote literally or interpret it so that it really means the opposite? Thanks.

    “I think the US media is doing right by burying the story if they have no credible sources. “

    Yeah, university professors make very bad sources. They’re all part of the vast liberal conspiracy.

    “We have enough with terrorist threats from outside we don;t need the from within. “

    I’m glad you agree he’s a terrorist.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – bla bla bla

    Doesn’t change the fact that the Christians are using tool of torture as unifying symbol.

    I think the US media is doing right by burying the story…

    And they should bury bomb and murder threats to abortion clinics if there’s no video of the perpetrator?

  22. mark says:

    9. Angel – Puh-lease, it’s in Boulder, Colorado; where death threats to anyone opposing their flavour of Jesus is a common thing.

    Sorry man, your dead wrong, Boulder is one of the most liberal towns this side of the Bay area in California. I think they event invented the term Granola. Where do you get your crazy ideas? Jerk Face is right though, there are so many versions of the bible, only an idiot could point to one and say its the true one. Literal interpretations my ass.

  23. BubbaRay says:

    From the “Cynic of the Day” (me) — Jesus wept. [From the Gospel of John and had to do with Jesus bringing back Lazarus from the dead?] I doubt there’s any way to bring these evangelical wackos back from being half brain dead.

    [Now donning, once again, Nomex suit (I’m not doing Bible research for a blog so if I’m wrong, don’t bother to flame).]

    BTW, nice vids, sdf and Jägermeister.

  24. LOL says:

    Yep nothing like a good ole religious posting to make for an interesting and entertaining comment thread. Ill guess..ummmm 45 comments at least by the time it dies lol

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – Really, God wrote in English? I never knew.

    And God had to communicate with dozens of authors over many centuries in order to get it right.

  26. SN says:

    24. “ummmm 45 comments at least by the time it dies lol”

    You’re thinking of an “Apple users are stupid” post. This is a “Christians are stupid and dangerous” post. Expect at least 70. 😉

  27. JimR says:

    #18… Jesus is not the son of God. He is the son of the Holy Spirit. The bible keeps getting that wrong, Geesh.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    Bomb Threats 4 Jesus? I liked the bong hits better.

  29. Mr Christian says:

    Hmm, I wonder why no one said anything about this part.

    32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

    I guess if you do not believe Jesus is real you do not have to worry about this or any other passage of the Bible.
    I guaranty Jesus is who he says he is. I pray that one day soon everyone here that does not personally know him now, will come to a realization of his love for us.
    Also, I pray that we all come to a clearer understanding of the sacrifice God made so we may be saved from an eternity separated from him.

  30. bobbo says:

    29–Given that Jeses/God/Holy Spirit made the universe and absolutely knew a billion years ago who he would allow to know him, and those he would not allow to know him, how can we “will” ourselves to know him? If we guess wrong, one way or the other, wouldn’t we be violating gods plan for us?

    All Knowing, All Powerful, Creator of All things—kinda leaves ushoomans out of the equation? Free Will?—Yes, God knows our choices, but turns away from that knowledge giving us free will. Uh huh!


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