Chris Pirillo leaned away from his webcam and pointed to his printer/scanner/fax machine, which stopped scanning and faxing after he installed Microsoft Corp.’s new Windows Vista operating system.

“I can’t live in Vista if the software that I use in my life for productivity does not work,” said Pirillo, in the third minute of a 52-minute video he posted on YouTube.

Nearly six months after it launched, gripes over what doesn’t work with Vista continue, eclipsing positive buzz over the program’s improved desktop search, graphics and security.

Pirillo is geekier than the average user. He runs a network of technology blogs called Lockergnome, and was one of several “Windows enthusiasts” Microsoft asked for Vista feedback early on.

Still, Vista tested even Pirillo’s savvy. He fixed the hobbled printer and other problems by installing VMware, a program that lets him run XP within Vista. But when his trial copy expired, he decided the solution was too clunky — and too expensive.

He “upgraded,” as he called it, back to XP.

I admit it. I read through this piece because Chris Pirillo is featured. Always liked what he did at Tech TV.

Everything else is pretty much what I expected from Microsoft. And that’s just sad. Because I think they’re capable of doing better.

  1. JustMe says:

    My wife just got a new laptop that was installed with Vista. It took 90 minutes to connect to our wireless network (DI-624) and link to the samba fileshare (Buffalo Linkstation). Finding the MAC address of the wireless card, or any network device, was impossible through the GUI. And since there is no Start->Run anymore, I just had to KNOW to type “cmd” in the search bar. VERRRRY INTUITIVE! At least CMD and IPCONFIG /ALL worked. But it couldn’t see the network since I don’t broadcast SSID. The GUI would not lead me to the manual setup…it kept going in circles! Eventually I found the manual setup page…don’t ask me how. Then I had to reboot to get the wireless working…don’t ask me why. Connecting to the file share was hell. Turns out Vista uses NTLMv3, and Samba on my Linkstation uses NTLMv2. To fix that I had to CHANGE THE REGISTRY!!!! Inexcusable!

    Also, HP does not offer an upgrade to Windows XP for those who insist. Beware!

  2. mark says:

    28. “If you buy a quality PC” And that is the key statement. Touche.

  3. ECA says:

    There is a problem with that statement…
    MORe people buy from HP/compaq/DELL, than anyone else…
    ANd if the system is CRAP then, why would it be any better NOW.
    Also those companies are also Slapping Vista on systems that SHOULDNT even be touched by Vista…
    READ THE BOX, REAd the fine print….
    When the FIRST win95 was released it was under the IDEAL that you didnt need to be SMART to own a computer.. You arent supposed to READ the fine print that SAYs….WILL NOT RUN AERO…because the gaphics card is CRAP. This machine will run LIKE crap because it only has 512meg…This machine IS crap because it only has a 60 gig drive insted of a 300gig which costs the SAME AMOUNT.

    Its NOT buyer beware…
    windows made a promise when they released Win95…That ANYONE would be able to use a computer…

  4. GregA says:


    On that promise they have delivered. My 6 year old son browses the web and has basically taught himself how to read with the internet. Before she passes away my grandmother was scrap booking with microsoft publisher and an inkjet printer and emailed everyone all the time in need of new photographs of the grandchildren and great grandchildren.

    What more is it that you want in usability?

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Why I prefer a PC over a Mac? Simple, I don’t live of turning fat & old chicks into hot covergirls.

  6. tallwookie says:

    Thats funny, i was discussing the *many* faults that Vista has with a user today… soooooooo glad the company i work for now doesnt use vista (yet, gag)

  7. Maggv says:


  8. deadpixel says:

    i’ve been using vista for about 6 months… after turning off a lot of the “new” stuff i haven’t had any problems.

  9. ECA says:

    so you think changing the OS every 3 years on a 60 year old person, IS A GOOD THING??? someone that has Never used a computer, and FINDING solitaire, is a challenge..
    Learning the Diff of the Left and RIGHT mouse button is a challenge for some people I know.

  10. Wayne Bradney says:

    I’ve used Windows since 3.11 for Workgroups (remember that?), and the only version I’ve had significant problems with (security or otherwise) is 98SE. I’ve been using Vista since January — and it ‘just works’ as far as I’m concerned. I’ve only had one application give a BSOD and that’s Alcohol120% (the XP version), and that was expendable since there were several other utilities out there that did the same thing and worked fine on Vista.

    Now, I’m an architect/developer, so maybe I’m not representative of the broader demographic, but I will say that MS development platforms and tools knock most (all) others into a cocked hat (especially for enterprise development alongside Office/Sharepoint/SQL Server — which I believe is Microsoft’s long-term core focus, not consumer Operating Systems). And I’ve used ’em all at some point.

    Never really used (or developed for) a Mac for any length of time (please — I’m in financial software), but I always thought of them as the Fisher-Price toy of personal computers (scarred by that “looks-like-a-toilet-seat” iMac notebook phase, I guess). I do have/use/love the iPod, though.

  11. Jeff says:

    I think what people failed to realize was the essential gist of his article. It isn’t Vista, rather the drivers (are lacking). This is not something that either Macintosh or GNU/Linux is going to solve given their driver support is “weak” at best. It is all the odd ball hardware and some older mainstream hardware that is not compatible with Vista. It is hardware that really needs to be compatible.

    It gets even worse when transitioning between x86-32 and x86-64. Here, there are few active drivers (due to lack of time, money and security measures taken by Microsoft).

  12. zzzzzzzzzzzza says:

    I tried Vista for a month, I changed my router, on XP changed router it does not matter, it just get IP form DHCP.
    Vista reconized that I’m on different network now, I was reading the message and I accidentally answer the wrong question and I think its only Local Connection with no Internet, No matter what I do it won’t let me go on the net. Even with Manual IP. I didn’t find a way to fix it so I just switched back to XP.

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    #3 You commented…
    “If you want something that just works use Apple.”

    So Apple is better than a PC? Here are 10 of the many reasons….

    1/ Service packs for a PC don’t cost upt to $200 they are free!! For Apple you have to buy them! Plus OS X version numbers will crash your brain…Apple’s iLife 06 Suite: Mac OS X v10.3.9 or v10.4.3 or later but v10.4.4 is recommended. >

  14. ECA says:

    CAN I ask for a Clarification….

    32 bit or 64bit… thats MOSt of my question…
    If you are using the 32bit version, I dont see many problems, but if you go the FULL 64 bit version, It still SUCKS…

  15. smartalix says:


    I’m still having the occasional spasm from my 64-bit Vista Ultimate install. It runs well 95% of the time, but…

  16. VegasBob says:

    I have Vista on my main PC, it runs beautifully, it has 3 hard drives 800gb total, 2 DVD-Writers, my second PC [which I built] has XP, I will upgrade it to Vista as well. My favorite Vista feature is the “Search”. I’ve even gotten comfortable with UAC. I’ve been running Windows since 3.1. I’ve also used Win 2k. I tried a Mac for a month, no reason to switch, I’ll stay with Windows.

  17. Dauragon88 says:

    My next computer will be a Macbook for videoediting.

    I will say that I have noticed ALOT of macs around my college suddenly.

    I don’t pick sides, both work just fine for me.

  18. hhopper says:

    ECA – You have to be smart to buy a computer. They don’t sell very many that are set up with the right stuff to begin with. I had to upgrade the cpu, the memory, the HDD and the graphics card when I bought my Dell XPS laptop. It’s a terrific computer but it wouldn’t have been so great if I had bought it as is.

  19. ECA says:

    Iv been dealing with computers and moding sense about 1978…
    but, MS claims that they want to make a machine that Anyone can use.
    from Installing software, upgrading Hardware…
    THEn I have seen systems with win 2000, 256 meg, 4meg video, and a 10 gig drive, being sold to customers… And they THINK they can do ANYTHING with this computer(besides write a letter in word pad). And its that $499 special from DELL, Compaq, HP…that used to have win95 on it…That they DIDNT sell, and they Slapped Win2k on it and are TRYING (succeeding) in sell this crap. WITH a Intel inside label and a MS logo on it.
    Im not talking about the 10% of the US, that KNOW abit about computers…Im talking about the 60 year old that STILL has problems with programming a VCR, or retuning a TV(and is still looking for the Dial), which is a GOOD 40%+ of the USA.
    Those that DONT know the interaction Of RAM to your HD for cache space, those that dont KNOW that you NEED 30% of your HD FREE to defrag, and cache. Those that dont know that 1gig is 1000x 1meg which is 1000 times 1k.
    YOU may know the basic requirements of What windows version you are using requires…These folks wouldnt TOUCH the insides of a computer, unless it was smoking, and splashing it with water MIGHT put out the fire.

    Yes this is a rant…
    YOU CANT believe that EVERYONE knows as much as you about ANything, as I dont think you have the knowledge to Cut a 1″ thick steel into 4′ sections.. Until someone teaches you.

  20. GregA says:


    Depends, do you want a fast cut or a nice cut? Fast, just grab the oxy torch(wont work on stainless though), although if you have access a sheer will work a lot better in. Or you could use a plasma cutter.

    Oh you want a finish cut, take it over to the water cut cnc shop, they handle 1/2″ plate all day long.

    Oh this is tool steel you are trying to shape? EDM is the only way to go.

  21. ECA says:

    There are Alot of problems with cutting this, esp Out in the middle of some persons field…NO power, no heavy Equipment.
    This is for the Giant recycling effort going on.. Sending ALL our metals to china..

  22. GregA says:


    are you trying to cut the metal, or are you trying to move the metal? If you want to move a big hunk of $1 per lbs metal like some high grade bridge steels what you do is get out the yellow pages look under metal recycling, pick one and call them and tell them they can have it if they haul it away.


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