“I just love my new apple!”

CNet News – June 25, 2007:

Even though we’re in the middle of iPhone madness, Apple has some good news coming out of its Mac department: market share went up last month.

According to NPD, Mac market share increased from 11.6 percent of the market in April to 13 percent of the market in May. Note that NPD tracks only the U.S. retail industry; those numbers include PC sales at places like Best Buy and Circuit City, but they don’t include direct sales, meaning that Dell’s totals are excluded.

Still, better to be going up than going down. Apple’s notebook share is now 14.3 percent, up from 12.5 percent of the market in April. Desktop share was only up a fraction, to 10.4 percent from 10.2 percent in April.

I couldn’t decide which picture to post, so I decided to post both. I doubt if I’ll have any complaints.

  1. JoaoPT says:


  2. GregA says:

    So in otherwords, according to NPD, the Macintosh is a Zune?

  3. weedmonk says:

    They’re to irrelevant to computing…

  4. Gig says:

    “U.S. retail industry; those numbers include PC sales at places like Best Buy and Circuit City, but they don’t include direct sales, meaning that Dell’s totals are excluded.”

    That also means that not all of Apple’s sales are counted. What percentage of apple sales comes from apple.com and apple stores? I would assume a lot but I could be wrong.

    So it basically means that it really doesn’t mean a whole lot.

  5. alger says:

    It’s always just as boring witnessing antifanboys – as fanboys. None of y’all apparently know anything about business – or comprehend how design development follows individual purchases – for some markets – and group purchases for corporate development. If you can call lowest common denominator “design” development? Yet, that’s what corporate sales tracks.

    The best of all computing has followed the individual standard all the way back to Chairman Bill’s “one cpu per user” days. Designers look at what people buy for themselves as opposed to what they use at their corporate big box job.

    What is it with y’all? Do you have a PS2 cable hooked up to one testicle (or a vibrator] now that you have a cordless mouse?

  6. JP says:

    Umm – “Dell’s totals are excluded.” ???

    So this excludes nearly 20% of the market, and the same people who ridiculed MS when they used the same market data for the zune now want to use it to trumpet apple once again …

    yawn …

  7. weedmonk says:

    “That also means that not all of Apple’s sales are counted. What percentage of apple sales comes from apple.com and apple stores? I would assume a lot but I could be wrong.”

    You seriously are trying to compare Apple.com to Dell Inc? Honestly man….Dell up until recently was the #1 PC maker and they do 99.9% through direct. These figures have to skewed because of that, and not mention other PC makers direct sales.

    Its good for apple, their retail has picked up. But to claim they now have anything about 5-6% of the US PC share is downright ridiculous…

  8. ChrisMac says:

    Doesn’t apple publish it’s sales/production numbers? If the picture is so rosy, I’d think they would be singing it from the rooftop.

  9. James Hill says:

    I mention it in another thread, and a new thread gets created.

    Now that’s service.

    Where’s the Leopard thread?

  10. mxpwr03 says:

    Yea well 2nd Q earnings report is due the 25th, so we’ll see.

  11. GregA says:


    Are you kidding, Apple uses the apparent quality of their products and word of mouth to sell their products. They would never stoop to the levels of using blatant hyperbole and wall to wall television advertising to sell their products. They are not offering products to the proles, they intend their products to go people who like (and can afford) the finer things in life.

  12. ChrisMac says:

    And, Those who can afford their stock.. I suppose

  13. moss says:

    So far, none of this crowd dared to risk their pitiful egos by reading the actual report from NPD, eh?

  14. Michael says:

    Say what you will, it’s true. Mac users are on the rise. I “switched” two years ago. A number of my friends have done the same. There are very few compelling reasons for “home users” to stay with the Windows platform. Are you listening, Dvroak? Windows is irrelevant. People want the software that’s available to the Mac. Now that they can have PC compatibility with that software, they’re making the switch. Then, once they’ve made that switch, they realize that they don’t really need Windows. Myself, I’m about to delete my BootCamp partition. I haven’t used Windows in months. The only thing I used it for is to play Team Fortress Classic, which is an ancient Half-Life 1 mod.

  15. GregA says:


    I would love to read the NPD report? Will you share your copy with me? I am looking at their website and it won’t even tell me how much the report costs. Must mean I can’t afford it. Maybe an Apple shareholder will buy a copy and share it around so we can all see?

    I mean, from the cnet article we can’t even tell if this is market share by dollar value, or market share by units sold. That tells me we should look at this number more like an index value. Yes, this index is rising… a little bit… At this rate this index will be 20% in the next 10 years or so. Maybe they will get to 20% of the laptop market in 2-3 years…

    This index doesn’t tell us why this change happened. Could it be that pc sales are soft generally… As just about everything is web based now, and for a general computer user having a faster computer doesn’t really accomplish anything anymore. Could it be that PC’s that are 1.5ghz and faster are good at everything people expect of them now so there is no upgrade urge in the public at large? I think if you wanted that type of information you would get the Gartner research rather than the npd report, because the gartner research is about trends in the tech industry, while the npd research is about trends in retail sales.

    But hey, don’t let the facts get in your way, you havent so far. By all means, continue to think you are superior to everyone else because of your choice in operating systems.

  16. tallwookie says:

    *sarcasm on*

    Apple makes computers now?
    gee whiz!

    *sarcasm off*

  17. Bill says:

    Considering that one Macintosh is worth let’s say, 1000 PC’s even more if they contain Vista and not XP… I think Apple is doing just fine…

  18. Jerk-Face says:

    I hate to say that a highly successful and profitable company has a problem, but Apple’s computer problem is that they don’t have a middle-end system. They have high-end computers. They have the low-end Mini. But where are the computers for everyday use? If you want to use a Mac you’re forced to spend a lot of money on more computer than you really want.

    However, it’s really more of my problem than Apple’s, because Apple loves selling high-end. Complaining that Apple only sells high-end computers is like complaining that Lexus only sells high-end cars.

    Apple is highly profitable because it sticks to the high-end market. With that market goal OSX doesn’t really have a chance to be a dominate OS, but it gives Apple plenty of chances to earn ridiculous profits.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    #8 James.

    Chances are that the developers at Apple are “Dude, everything M$ copied so faithfully from us tanked! We better recode Leopard!”

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – Complaining that Apple only sells high-end computers is like complaining that Lexus only sells high-end cars.

    Lexus is owned by Toyota, so they’ve already peed in the low-end and mid-section of the market.

  21. Jerk-Face says:

    20. The parent company of Lexus may have “peed” in the low-end and mid-section of the market, but the Lexus corporation itself has not.

    On a side note, I don’t know of any low-end Toyota vehicles, maybe they sell them in Japan, but not in the US.

  22. doug says:

    having used every MS OS since Windows 3.11 (except the latest one) I can state with confidence that my next laptop is going to be a Mac. I was watching this guy on the train this morning play around with OSX and me wantee. I might even pay the extra $200 for black.

    I will probably hang onto my copy of XP Pro for use in boot camp for the occasional Windows app. But I am done with Windows as my main OS.

  23. Jerk-Faces says:

    22. “I might even pay the extra $200 for black.”

    Oh yeah, 200 bucks for black is well worth it. Black laptops are just so rare. God, whoever would have thought about making a black laptop?! Only a genius like Jobs, that’s who.

  24. doug says:

    #23. Actually, my last two laptops were white and silver Dells, so ironically enough, my first black laptop could be a Mac. I don’t mind paying a bit more for a sharp looking computer with a non-MS OS.

    and Jobs is a marketing genius, no doubt about it.

  25. Jerk-Face says:

    24. “Jobs is a marketing genius, no doubt about it.”

    Oh yeah, any person who could make a sucker feel happy about paying 200 bucks for black is a fricking genius by any standard.

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yes, Joao?

  27. Jerk-Face says:

    26. I think we’re waiting for the show to start.

  28. bobbo says:

    Gee, almost an invitation to talk about this beautiful womans breastises, and the whole blog is about apple v pc? Haw, Haw!!!

    Wine or Sex before death?

    Next time, add in one last round of Doom.

  29. JoaoPT says:

    Nothin’ man…
    Just thought this was a perfect thread for you, but…
    Naaa… no Mac vs. PC religious wars today…
    Have fun and enjoy the good news…
    See ya

  30. Named says:


    You have to call him out with a well written screed against philosophy of a company that makes you believe you want no choice. He’ll answer. THEN, you throw it back by searching his old posts for contradictory statements. THEN he’ll attack your English. He’s Comic Book guy!


    Did it work?


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