Paula Kerger, President and CEO of PBS

Muslim Figures Condemn Violent Tactics of Islamists — 07/13/2007 — Here is a disconcerting article that highlights some complaints about PBS objectives in promoting apparent Islamist goals. There seems to be executive-level decisions at PBS to downplay radical Islam despite the capital flow from Saudi Arabia into the American Muslim community in an obvious attempt to corrupt our citizens. This whole thing needs further exploration. I only post this since there are never-ending complaints about “Muslim silence” when there is no silence. People are not being heard.

“This film is a microcosm for what’s happening in our society,” Gaffney said. “Members of the left have made common cause with Islamists and their front organizations.”

Burke agreed. “There is a certain hermetically sealed mindset, a certain moral relativism that I find astonishing,” he said.

According to Burke, as soon as PBS discovered that Alexiev and Gaffney had signed on as producers, it wanted them fired. When he refused to do so, PBS appointed several advisors to the film’s production, he said. One of the advisors was from the Nation of Islam, a group featured in the film.

“Do you appoint the mayor to advise an investigation on city hall?” Burke laughed.

Gaffney said that after the film was completed, PBS had another film made to replace it, entitled “The Muslim Americans.” He described the replacement film as “propaganda for the Islamists from end to end.”

related link:
Producer complain about PBS objectives

  1. tallwookie says:

    radical religion is beginning to bore me

    I’m going to start a radical not-giving-a-fuck group

    Any takers?

  2. traaxx says:

    The point is that the commie/progressive left has made common cause with a group that is basically a NAZI political group with theological underpinnings.

    From a social structure and political perspective they aren’t much different from one another the commie left and the Muslims both believe in centralized government control over everything with no freedom of will or self-idenity. The only real differance is the lip service each group is willing to pay to the religion.

    The interesting thing is that all the little groups that Christians have tolorated and allowed to grow here will not be tolorated or allowed by the Thrid World Muslims, so much for Gay Rights, the Man/Boy Society, or Women’s Rights. Exactly were will abortion advocates go.

    They’ve been sold out by the same Globalist that are selling out this country. Evil does consume evil, while they lose their heads about it.

  3. doug says:

    #38. on the up side, public schoolkids wil finally be taught that thunder is God bowling … the GOP should be happy about that. those wonderful Republican civil libertarians will also get to double the size of Gitmo like they want.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, traxx

    You didn’t think through what you are writing. The Right Wing Nut Neo-con Conservative Evangelical Republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency for six years. In that time they increased the government’s presence in our lives immensely. I don’t think the “commie/progressive left ” is advocating anything like that. In fact, they oppose it.


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