Paula Kerger, President and CEO of PBS

Muslim Figures Condemn Violent Tactics of Islamists — 07/13/2007 — Here is a disconcerting article that highlights some complaints about PBS objectives in promoting apparent Islamist goals. There seems to be executive-level decisions at PBS to downplay radical Islam despite the capital flow from Saudi Arabia into the American Muslim community in an obvious attempt to corrupt our citizens. This whole thing needs further exploration. I only post this since there are never-ending complaints about “Muslim silence” when there is no silence. People are not being heard.

“This film is a microcosm for what’s happening in our society,” Gaffney said. “Members of the left have made common cause with Islamists and their front organizations.”

Burke agreed. “There is a certain hermetically sealed mindset, a certain moral relativism that I find astonishing,” he said.

According to Burke, as soon as PBS discovered that Alexiev and Gaffney had signed on as producers, it wanted them fired. When he refused to do so, PBS appointed several advisors to the film’s production, he said. One of the advisors was from the Nation of Islam, a group featured in the film.

“Do you appoint the mayor to advise an investigation on city hall?” Burke laughed.

Gaffney said that after the film was completed, PBS had another film made to replace it, entitled “The Muslim Americans.” He described the replacement film as “propaganda for the Islamists from end to end.”

related link:
Producer complain about PBS objectives

  1. Proud Alien says:

    Why not show it on Fox then? The “Fair and balanced” can really benefit from anything “moderate” for a change. And what the heck is “CNS News”? I can’t say for everyone, but, no offense, I never heard of them and not sure why I should trust them more than PBS.

  2. James Armstrong says:

    Useful Idiots All

    I do declare, I don’t know a single leftist who isn’t either a feminist, abortionist, jew, atheist, intellectual or of the same race as those people who are now being slaughtered in Darfur for the greater glory of Allah.

    I’m half-way surprised that Hanoi Jane herself doesn’t fly to Pakistan to star in a video showing the proper disposition of sluts.

    OF COURSE these people are making common cause with radical Islam! Betraying the USA is who they are and what they do.

    I knew they would after 911. I didn’t see any logical way how. But I knew they would.

    “Team America: WorldPolice” Had it exactly right.

  3. joshua says:

    This isn’t just here John…..the BBC is taking flak for the very same thing and it’s coming from former jihadists as well as long time Muslim moderates. They are calling for unbiased reporting and investigative series, instead of the steady diet of pro-Islamic stories, the glorification of Palistian terrorists, anti-Israelie rhetoric. They feel that Muslim moderates are ignored, and the leftist media glosses over the fact that the Quran really DOES preach violence against non-believers, but that far more of the Quran as originally written teaches that violence against any human(unless they have committed murder) is against Allah’s will. The former jihadist says that Muslims need to stop allowing the terrorists to interpert the Quran and be the face of Islam, and the only way is for moderate Muslims to speak up louder and the leftist media to stop coddling the terrorists.

    In this country, we have always had the far leftists who support ANYONE that is anti-American(this is not saying ALL leftists, please note before you spit all over the place Fusion) and has supported groups that preached these things. All you had to be was a group claiming the U.S. goverment was against you and a certain segment of leftisit society rose up to protect you. What makes these leftist’s so powerful is their usual position in media and the arts(writer’s, artists, journalists, etc.) allows them to magnify their positions and views.

    PBS has been a left leaning network since long before I was born, and unless the charter is changed it will stay that way. I have advocated that any class or school that uses a PBS program should by law be required to off set it with an opposing viewpoint. We scream holy hell when the wing nuts want to teach their version of evolution, but say nothing when PBS is allowed to preach leftist anti-goverment, anti-religion, agenda driven victimology, unabridged in our public schools.

    The left will sue hospitals and church’s, and charities if they dare to say Merry Christmas to patients or others……they will run for a Judge the second they see a Star of David or a Creche or a Cross on anything even remotely public….but where are they when local, county and state goverments are setting up prayer rooms for Muslim employees to pray to Mecca from work or school. Heaven forbid you put the Ten Commandments on a courthouse grounds, it might cause confusion for the sheeple and children that the left is trying to indoctrinate with the belief that only the Muslims are pure hearted, and therefore deserve a room IN the courthouse or school for their daily prayers.

  4. lakelady says:

    I’m sick and tired of reading people ranting about “left” this and “right” that. Pointing fingers all over the place and never doing anything about anything. As long as this polarization continues we’re all doomed.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, joshua,
    The left will sue hospitals and church’s, and charities if they dare to say Merry Christmas to patients or others

    Please cite ONE case where the “left” has sued a hospital church, or charity for daring to say Merry Christmas. I know you can’t so please just shut up with the hyperbole. You don’t have an effen clue what the hell you are talking about.

  6. BL says:

    I saw one hour of this show this week. It appeared on Fox News.

    From the lead in it seemed that PBS ordered a show about Muslims in America who do not agree with or support terrorism. The series it was to be a part of is called America at a Crossroads.

    The one hour segment shown hardly showed American Muslims at all. Instead it focused on how Islamic society treats women and on terrorists.

    I think the reason PBS rejected the shows is that the program they got had nothing to do with the show they ordered. Instead they focused on areas that have already been beaten to death by the American media.

    The creators of this show are blaming PBS for censoring it when they did not deliver the show they contracted to do.

  7. alger says:

    You guys picked a great source. Check out their current editorial columns from Brent Bozell complaining about immorality in TV commercials – or Robert Novak complaining about Valerie Plame. Just look to one side or another of the linked article.

    Fair and Balanced wins, again.

  8. ECA says:

    I like a country that has freedom of religion…
    Can you point me to one, plz??

  9. alger says:

    I like the related link, too. You get to read Ann Coulter’s crap while you’re over there.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8 & 10, alger,

    Easy there buddy. These are joshua’s favorite hangouts. He gets some of his best “anti-left” rants from them.

  11. John,

    If you’re going to complain about biased news coverage why pick on PBS? Flawed as it is, it is an antidote to the Fox News kind of crap that suffocates the airways these days.


  12. Man of Leisure says:

    People in America have been brain-washed into believing that American muslims– at least some– MUST be terrorists. SOME OF THEM HAVE TO BE. That is the meme that has infected the writer of the article as well as many Americans who are open to mind control.

    The 400 or so cases that the article says were FBI reports of muslims doing acts of terrorism toward americans ARE BOGUS. They use the term “terrorism” so that the mind controllers can continue their unjustified raid in Iraq. They cannot continue their killing of Iraqis unless the American public continues to believe in a FEAR that there are [enter scary music here] Jihadest moles (American muslims) ready to kill Americans just because they want to abolish freedom. HOGWASH.

    I don’t just call a spade a spade, I call a spade a fucking spade.

    Those 400 cases were CRIMES, not terrorist acts. But, change the word and they change your mind. You are being controlled.

    What about all those idyllic propaganda movies about Americans? Why not include in those movies a section about Timothy McVeighs, Son of Sams, Jeffrey Daumers and some DU readers.

    PBS is trying to undo a lot of the damage that the powers that be have inflicted on dull American minds.

  13. Nth of the 49th says:

    Scully ??? Scully ??? is that you. Trust no one.

  14. ECA says:

    Where is the FREE, OPEN Society, I was promised int he constitution?

  15. Kballweg says:

    Did you really not bother to research the context to this, or are you just trolling for clicks?

  16. Anonymous says:

    He’s not JUST trolling for clicks (although he’s an admitted serial offender on that score) … Dvorak is also a neocon sympathizer of the kneejerk variety. He’s convinced himself that this is not the case, that he’s just ‘keepin it real’, but his postings – especially this one from a clearly biased source – speak for themselves.

    As to why the disconnect within him; well, he’s made his career in an industry that values objectivity, or the appearance of same, so he’s trained a long time to put on that affectation. However, his natural tendency to ‘run right’, on any issue, is strong. And the older (and more financially secure) he gets, the less capable he becomes of publically moderating that tendency. As happens to a lot of us when we get to a similar stage in life, the easy impulses of instinct & bias are overcoming the discipline of logic & good sense for ol’ JCD ’cause he just figures he doesn’t have to care anymore. He thinks he’s been around enough to have earned that right.

    Crank Geek, indeed.

    When all is said and done though, the other editors on this site are consistently much more interesting & thought provoking (as opposed to just ‘provoking’) than it’s founder. Time to start coming to terms with your limitations, John. Either improve yourself or hang it up.

  17. Jon says:

    OMG go look at the website and look at their articles…..gee they are slanted to the RIGHT….was Dvorek drunk or was this posted by someone else?
    Crikey did the RNC/FOX setup this website?

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    What a bunch of effen wing nuts. You idiots can’t understand anything.

    Dvorak posted this article for comment. So make your boneheaded comments about the article. DON”T be shooting the messenger.

    This whole thing needs further exploration. I only post this since there are never-ending complaints about “Muslim silence” when there is no silence.

    Or did any of you idiots bother to read the intro.

    Morani !!!

  19. doug says:

    “I supported PBS’s Islamofacism, and all I got was this lousy tote bag.”

  20. John C DvorHACK says:

    I have to agree with some of the comments above. Let me just add that it is clear from his posts like this, that John is about as far from being a reporter as is possible. John, check out your sources first. You Hack.

  21. joshua says:

    #5…Fusion….if you want sources….look for them. Maybe Salon or Slate will have an index for you.

    I learned long ago that citing sources for you is a waste of time. The only sources you believe are the 2 mentioned above and maybe the Left Wing Mouth Foamers Society home page.

    There are a lot of people from every part of the political spectrum that are just plain fed up with the PC crap trap that people like you spout. And the invective and name calling that is your staple and others of your lock step persausion when confronted with anything that you disagree with.

    My source for the above is this…….you and your comments for the last 18 months or so I’ve been coming to this blog.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, joshua,

    There you go again. Making up your crap as you go along. You make outlandish statements and when called on them dismiss it all with a “look it up yourself” quip.

    If you can’t back up what you say then it only shows just how truly stupid and reactionary you are. Get a life little boy. It is no wonder you can’t pass a bar exam. You’re too busy calling the examiner a lefty radical.

    Geeze, you are a sorry person.

  23. Geoffrey Knobl says:

    What an odd post. I know some at PBS are attempting to censor what is put on tv – just ask Bill Moyers – but silencing the radical right has never been on the agenda. I think Mr. Dvorak should double check his facts, if in fact it was John who posted this as much of what is spouted is opposite of what he has earlier implied (x)or said.

    Deliberate attempts have been made at PBS to silence opinions differing from the neo-con agenda but not from the non-existent liberal agenda. In fact, I have seen PBS television that has shown the radicals inside “Muslim” societies and “western” societies. I have, until recently, seen documentaries that have shown the openness, general kindness and willingness to co-exist with others that the mainstream in both societies still possess despite the shrill yelling that comes from neo-con fascists and their enablers, such as Fox, Murdoch, the former head of CPB and just about any Bush employee or cohort.

    If you want to find out about any truth that may be in this muddied water, see what Moyers has to say on this, if he knows anything about it, and he probably does.

    This whole thing smells like someone posting neo-con propaganda to deliberately smear the until recently, good name of PBS.

    Final statement on broadcasters in general. Most of the television news broadcasters in the U.S. from the 50s to the 70s tried to reveal unvarnished facts and glean truth from those facts. This changed around the time of Nixon when deregulation and dismantling of fairness laws began reaching its nadir now with the purposeful ownership of most broadcast media by neo-cons. It’s time to bring the Fairness Doctrine back and reregulate media ownership. The neo-cons must be removed from power and either educated or simply silenced by overwhelming them on all media with facts and truth. Even up until recently much media didn’t ever show a liberal bias but rather a bias towards truth until deregulation hit that industry, wherein the bias was for sensationalism. Now, with neos owning much of broadcast media there is a demonstrable bias towards neo-con fascism.

    John knows this and has said as much. This is why I find this post so at odds and unusual by John, if it is him.

  24. James Hill says:

    #6 – You nailed it. Well done.

  25. @29 says:

    Most of the egregious deregulation you speak of happened under Reagan, not Nixon. The latter was still a fuck-wad (for other well-documented reasons), but the former was the fuck-wad most responsible for making news the politically partisan, factually challenged, celebrity fawning, money-grubbing operation it has become today.

    God I miss Cronkite & Murrow & all the golden oldies who actually took their jobs seriously, and tried to inform the public come hell or high water, even at the risk of their own lives & careers. Dvorak and all the other hacks found high & low in the media today aren’t worthy to lick their boots.

  26. Jason says:

    LOL. In other news only posts stories about wacko Christian nutbags, and does 0 stories on churches sending work teams to Mexico to build homes, or hand out blankets to mud slide victims, or give food to the homeless, or the millions of other good things Christians do every day.

  27. doug says:

    hmm … speaking of censorship, a posting I did this morning about the possible ‘alarmist’ tone of this piece (the author of the article cites anti-dog, anti-booze Muslim cab drivers as evidence of a sharia state within a state in Minnesota) seems to be missing ….

  28. Angel H. Wong says:

    If I wanted to see bearded arab men I’d go look for porn on the internet.

    Otherwise, I’d prefer for PBS to stick to putting white folk in daunting scenarios.

  29. passerby says:


    You are, of course, correct. Unfortunately, you’ll find nothing like reason in these parts. At some point the ultra left wing nuts invaded this blog and there’s not much tolerance for intelligent debate anymore. I only check in from time to time to see just how bad it’s gotten.

    I feel really bad for John on this because he seems like a pretty practical guy. It must suck to setup a blog and have half of San Francisco show up.


    I hope you’ll remember your enthusiasm for the fairness doctrine the next time you start bitching about some mundane censorship issue. Amazing how liberals cherish the first amendment so long as all expressed views are their own.


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