Kwik-E-Mart Seattle, WA — As a gimmick a 7-11 store in Seattle was re-branded as a Kwik-E-Mart as in the Simpson TV show. I visited the thing, which is something of a tourist trap. My wife was sorely disappointed that the staff, despite being Indian, did not say “Thank you, come again” after you checked out. Even at the Billy Goat Tavern in Chicago, which was a model for a Saturday Night Live sketch, they will go out of their way to mock the parody. They insist on yelling “Ham-borgie” and when you order your drink they still say “No coke, Pepsi” despite the fact that you actually ordered a Pepsi. Here are some pics from this adventure.

Essentially the signage is just a vinyl print draped over the old 7-11 logo.

The front is a typical 7-11 except for the Simpson’s characters stuck to the facade.

On the window

There was a lot of Buzz cola but no Duff beer.

There was a Squishee machine, but it was oddly located. There was also an emphasis on donuts. They missed all sorts of Krusty the Clown angles. Overall I give the effort a C-.

  1. jason says:

    there is one in mountain view by shoreline and google too

  2. Man of Leisure says:

    John, I’m touched. I think this might be the first time you ever mentioned you even had a wife on DU– but actually involving her in one of your posts! Truly touched.

  3. Peter Yee says:

    The Mountain View Kwik-E-Mart carries Krusty-O cereal. The contents don’t match the box (thank goodness) and seem more like Fruit Loops.

  4. J says:


    The Billy Goat Tavern on Michigan Ave was not modeled after the Saturday Night Live sketch. It is the other way around. The troups at Second Ciy were regulars there. It was there LONG before any of the original cast of SNL were even born. The person they mock is the original owner.

    Check here for the history

    Sorry but those of us from Chicago are very proud of our landmarks.

    BTW we have a Kwki Mart here too by Midway Airport

  5. gquaglia says:

    How Gay. Does anyone even watch the Simpsons anymore?

  6. B. Dog says:

    #2, Man of Leisure: He has mentioned her in a context about modeling. Since she’s an ex-model, she’s able to give him valuable insider insights.

  7. Hoamer says:

    #5, No, apparently Fox keeps it on the air (18 years now?) for philanthropic reasons. Douchebag. I would love to hear the list of primetime sitcoms that YOU find funny.

  8. gquaglia says:

    #7 I don’t find any prime time sitcoms funny. They all cater to the same douche bags (your colorful phrase) that watch American Idol, survivor and all the other moronic shows on network TV. They are the sames idiots who can’t even name their own US Senators and think that the sun revolves around the Earth

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Sorry, gquag, but you’re all wet. You couldn’t possibly be more wrong about the show and about it’s audience.

    Even I thought that way the first couple years it was on, and I refused to watch such lowest-common-denominator crap. I mean, what kind of adults would watch a friggin’ cartoon?

    Then I accidentally watched an episode and have been kicking myself for being a pseudo-intellectual snob asshole ever since.

    It’s simply the best social satire ever on TV, and has become a touchstone of modern Western culture.

    I hope you don’t think that the likes of Dustin Hoffman, Larry King, Sting, JosĂ© Canseco, Steve Allen, Bob Hope, Steven Hawking, Werner Klemperer, Linda Ronstadt, Buzz Aldrin, Donald Sutherland, Paul Winfield and John Waters are all fools for appearing on a “moronic show”…

    You’re missing out, old man. Intelligent, literate, iconoclastic, insightful, crude, tasteless, hilarious and thought-provoking. Find me one other TV show that matches that desciption.

  10. MikeN says:

    Might have been interesting 10 years ago. Now the Simpsons are largely irrelevant. Not anywhere near as pointless as SNL, but definitely down.

  11. #4 — HELLO! Reread the post: “Billy Goat Tavern in Chicago, which was a model for a Saturday Night Live sketch.”


    Note the word “for.” Note the missing word “after.”

  12. tallwookie says:

    #4 – HAHA

    OH SNAP!!!

  13. Steve says:

    #11 John, it must be something in the neurons because the first time I read it I saw the same thing. I had to go back and re-read it.

    As for the Simpsons it is on locally twice a day in the early evening. I watch it and then watch the MSM national news and then watch the Simsons again after. It sort of prepares me for all the BS.


  14. smartalix says:

    There’s a big brouhaha brewing over Apu:

    Both for:

    The wonder of Apu

    …and against:

    The Apu travesty

  15. J says:

    #11 John C Dvorak

    I’m Sorry. My mistake.

    I feel better that I wasn’t the only one who read it that way.

    Although, maybe my memory is failing me in my old age because I recall cutting and pasting the quote from you article. Do I smell an edit? 🙂 just kidding.

    But again… mistake.

  16. Gig says:

    #4 Completely off topic but you said, “Sorry but those of us from Chicago are very proud of our landmarks.”

    Yet your mayor bulldozes one of the coolest airports in the country.

  17. Dauragon88 says:

    My girlfriend got a big assed squishee a week ago

    I was jealous….

  18. J says:

    #17 Gig

    Yes, and we were all pissed about that. Especially those of us that used it. If you look at the history on that you will see that it was a very underhanded move on his part. Not a very popular one at that.

  19. Gig says:

    #19 I’m WELL aware of the history of this act which could be described as criminal.

    What amazes me is that he keeps getting reelected. I guess all the dead people that vote in Chicago don’t care about the airport.

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    This last season has been fairly aimless and disappointing, admitted; but there were slumps before, and it always came back…


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