The Hoochie Mama in question, Deborah Moscone

Cripes, a German being rude, shocking. ;)

“Too sexy for my bus”, German woman told – Reuters: A German bus driver threatened to throw a 20-year-old sales clerk off his bus in the southern town of Lindau because he said she was too sexy, a newspaper reported on Monday.

I say, Daaaaamn, see the picture above and judge for yourself.

“Suddenly he stopped the bus,” the woman named Debora C. told Bild newspaper. “He opened the door and shouted at me ‘Your cleavage is distracting me every time I look into my mirror and I can’t concentrate on the traffic. If you don’t sit somewhere else, I’m going to have to throw you off the bus.'”

Boy, that’s some powerful cleavage.

“The bus driver is allowed to do that and he did the right thing,” the spokesman said. “A bus driver cannot be distracted because it’s a danger to the safety of all the passengers.”

Geez, I guess this creep has never been told that staring is rude.

  1. fred says:

    #21 “Uh, Fred. I suggest that you Google “sarcasm”. You’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?”

    Thank you so much for referring me to the definition of sarcasm. Had you not done so, I should probably have gone through my whole life without ever knowing what the word meant. .

    By the way, your observation about sharp knives was a pretty blunt comment. 🙂

    To my original post – obviously I realized that you were being sarcastic. It’s just that I get thoroughly fed up with inept translations and miss no opportunity to say so.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    No prob, Fred. As a failed speaker of German myself, I recognized that translation as something that sounded as though I had done it myself.

  3. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #28 – What are the grammatical rules for usage of “boobicles” vs “chesticles”?

  4. JFStan says:

    Now, if I were there, I would have been happy to sit in her lap and shield her from the view of the driver. Chivalry is not dead!! 🙂 🙂

  5. Aurileo says:

    It burns when I pee!

  6. tehf00f says:

    That right there is an example of a responsible driver.

  7. Andreas says:

    Great Story! NO Lawsuit, NO people getting fired just the plain truth. Nice example for AMERICA!

  8. m4573r0f3cch1 says:

    Down here in Mexico, bus drivers reserve the first 2 seats behind them for hoochie mamas to stare at. They actually put a little chain to prevent anyone else from sitting there! and God help you if (man or woman) you dare touch that chain w/o a set of righteous tatas. Guys like that are the reason Germany’s losing a quarter of its population by 2050. WTF is wrong with that guy?

  9. tallwookie says:

    #40 – one more reason to appreciate mexico – if not the mexicans…

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Uh.. That would be John Cleese.

  11. fred says:

    #42 Angel, I suggest that you read #31 again – very carefully!

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Thx, fred…

  13. Marie Cahill says:

    I cant believe the insensitive remarks in this thread.

    Have any of you considered the possibility that the bus driver is of the Islamic religion?


  14. BubbaRay says:

    Ha! Now that this thread is so old, I can post this link to Joe Walsh’s ILBT. Hey, it was suggested by a friend and not my doing, I never look at cleavage. 😯

    You’ll have to search the page for “I.L.B.” and click ‘listen’.

  15. The Undecided says:

    What I can’t ever figure out is… do they want us to look at their cleavage or not?

  16. Niamh says:

    I am from Lindau and I know all the persons from this case in person. I can assure you that the woman shaves her legs AND her armpits like most women in germany do. and the busdriver is not at all a muslim, he is just an annoying old man who always says a bit too much. He thinks he´s funny and stories like that are the results of it.

  17. Kayjay says:

    l agree with Nekkes ( july 16th ) Having just read the story of the young woman who was asked to move away from the drivers view l have to say l am not surprised. l am a 62 year old woman who was born in germany —- my mother is german — but grew up in england. As my mother did not teach me any german l taught myself, from books/tapes ect, but my german is by no means fluent, although a very good basic standard. ln many, many ways l prefer germany to england. l like the culture, people and thinking in germany better. But not your bus drivers. ln in my time l have NEVER ( and l have travelled widely) come across such unhelpful, rude, miserable and arrogant people as the german bus driver. They just cannot be bothered to answer a simple question, like ” do you go to adenauer platz” oh no , that is to much bother for them, they just want to drive and have nothing to do with their passengers. Everywhere else the service is fine, in shops, restaurants ect but never, in my opinion, on a bus. l would be really interested to know the reason for this, is it a job requirement that they only employ miserable, rude people ? Maybe you could ask the bus company. l have travelled in berlin, darmstadt and koln, and they are all the same l would be interested in your comments on my feedback. l don`t know why people in germany put up with it.


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