This article has a number of pics of animals and people (including kids!) with this condition.

Monstrous Myostatin Misfortunes – A Collection of Myostatin Deficiency Pictures

Many of you have seen or heard about Wendy the whippet – a dog with a rare genetic mutation that has led to her being called the Arnold Schwarzenegger of dogs.

The genetic mutation is a deficiency in myostatin, which is a growth factor that limits muscle tissue growth.

But that rare genetic defect does not occur only in the whippet breed. In fact, it can and has occurred in other animals… even in humans themselves!

Behold! The ultimate collection of myostatin deficient monstrosities!

  1. bobbo says:

    I have never seen anything close to that guy. Gotta be photo-shop?

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Nope. He’s real. Just a more ‘natural’ side of people who do it artificially.

  3. Milo says:

    Nothing to indicate any of the humans were tested for it. I’m inclined to think they’re doing crank and lying. According to Michael Jackson his complexion is the result of a health problem! Yeah right.

    Nobody seems to want to say the obvious these days: nearly every athlete is doing crank and all of the successful ones are.

    Some 10 years ago a friend of mine had a job cleaning some gyms. When he dumped the garbage he could hear the “tinkle tinkle” of dozens of pill bottles and syringes! This was at a gym used by amateurs and some 14 years ago. How much more now?

  4. James Armstrong says:

    The photo of the man is indubitably a photoshop creation.

  5. OvenMaster says:

    Sweet bleeding Jebus. The dog I can understand, but how can anyone find that “man”‘s appearance attractive in any way, shape or form?? Even Superman doesn’t have muscles like that.

  6. tkane says:

    What do these have in common? A movie deal somewhere in the offing!

  7. ChrisMac says:


    Unless you can provide his name and more pics

  8. Slappy says:

    Photoshop or not, the guy looks disgusting.

  9. sdf says:

    That last picture of the bodybuilder is an example of people who have injected something like oil (or something else I can’t recall) directly into the muscle tissue. Definitely more than just steroids or a plain ol’ photoshop. In fact I doubt any of the people shown share this genetic mutation. That blogger is an idiot.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>how can anyone find that “man”’s appearance attractive
    >>in any way, shape or form??

    Is there any reason to think sombody besides the freaks themselves find that “attractive”? YUCK! I’d rather look like Barney Fife or Napoleon Dynamite than that mutant at the end. GAK.

  11. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The similarity between the animal on the left and anyone who wants to look even remotely like the animal on the right is their respective IQs.

  12. bobbo says:

    2–Thanks Dave for the extra work, but you are proving my point. Those other muscleheads don’t look anything like that guy—its over the top! Every single muscle twice as big as any other freak working on just that muscle. Gotta see more pics. And why isn’t he making the news as the future governor of Ca?

  13. joshua says:

    I would say….what they have in common is identical brain capacity and little dicks!!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    I think some guys find this attractive for the same reason anorexics can’t see their real self.

  15. seriously says:

    for those that think the guy is real – stop it. just stop it. that is a (terrible) photoshop ~ stop saying “no no, it’s an oil that does that!” it’s not. there are truly disturbing men out there that abuse steroids and growth hormones (ie Gregg Valentino or Lee Priest) ~ but this is a damn photoshop. seriously, how gullible are you people?


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