
On Monday, Sony announced a $100 price cut for the 60GB PlayStation 3, taking the console’s retail price down to $499. Since many gamers saw the PlayStation 3 as too expensive at its previous retail price of $599, Sony’s decision was widely praised. Unfortunately, the $499 60GB PS3 isn’t going to last, because Sony has just confirmed that the company is no longer producing 60GB PS3s.

Not a bad deal for a Blu-Ray player with a game machine thrown in to boot. Better hurry though.

  1. sdf says:

    These things are clogging not only shelves but the whole chain. Once all the rubes clear out current stock, Sony can put out the upgraded version.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    $100 cut… buy today and we’ll throw in a rootkit for your PC for free!!

  3. hhopper says:

    Man, I’m glad I didn’t get one of those DVDs (CDs?) with the rootkit on it. Sony should have been prosecuted for that one.

  4. JoaoPT says:

    I’m just waiting for it to get cheap enough for me to buy it.
    Maybe this christmas.
    499 is the sweetspot. Cheaper than the Xbox, once you factor in the HD DVD. Silent, as opposed to the Xbox. Don’t really know about the failure rate of the PS3, but nothing can be as bad as the Xbox in thet department.

  5. ChrisMac says:

    With the price of games.. I wouldn’t pay $299 for the console.

  6. jasontheodd says:

    #3—–Sony was sued by a few states of the union and by a few European countries, now Sony is Suing the company they hired to make the root-kit. Most of the cases have settled, except for Sony’s own case. It hasn’t slowed Sony down though, now they are using some strange-ass DRM that is making the audio skip on some CDs when played on a PC……….some just don’t live and learn I suppose.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #3, #7

    It’s for the best to stay clear of Sony… they’re just as anti-consumer as Microsoft.

  8. Mark T. says:

    It appears that, in order to further reduce cost, the chips that allow for PS2 game compatibility in the current 60GB PS3 will be eliminated on the new model. Backward compatibility will be handled through software emulation on the new 80GB PS3.

    So, you get a free game (Motorstorm) and 33% increase in hard drive space but some of your old games won’t run well, if at all.

    Emulation is never the best option for compatibility so don’t trash your old PS2 yet if you want to play your old games.

  9. Brian says:

    Sony still is selling this POS?

    Funny, I thought they got the hint that NOBODY wants this console.

  10. JoaoPT says:

    Neither Sony nor Microsoft are either pro or against consumer.
    Think of this like a wildlife documentary… M$ and $ony are the Lions and Hienas. The consumer, is a large pack of Gnus…(no floss pun intended).
    Let’s face it consumer is there for the take…

  11. Peter iNova says:

    I: $100 cut for 60GB.

    I: 60GB no longer produced.

    I: 80GB (or larger) now BEING produced.

    Q: Sony raise price on 80+, later?

    A: Anathema. Fall on sword.

    X: Christmas see 80+ at -$100 price point.

    D: Hurry out and buy yours now, before the rush.

    [Key: I = Item, Q = Question, A = Answer, X = eXpansion, D = aDvisor recommendation?]

  12. Mikey Benny says:

    Re: 13:

    [Key: W = What. T = The, F = Fuck are you talking about?]

  13. James Hill says:

    Had an interesting conversation on another board I frequent, and we came to the conclusion that this move isn’t going to make a bit of difference in the console wars.

    The price point the PS3 needs to reach to make a comeback is $425. That’s not what Sony is doing here, however: They’re only lowering the price to clear out legacy inventory.

    The Blu-Ray trojan horse just got sent to the glue factory.


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