A Texas newspaper has pulled a reporter out of the border city of Laredo following reports that Mexican drug traffickers are planning to kill foreign journalists along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Separately, Reporters Without Borders urged Mexico’s government to stop the violations of press freedom it says are coming from local politicians and criminal gangs.

Reporters Without Borders said it considers Mexico one of the world’s most dangerous places for the press, with two journalists killed and two missing since January.

Anyone else notice that the Mexican drug gangsters are becoming fascinated with the “look and feel” of Al Qaeda? Reflecting on cultural history, it’s no surprise to see outlaws in one land expressing their admiration for their peers in another – by copying their externals – regardless of motivation and goals.

  1. JPV says:

    Some Mexican groups feel that the US stole much territory from them and are already planning on ways to get it back.

    It will only be a matter of time before the real terrorist threat won’t be the imaginary Al Qaeda, but the the Aztlan movement.

    Just wait ’till they start blowing things up in California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.

    You’ll see.

  2. Wally the Engineer says:

    So why aren’t we invading Mexico to counter this terrorism.
    Oh, wait, we need their cheap labor.

  3. Stars & Bars says:

    Agenda the government denies.

    North American union plan headed to Congress in fall

    A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    What Mexico needs is a strong middle class and less of robber barons. A strong middle class would demand more stability, which would work against these thugs.

  5. lakelady says:

    could a moderator please fix the links I posted as they are apparently too long and run into the next column. I didn’t realize they would do this and they need to be tinyurl’ed. Thanks [editor: done]

  6. RBG says:

    1. I think that battle is almost won if illegal Mexican immigration is any indication.

    2. Along the same line I would ask someone to remind me: What’s the rule on how many Americans can be killed before the US is morally permitted to pull an Afghanistan on Mexico?


  7. Billabong says:

    The Gov. will go after these guys like they did the cocaine cowboys.They kick down doors and kill everyone inside.

  8. Wally the Engineer says:

    I don’t think so.
    Bush has decided that we need to do whatever we can to appease them. That’s one of the reasons we haven’t built the fence that was mandated by law. (not that I think the fence alone will stop illegal immigration,)
    Until Big Business sees it as being in their best interest to stop this, it’s not gonna happen.
    (Not to say a little “Justice” metered out against these drug runners/murders/thieves/kidnappers/terrorists, etc.) isn’t warranted…

  9. hhopper says:

    I wonder if there are many illegal Mexicans in Canada?

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #6 – Jägermeister

    “What Mexico needs is a strong middle class and less of robber barons. A strong middle class would demand more stability, which would work against these thugs”

    Well, ‘need’ and ‘have a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting’ are two different animals.

    In a nutshell, Mexican culture is rooted in a two-class system and neither class wants it any other way. It’s ethnocentric to the max to assume that the Western European tri-stratification of society is as desirable to others as it is to us.

    If anything, the reverse is happening; the Repug plutotheocorporocrats looked some time ago at the Mexican model of peasants and royalty and liked what they saw, and they have been working diligently to transform the US into such an arrangement. It should come as no surprise which class they already feel that they belong to…

  11. michael edwards says:

    Thank you Mr. Bush for continuing to allow these disgusting disease ridden violent child producing machines into our country. I really want to pay more taxes so these overweight sawed off criminals could go to the hospital and get free medical treatment while nearly a third of U.S. citizens have no health coverage and no retirement safety net.

  12. bobbo says:

    12—Right you are.

    PEOPLE===Please recognize Rethublicon “policy” is driving GOUSA to the Mexican model for all the same reasons. Concentration of wealth in small gated communities, free market competition for scraps that are left over. Like most other issues, its all about trends and tipping points. I think what with trade policies and lack of manufacturing and no real desire to counteract the trends, we are probably already past the tipping point. Which flood will come first, poverty or water?

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>What Mexico needs is a strong middle class and less
    >>of robber barons.

    Does that mean that the downfall of the middle class in the USA means we’re going to be walking around with our underwear sticking out, like the gang members in the picture? Oh wait. We already are.

  14. Jesus says:

    Ski mask over owns head, reminds me of skiing, it also reminds me of a person robbing a market like in those 70’s TV shows!

    But a bit closer to Mexico, ski mask over owns head, reminds me of the Zapatistas, who covered their faces during interviews, in fear the Mexican government would put a price on their head, but not “Al Qaeda”, or a fascination of it! (I’m aware that the image above are of gangsters and not of a group trying to improve living conditions in Mexico.)

    I just find It interesting how in the 1900’s person wearing a ski mask went from a skier, to a burglar, and now a terrorist.

    It’s like the cherry bombs. Went from a cool load blast, to a stupid thing kids got hurt with, to a terrorist weapon.

    I guess in the future everything bad (what ever that means) will be consider a terrorist act.


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