Bound for Gitmo?

The latest terror victims… Whitehall’s trees

For 60 years they have towered over some of London’s most famous thoroughfares, admired by strolling tourists and office workers.

But now 12 landmark trees around Whitehall are being chopped down to be replaced by concrete barriers and bollards – for security reasons.
“The visible impact of the so-called War on Terror has so far been the removal of litter bins and installing ugly concrete barriers, and now we’re having trees cut down.

  1. Milo says:

    Britain is learning how to be pussys from America.

  2. Micromike says:

    The terrorists have never been as dangerous as our own governments. Now the governments are being used as tools of terror to destroy our society and way of life.Every capitulation like this furthers their attempt to destroy our way of life.

    Yes we are cowards willing to give up our ‘principles’ and more for the illusion of safety. We haven’t been the land of the free and the home of the brave for a long time now.

  3. JimR says:

    Lob a bomb through the trees… lob a bomb over a concrete wall…. walk a bomb through security barriers… assemble a bomb inside a secure area…

    If terrorists want a bomb somewhere bad enough, it will get there.

    Keep your trees.

  4. hhopper says:

    We’re letting the terrorists control our actions.

  5. edwinrogers says:

    This is awful news. I lived in the UK for some time and have visited it on many occasions, always impressed by how green and wooded even it’s largest cosmopolitan cities were. Riding upstairs on a double decker London transport bus, it’s like you’re floating over a forest. Taken that nobody actually lives in central London, I suppose only the commuters will miss the trees.

  6. bobbo says:

    6==This is a good move to remove another terrorist route into public buildings. Have you ever seen how large a bomb a squirrel can carry??

    They are all nut jobs I tells ya!

  7. joshua says:

    #1…Milo….hate to tell you….but the Brits are a whole lot further down the road to *pussydom* than we are.

    #5…edwinrodgers….there a whole lot of people that live in the *city*(central London), in fact, some of the most expensive flats and homes in England are located there. But your point is right on….there is no justifiable reason to remove the trees for barriers……my God, this is the city that went trough 40 years of random IRA bombings and never erected a single barrier in front of Whitehall or Buckingham Palace.
    Now you can no longer *linger* in front of Parliment in the old *free spech* zone or you will be arrested. No more walking with placards or sandwich signs or orating against goverment policy with in 150 feet of Parliment.
    No more expressing your personal opinion of a protected group(gays, blacks, Pakistani’s, Indians, Muslim’s, Arabs) or you will be arrested and tried for *hate speech*. Notice what groups are NOT in the protected catagorey.

    It’s not *merry ole England* anymore.

  8. tallwookie says:

    Oh… I wish a were a lumberjack,
    swinging from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia
    the larch, the redwood – the mighty scotch pine!!
    the lofty flowering cherry!!
    the plucky little aspen!
    the rotting-wilbo tree of Nigeria!

    Ah, I wish I were a lumber jack!!

    ** sorry I couldnt remember the whole thing


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