
Trouble with the ladies? Well it’s not for your lack of trying, I’m quite certain. Women who aren’t interested in World of Warcraft can’t be worth your time anyway. Still, if the constant pang of rejection is starting to takes its toll and you need a hand, look no further, Google Eau de Toilette will have you sorted.

It has the delicious aroma of flux capacitor with a hint of recycling alternator.

  1. AdmFubar says:

    And I bet this smells like a law suit to google….
    I wonder how long this product will be on the shelves after the get googled by google’s lawyers…

  2. Michael McLaughlin says:

    Where is John’s favorite site list?

  3. Bob says:

    This has to be a joke. They state Goggle Maps found ET.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    That’s disgusting. And when did Michael Jackson get boobs? I wonder if they used his nose tissue for the implants. Echh.

  5. JimR says:

    Eau de toilet au Google looks like urine in a specimen bottle.

  6. Bones says:

    My friend Spock would say hhopper’s posts demonstrate a continuous “predilection for irrelevancy”…

  7. Man of Leisure says:

    The best way to get the ladies? Eau de toilet is not going to work. You might think this is baloney but meditation gets the ladies. If you clear your head of beliefs that makes you think of putting a woman on a pedastal then you will always be subordinate to women. Women don’t want submissives. They want DOMINANT men. You’ve got to rise above a woman. You have top place women BELOW you. And that is the problem with men today. All of you believe in some chilvary bullshit that places you at a woman’s feet groveling for sex. Society has castrated you. How to rise above a woman? You’ve got to go beyond ego. You’ve got to play the same game that women do and beat them at it. In other words you have to develop INTUITION. And once you get that intuition you have to rise above that.

    Women have incredible intuition. It is a silent language that they pick up. Usually only gay men, artists or men who have meditated can pick up on it also. I know tha sixth sense. I know exactly what a woman near me is feeling. And sometimes I can pick up on her thoughts. I did this by meditating which is what Zen is all about. You may think that this is baloney but I look the same as I did five years ago but today women are extremely attracted to me. I should say it is not “me”– they are picking up my constant meditative state. That meditative state is what gives the appearance to others of incredible confidence.

    Meditation (constant awareness without thought– not sitting in a lotus position which is basically only self-hypnosis– and, thus, false meditation) is the solution to getting women, not some cologne or magic looks or body.

  8. celery says:

    #9 somehow your posts read more like they are coming from a constant vegetative state than a meditative one

  9. cheese says:

    #10 Would “zoning out” be a form of meditation? I did that while reading post #9. 🙂

  10. Cinaedh says:

    9 – Man of Leisure,

    Are you on the Geek Squad?

  11. hhopper says:

    #7 – My friend Spock would say hhopper’s posts demonstrate a continuous “predilection for irrelevancy”…

    Your friend Mr. Spock never uses cologne. I guess the relevancy is the upcoming interesting lawsuit.


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