Coming soon — ads from cigarette and cigar makers touting the anti-Parkinson’s benefits of smoking. Yes, tobacco IS healthy for you. Well, except for that cancer thing.
Smoke This: Parkinson’s is rarer among tobacco users
Call it a flimsy silver lining to a noxious blue cloud: Long-term smokers have half the risk of Parkinson’s disease that nonsmokers do, according to a new report.
In 12,000 people studied, those who smoked the most—the equivalent of at least a pack a day for 60 years—had the lowest risk. And after smokers stubbed out their last butts, the protective effect faded.
Cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoking appear to offer similar anti-Parkinson’s benefits, according to the report in the July Archives of Neurology.
Author Beate Ritz of the University of California, Los Angeles characterizes the amount of Parkinson’s protection provided by smoking as moderate. “Never-smokers have about a twofold higher risk of Parkinson’s disease than ever-smokers,” she says.
Some Celebs that like to ah, smoke:
Interesting page, but I don’t think they meant that type of smokers… 😀
Why plug your blog so much? It’s honestly sh\\//it. sad old moron.
Smokers have half the risk of Parkinson’s because Cancer kills them first.
If you can live through 60 years of smoking you can prolly live through most anything..
I think JimR and Pedro might have the answer.
There could possibly be a link, I suppose.
But, I know one thing for sure, the picture on this article is disgusting.
#6- you beat me to it.
Weird Law: Pot Smokers Have Significantly Less Drunk Driving Accidents