1. Professor Johnnycakes says:

    Oh My… I was wondering what happened to Anthony Franciosa!

  2. Anonymous says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. Joe B says:

    The man hooked up to the milking machine is David Groh. He played Valerie Harper’s husband Joe on “Rhoda” (the Mary Tyler Moore spinoff.) The only other times i’ve seen him since are episodes of Law & Order.

  4. BertDawg says:

    That’s GREAT!!! When we lived in England, their commercials were often the best part of watching TV, in most cases, better than the actual shows. Very imaginative and highly amusing. We have some good ones, to be sure, but as a society, we tend to be too constricted. Outside the box stuff like this is wonderful, and has the added advantage of clearly imprinting the product on one’s brain, for better or worse. Most of the commercials in THIS country are why people record programs for later viewing and FF through the commercials.

  5. Matthew says:

    Yeah is an odd one. Reminds me of that billboard against genetically engineered cows. And since we’re bashing American bashfulness.

    NSFA (Not Safe For Americans) [Dead link – ed.]

  6. matrixghost1286 says:

    I know that Soylent Green is people,
    oh…this explains soy milk, ewww.

  7. natefrog says:

    Tasteless? I thought they were sour…?

    *ba dum bump….ching*


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