1. John Paradox says:




  2. john warner says:

    Trust youtube to immediately remove anything remotely titillating or pornographic while supposedly unable to manage copyrighted material.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    This video is no longer available

  4. MikeN says:

    I thought this blog was no nudity or porn ever.

  5. Bryan Price says:

    #4, it STILL is.

  6. Kumar says:

    Whats gotten into this blog.. getting lamer by day..
    where’s all the techie stuff..

  7. Jägermeister says:

    As #3 have already pointed out… the video is no longer available… so how about this Russian commercial:


  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Shit yeah. “No longer available”. Darn. That looked like the kind of homoeroticism I could give thumbs up to. The Russkie one was good, but the forbidden one prolly would have been better….

  9. B. Dog says:

    As usual, Congress is too busy living it up on the taxpayer’s time to do anything about the hot lesbo video gap.

  10. hhopper says:

    It’s back up. And no nudity, no porn. Just eroticism…and weirdness.

  11. Thomas says:

    An ad for a Canadian beer. Oddly enough an ad like this is OK in Canada ,so I’m not shocked by it. We’ve seen other ads like this before from Labatt brewing, they’re just hilarious.

  12. moe29 says:

    and YouTube is fine with thousands of videos of teenage girls beating the crap out of each other…

  13. doug says:

    #10. indeed. ah, Canada! that one would never make it on network TV here. probably not basic cable, either.

  14. Winston Smith says:

    Number of murders seen on TV by the time an average child finishes elementary school: 8,000

    Number of violent acts seen on TV by age 18: 200,000

    But it is immoral to show two young romantic women doing what comes naturally and cannot possibly harm anyone else.

    As Yakov Smirnoff says: “What a country!”

  15. NortonDC says:

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  16. hahnarama says:

    YEY! It’s back up! Bizarre….but it’s back.

  17. OmegaMan says:

    Choppin his woody…..nicely symbolic…

  18. Slappy says:

    I have absolutely no problem with this video, yep, it is fine.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    Yep, I like it. I’m getting a six-pack of that beer as soon as the stores open!

  20. prophet says:

    So I was watching this and thinking “Wow…this is great…the director must have been reading my mind on what i want in a commercial and …WTF… Ok…that tree is weird……Oh…I get it…they are “chopping” his wood…very clever… HOLY CRAP…the Green Giant never got action like that before!”

  21. Sea Lawyer says:

    #15, It’s a commercial, and those are actresses. They probably aren’t even lesbians, so spare us the pontificating.

    All this really shows is that lesbians sell; try putting two gay men in the same commercial and then see the hypocritical outrage.


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