
I really feel for today’s parents. Everyone tells them it their fault the kids are watching too much TV, but it’s hard to control any child 24/7. I once caught kids watching TV at 2:00 in the morning during a sleep-over.

The BOB television power management system picks up where the V-chip left off, allowing you to control when the TV can be turned on. A prompt appears on the device’s screen outside of operational hours for a 4-digit unlock code. The TV plug is locked into the unit so, unlike a regular timer,  the kids can’t bybass the device. BOB can manage up to six separate user accounts.

The “BOB” could also be used in any situation where electronic device access is desirable. Shutting down the copier outside of work hours (or the coffee-room microwave) in an office, the juke box or game machines in a bar, or other devices about the household are all good applications. 

  1. natefrog says:

    My parents never had cable, so I never got in the habit of watching TV. I hated it at the time, but I realize now it was one of the best things they did for me.

    Any future kids of mine will not have TVs in their rooms. I haven’t decided yet on cable/satellite…

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Here’s a much cheaper solution, it consumes more time and effort but it’s so far the better way: BE A PARENT.

    Taking things away from them will make it more desirable.

  3. Steve R. says:

    The suggestion that this could be used to restrict a copier during off hours is a bad idea. Many functions in a modern digital copier run even when the machine is “off”. Also, some print controllers run Linux or Windows and require a proper shutdown instead of just killing power. I’ve had to reinstall a quite a few Fiery systems that were hosed by regularly having power killed instead of a proper shutdown.

  4. Billabong says:

    My wife and I gave our daughters a lot more freedom about television than a lot of parents.We also taught them that 95% of what is on broadcast t.v. are lies,crap or bullshit.We now have 3 college grads that do not watch much t.v.Let your kids watch and read what they want to they will do it anyway.

  5. JimR says:

    Many TV’s have a v-chip already with the same functions. Password controlled by parents.

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    If you need a password controller, or to physically lock your children out of things, they you are doing something wrong as a parent. Some things that I have found helpful in the raising of my four children are: 1. Actually spend some time with them. 2. Reward/praise them with they do things right 3. Punish/scold them (with words… not hot water) if they do something wrong. As for TV (and computers) I’ve tried limiting their time, often its not worth the effort. What works better is things like having other interesting things for them to do (arts and crafts supplies, trampolines, air rifles, pets, baking supplies). However, you do need to spend time with them…. at least sometimes…. of course, reading the Dvorak blog is more rewarding….

  7. T-Rick says:

    It wouldn’t have deterred me anyway – I’m the type of kid who would have snipped the power cable, and spliced a new plug-in on it.

    I was cool that way.

  8. Man of Leisure says:

    I cut the cable service all together. My kid has access to DVD rentals only. No TV. And he’s never bored. He plays with his building block toys, practices the piano, goes to the playground, does homework/read, helps cook, or does crafts. His brain is still his, not that of commercial television sponsors.

  9. MikeN says:

    Yeah, if there’s a whorehouse next door, and you’re kid wants to go by, you shouldn’t be locking him away, just let him be free to go, but try to give him some other things to do instead.


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