It’s a Saturday. A slow news day. In the hot, lazy summertime. Nothing much goin’ on. Can’t find much interesting to post. And a number of you always seem to complain about how many of the things we editors and John post suck. Well, now let’s see how well you smarty pants can do.

Post a link to a story you find interesting or funny or whatever. Add some insightful commentary. But watch it. We’ll be monitoring (don’t forget the guidelines), so no pr0n or inappropriate crap (yeah, I know that that can be a fine line, even here) as we’ll delete it.

If you have a video, don’t post it, just link to it. Too hard to not screw up the html of the site unless you know how to do it. And if you have a long url, please be kind and use to shorten it.

Oh, yeah. One final point. Like I really need to mention this, but no reason for you to hold back (as if you ever do) on commenting on another commenter’s story. Let ’em have it, pro or con, just like normal.

Now, show your ol’ Uncle Dave what you’ve got!

  1. doug says:

    from digg (and the ‘even a broken clock is right twice a day dept). Bill O’Reilly breaks with the Bushies on Iraq:

  2. Higghawker says:

    What must I do to be saved? This should be the most important question you ever ask. Now, will you obey?

  3. Thomas says:

    Sony suing over CD antipiracy software

    (Actual technology news :->)

  4. natefrog says:

    Looks like there’s another arms race brewing…

    CNN: Russia WIthdraws from arms treaty

    Thanks, king bush!

  5. ethanol says:

    Iraqi PM say they can do without the US:

  6. ZeOverMind says:

    The Ultimate Thrill Seeker

  7. Thomas says:

    Reprieve for Net Radio

    [ed: Hey! Remember what I said about using]

  8. Thomas says:

    Whoa. Sorry about the long link.

  9. andrew says:

    Nothing pisses me off more then stuff like this:

    [ed: Please don’t add html unless you know how to]

  10. ZeOverMind says:

    Why you shouldn’t sleep in the jungle:

  11. Thomas says:

    Computer virus turns 25

  12. ZeOverMind says:

    Interesting Time waster. Great Music:

  13. natefrog says:


    That story is baloney. Any credibility they had (which wasn’t much) was lost when they say “Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service Providers, such as AOL…”


  14. ZeOverMind says:

    RI Prosecutes 17-Year-Olds to Save Money

  15. Matthew says:

    Bat for Lashes.
    Since, there’s lots of videos lately. Here’s one (music) that’s a little creepy and a little sexy. Give it 40 seconds at least.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #13: Took more than a dozen tries on level 12, but ended up with a 263.

    #17: Well stated!

  17. Raff says:

    The NAACP invited all 9 Republican candidates to the forum, but only one showed up: Tom Tancredo. All the Democratic Presidential hopefuls showed up for their forum.

  18. Raff says:

    Have a couple of hours to kill?

    Watch this interesting movie about American health care

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, nate
    Loved it.

    This will offend some Right Wing Nuts, revolt some neo-cons, guaranteed to nauseate Republicans, scare conservatives, repel Evangelicals, and give the radio head shut-ins something to talk about.

    Loved it.

  20. ZeOverMind says:

    In the future, things will pretty much be the same:

  21. Jägermeister says:


    Wow… instant addiction… 🙂 Good find!

  22. ZeOverMind says:

    New Superlensing Technique Brings Everything into Focus

  23. Raff says:


    Fell for what? Its a movie.. you can watch it if you want by clicking on the link.. It really is a movie I promise…

  24. natefrog says:

    24, Fusion:

    Glad you liked it! Much better than that “I’ve got a crush on Obama” video that’s out there…

    It’s got all the good qualities I look for in a movie/book/significant other/etc… 😀

    …Kinda like that Sicko link in #23! 😀

  25. Billabong says:

    You guys “usually “do a great job.I have nothing to post.

  26. RTaylor says:

    Hell, why don’t we write John’s columns for the next few weeks and submit talking points for Cranky Geeks. I don’t pay good money for this blog to…never mind. 😉


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