Ah, religious freedom. As long as you restrict yourself to being a fundamentalist Christian. And if you read the article, you’ll see the protester doesn’t know his history.

Christian Right Activists Disrupt Hindu Chaplain In The Senate

Today was a historic first for religion in America’s civic life: For the very first time, a Hindu delivered the morning invocation in the Senate chamber — only to find the ceremony disrupted by three Christian right activists.
The three protesters, who all belong to the Christian Right anti-abortion group Operation Save America, and who apparently traveled to Washington all the way from North Carolina, interrupted by loudly asking for God’s forgiveness for allowing the false prayer of a Hindu in the Senate chamber.

  1. warren says:

    no doubt, these individuals are fundamentally misguided. However, to cast your arguments by calling the people by names and not dealing with the situation is not profitable either; unless you have run out of arguments and need to add more pathos to your position.

    As a Christian, I’m embarassed that these individuals made (IMPO) a poor witness of forgiveness and peace. They obviously are moving back towards a world that is ruled by the church, not unlike the muslim efforts in the middle east. Most main stream Christians would say that Constantine establishing Christianity as a valid religion was the worst thing that could have happened. I agree, its not by force but conviction of will. Nobody can be wrestled to agree with anyone else only to submit.

    This posting does remind me of one thing, Jesus did say from the beginning that people do not want to hear about Him.

    As far as the strange idea that the tsunami was because of unbelief, please don’t assoicate that idea with Christianity. The only thing I can say about God’s invovlement is the people who were handing out aid (blankets, food, shelter, etc.) in the aftermath and who continue to be on the ground today. I’m curious (honestly), how many non-religious groups are involved in such benevolent activities? I would cite those groups as a positive image of Christianity, not the ones demanding attention.

    My comments, take em or leave em.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #61 – warren

    “As far as the strange idea that the tsunami was because of unbelief, please don’t assoicate that idea with Christianity.”

    Well, try as we may – and I can only speak for some of us, mind you – that’s a rather tall order, if I may say so.

    You see, the persons who made those representations claim that they are, in fact, Christians. As you do.

    But I’m sure it’s very easily resolved. You – in total contrast to the members of every other Christian sect, and indeed, every other religion on Earth, of course – simply know that you’re right, isn’t that it?

    And then you wonder why you are mocked, disdained and insulted for your proclaimed beliefs. Amazing.

  3. D. Faver says:

    Christianity is a hoax and a joke, like all those faux “christians” out there.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #61, warren

    I’m curious (honestly), how many non-religious groups are involved in such benevolent activities? I would cite those groups as a positive image of Christianity, not the ones demanding attention.

    The Red Cross, Oxfam, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, and other charitable groups are not religious and do not ask their clients to pray or convert before being helped. They are not positive images of christianity, they are positive images of Man coming to the aid of his fellow Man in times of need.

  5. george says:

    What’s the point of the stupid prayer in the Senate? It’s just a bunch of old homo-erotic farts who steal anything that isn’t locked down, screw any piece of meat they can get their 4 inches into and lie whenever possible. I don’t think that type of activity warrants a prayer…

  6. Warren says:

    Mr. Fusion – If i’m not mistaken, Red Cross and Red Crescent do have roots in religious groups.

    Lauren, My convictions are not based in some untangible untouchable. Rather, it is most surely in the person of Jesus Christ, a person who claimed to be the Son of God, was killed and rose from the dead – attested to by historical figures and non sympathetic individuals. The Tsunami theories have been slinging from the start. From a simple observation – wouldn’t you agree something seems wrong with the world; wars, earthquakes, drought and flooding?

  7. Steve says:

    Those 3 and everyone supporting what those 3 did are the exact stereotypical reasons why Atheists hate Christians. Quit shoving your shit down everyone’s throat and mind your own.

  8. meetsy says:

    #21 Russell.
    This country was founded on the same Christian beliefs that were in play when we slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children, and then forced the rest to march to “approved” lands to settle, only to later decide the lands were too good for the no-good people. So we broke the treaties and moved them again. We systematically destroyed cultures….all in the name of “our god is better than your god”. I think Christian belief IS greed.

  9. ECA says:

    If you wish to make a comment, plz follow it with abit of storyline/explanation… Otherwise many will not even consider your post as relivent

    Something Wrong?? Where? And dont pass on Nature, unto GOD. I can see it now, a 9.2 in Cali that kills millions and you folks point to “GOD DID IT”…or Some stupid idiot walks into a forest and gets Mauled and killed by a bear, “GOD DID IT”. Cali, is a idiots paradise for that 1 area, and Many are moving out if they are smart(or have moved out). As to the Guy in the Forest, If you dont know HOW to take care in the Forest, DONT walk in the Forest…

    68, AND it was founded on the OLD testament, if you know the New testament history, it wasnt added until very late in history.

    for you dedicated persons…
    1. Christ didnt draft anyone into his belief.
    2. Christ waited for others to ASK him about himself and his beliefs.
    3. Christ DIDNT criticize Anyone else.
    4. Christ didnt ASK you to save Everyone else, JUST yourself. And how did he ask you to SAVE yourself? To live life as HE had.

    Live your life NOw as you would in heaven.
    Baptism Isnt anything, Unless you submit to it, and the ideals behind it.
    the condemned will be, unless THEY wish an alternative. Leave them, and they may find their path, AS you are to FIND your path.

  10. doug says:

    “3. Christ DIDNT criticize Anyone else.”

    Yes he did. You know who Christ saved his most scathing criticism for? hypocrites. god does not hate “fags,” god hates hypocrites.

  11. ECA says:

    And those that Use the church to make money..

  12. woody says:

    Maybe those were islamophobic jews raising a fuss, after all congress is the legislative body for jewish interests globally. Perhaps the inbred jew has confused hinduism with islamic prayer and protested, when corrected claimed to be christian. Another war for Israel should correct this slight oversight in jewish duplicity. Attack Iran…

    Or maybe those were in fact zionist christians booing anything that doesn’t sound like the Kol Nidre, only to return to their churches and look up to the picture of Jesus in a vat of hot boiling excrement on bended knee worshiping the godsent war mongering jew and offering up their sons for the next war for Israel. God Bless Judeo-Christians and their continued hard work for talmudic truth.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #72, woody

    Shit, you are a sick puppy. I think if we ever met I might have to stomp the crap out of your bigoted skull. Shit do I hate your kind.

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Tsk-tsk, Fusion. Rather intolerant and judgmental of you.

    Besides, he’s either a) a troll, or b) a loony. In either case, your suggested treatment of him would be quite pointless.

    You sound more and more like a redneck every day.

  15. I want to thank to those protestors. They gave greater visibility to Hinduism. Hindu prayer in the senate is all over the news and all over the blogs.

    Most people in the west are still ignorant of Hinduism. Media never ever talk about Hinduism. So incidents like this will open up serious discussions about Hinduism all over the media and academic circles………

    To the Protestors, I want to offer my gratitude for making a very big issue about this prayer……Knowingly or unknowingly they are are propagating Hinduism…


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