Ah, religious freedom. As long as you restrict yourself to being a fundamentalist Christian. And if you read the article, you’ll see the protester doesn’t know his history.

Christian Right Activists Disrupt Hindu Chaplain In The Senate

Today was a historic first for religion in America’s civic life: For the very first time, a Hindu delivered the morning invocation in the Senate chamber — only to find the ceremony disrupted by three Christian right activists.
The three protesters, who all belong to the Christian Right anti-abortion group Operation Save America, and who apparently traveled to Washington all the way from North Carolina, interrupted by loudly asking for God’s forgiveness for allowing the false prayer of a Hindu in the Senate chamber.

  1. paddler says:

    Just another Fred Phelps godhatesfags.com wannabe group. Maybe McCain can talk at their graduation ceremony next year.

    I wish that after they got done strapping the Koran; I mean Bible to their bodies and going to terrorize some group that they think offends God all these right wing hijackers of Islam; I mean Christanity would actually read and… here is the tricky part… understand the book.

    Then they might realize they need a better motto than “Who would Muhammad ; I mean Jesus hate?”

  2. BdgBill says:

    Quote from Joe Dirt:
    “I’m sorry to disagree with y’all but I respect what these people did. Like it or not, our country was BUILT on Christian principles and Christian based traditions. What really peeves me is how people get all “separation of church and state” when a Christian tries to pray in public but now is suddenly “historic” when a hindu “chaplain” delivers a prayer! Really now, does anyone NOT see the double standard there?”


    Our country was built on the principal of a Government “By the People, for the people, of the people.”

    When the hell did the chrisitan religion ever push that idea? Christianity was being run by kings and queens and popes for a thousand years before the USA came along.

    Democracy is anathema to Christianity. It would be so much easier if all you redneck yahoos could march us all down to your church at gunpoint every sunday, wouldn’t it?

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Jesus Christ (so to speak). I watched the video, and somebody should take those fucking “Christian” evangelists over their knee and give the a damned good whacking.

    And the Senate needs a new “Sargeant at Arms”. That guy “restores order” with about the same level of competence as Dumbya “restores order” in Iraq. Blessed be!

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – And maybe trees and grass, to appease the Wiccans.


    I’m not sure you actually understand what the Wiccans believe.

    But then again, sometimes I am not sure the Wiccans understand what the Wiccans believe…

    [Hopper – Can I have an emoticon indicating a playful giggle so that Wiccans won’t be offended?]

  5. Kevin says:

    Nice to see someone from the D.C. area (also Lauren). I think I’ve heard of Wilson before and seen it in the Post. Well I am not really from the D.C. area, but grew up outside of it in Annapolis, MD. I did go to DeMatha (yes, yes, I know, it’s a Catholic school) right outside of D.C, Now of course the majority of the school was Catholic, probably around 66%, but I wouldn’t classify any of those people as Extremists like the ones in this video. The other 33% were a mix of different Christian religions, Atheists, and Agnostics. A few of my friends were Atheists and the response I got when I asked them why they went to a Catholic school. They just said look at the state of the Prince George’s County school system and it is not that good. I don’t think any of them were ever heckled for being Atheists, just asked what their beliefs were and we respected them just like they respected ours. This video is pretty sad to say the least. A prayer is a prayer and it should be respected, no matter who is saying it, as long as it is a prayer for something worthwhile. You would think Christians would understand that.

  6. Frank IBC says:

    Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate

    Does that name make anyone else giggle?

  7. Frank IBC says:

    Angel –

    Which Senators are you talking about? Did we read the same article?

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    OFTLO: You’re right, I don’t understand the totality of the Wiccan religion. However, I know that

    “The classical elements are a key feature of the Wiccan worldview. Every manifest force or form is seen to express one of the four archetypal elements — Earth, Air, Fire and Water — or several in combination. Some add a fifth or quintessential element, spirit (aka aether, akasha).”

    Air, water, earth, sounds like trees and grass to me. And wouldn’t we be better off having the Senate session opened by a prayer to Earth, Air, Fire and Water (and maybe Spirit), than one to that Antichrist that guides Dumbya in his descent into the valley of darkness.

    In any case, those “christian” evangelists deserve a spanking with a damned bristley hairbrush.

  9. Frank IBC says:

    How come Stars & Bars isn’t here? Is he one of the folks that got arrested?

  10. Dauragon88 says:


    OOOH!!! BURN!!!!!!!


  11. Mr Christian says:

    I’m just glad that someone was there that had the guts enough to stand up and at least try to stop the abomination of having a Hindu prayer read from the Senate.

    If you think it is bad now just wait until the prayers completely stop or are replaced with this sort of blasphemy.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I’m just glad that someone was there that had the guts
    >>enough to stand up and at least try to stop the abomination
    >>of having a Hindu prayer read from the Senate.

    Yeah, now when are we going to have someone with the guts to stand up and stop the abomination of sexual deviants who think their “god” wants them to fuck page boys, male hookers, DC Madame employees, or perform sex acts on the guy in the next stall for $20.

    If you ask me, the “god” of the religious right is actually the AntiChrist. How else do you explain so many neocon Bible thumpers slouching toward Gomorrah?

  13. Dauragon88 says:

    “I’m just glad that someone was there that had the guts enough to stand up and at least try to stop the abomination of having a Hindu prayer read from the Senate.”

    I apologize in advance for the language I am about to use, but


    Is it a church? No
    Is is a religous monument? No
    Was he standing in a pulpit? No

    He was in the fucking Capitol, which is BY NO MEANS of ANY RELIGIOUS IMPORTANCE!

    So please sir, please explain to me, how saying a hindu prayer in a building that is not at all a house of God, but a house that was created OF THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE can be considered an abomination.

    I’ll be waiting here patiently for your answer.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I’ll be waiting here patiently for your answer.

    Just don’t hold your breath. The guy probably shoots abortion doctors.

  15. Frank IBC says:

    Here is the transcript of the prayer that Mr. Christian finds “blasphemous”:

    “We meditate on the transcendental glory of the deity supreme, who is inside the heart of the Earth, inside the life of the sky and inside the soul of the heaven. May He stimulate and illuminate our minds.”

  16. Dauragon88 says:

    I just found the best quote about this whole situation. Its from an article on Timesnow.tv

    “Two women and a man have been detained and charged with causing a disruption in the public gallery of the Senate. So even as America champions the cause of liberty and freedom of expression around the world, the incident at the Senate is but another example of growing intolerance in a society that prides itself on being a melting pot of cultures.”

    That my friends, deserves an amen….

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #38 – Mean Mister Mustard

    “In any case, those “christian” evangelists deserve a spanking with a damned bristley hairbrush.”

    Amen to that, Brother Condiment!

    #18 – Root-beer Frank

    No, I attended (and I use the term loosely, indeed) high school in Miami – another lucky break in my education…

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    Well, let me re-think my opinion.

    OK, now I think that “Mr Christian” might be the AntiChrist. Or at least his handmaiden.

    Perhaps he hasn’t replied, because he’s knocking on the stall next door, trying to raise an extra twenty bucks.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    Fishman, you finally figured out who I am! Contrary to bad rumors spread by the Beatles, I am not really mean. Just sensible. Although I might apply a little extra vigor with the bristley hairbrush in honor of that dickwad Mr “christian”. He REALLY needs a damned good whacking.

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Go forth with my blessing, my son, and do as I would.

    …and is it true what they said about Polythene Pam??

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    Fishmeister, it is true what they say. She’s so good-looking but she looks like a man. That should be of some interest to our neocon posters, but the fact that Polythene Pam is not REALLY a man might be a negative. And those page boys have much cuter butts.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #43 – Am I really the only one who though the Mr Christian post sounded like intentional hyperbole wrapped in two slices of sarcasm?

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    These days – and particularly around here – it’s getting harder to tell…

  24. Carlos A. says:

    Been reading all these comments and I really feel happy for freedom of speech and live and let live =)
    thanks people for all those nice ideas =)

  25. ECA says:

    Can I ask those that are Against this…

    1. Did you listen to what he said…
    2. why was it bad, was it because he wasnt Christian? Or do you condemn ANY others NOt of your faith. sounds ALOt like the Taliban.
    3. Is there a problem Of a Hebrew, up there saying a prayer??

    I would listen to the Words, then voice discontent, IF it was BAD…

  26. bobbo says:

    55—WHATS WRONG WITH YOU???? Its right there in the last line (Post 45):

    “May He stimulate and illuminate our minds.”

    This hindu idolater wants us to eat from the tree of knowledge===the first sin ever committed.!!!!!!


  27. James says:

    That’s great, that three people had the guts to speak up. It’s bullshit to have hindu prayers in the senate. People would surely bitch about Christian prayers, but then defend the right of hindu “prayers”, which sounded more like some meditation. Greivous, what this nation has come to.

  28. flyingelvis says:

    i wonder if he could hook me up with a lottery ticket….

  29. tee says:

    There should be *NO* religious rites/prayers in any government system. When there are these, it belittles and demeans the offices to such an extent that they cannot be taken seriously ever after. “Let’s see, we’ll have a non critical thinking episode before we get down to business.” Hrummph. After that is done, thank God, we can down to some secular ( of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal: secular interests.) business which actually does some good!

    The protesters are a bunch of idiiots with IQs less than 100 (yes, I love ad hominum attacks) but the prayer giver is misguided as well because religion is spouted!! Idiots, all of them!!

    Good one!

    PS, I love sitting around in diapers and I’m a politician….

  30. ECA says:

    May your god help you, by stimulating YOUR MIND…

    And WHAt tree of life did you eat from?? STUPIDITY, or did you go to school at all??

    I like you…You are as much fun as playing with a Dirty mind…You are just geared Worse… Even Christ, never was opinionated, he DIDNT say his was the ONLY way.


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