In 1965, information technology company IBM commissioned a set of films for their sales meetings. [Jim] Henson worked on these films with David Lazer, the head of IBM’s film and television division; Lazer went on to leave the company and work for Henson, producing many of the Muppet productions over the next twenty years, including The Muppet Show and The Muppet Movie.

This film was so successful that Henson performed the sketch in 1967 for The Ed Sullivan Show, and it was remade as a Muppet Show sketch.

This is the version that was shown on the Ed Sullivan Show in ’67. I imagine most DU readers have seen this video before, but I think the comedy is timeless and still hilarious. I still miss Jim Henson. Notice how the “Computer Monster” is the predecessor of the “Cookie Monster” and has teeth.

  1. Manichean Paranoia says:

    “Gandalf pentameter”
    “Data existentialization…”

    that’s good stuff.

  2. John Paradox says:

    The non-geek version of the previous post



  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    That is a brilliant bit of history 🙂

  4. Dauragon88 says:

    “RAM is for Random Access Memory,
    thats good enough for me”

  5. Les says:

    Love it! We really lost a good one when Jim died.

  6. The Virgin Harry says:

    The computer sounds a lot like kermit.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    A classic, thanks H.

  8. jarry says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  10. BubbaRay says:

    That is all total Jim Henson genius. Thanks for the laugh, Hop!!

    Of all things, the capacitator actually exists. Good Grief!!

  11. Iamanassholetoo says:

    But what does it do?

    Flint & Walling/Star Water #KH46 1/2HP 230V Capacitator
    1/2HP 230V Capacitator, For Franklin Control Box.

    Manufacturer: FLINT & WALLING/STAR WATER
    Model number: KH46
    UPC Code: 054757035464
    Length: 6
    Width: 3
    Height: 8

  12. Carlos A. says:

    Enjoyed the video, just comparing it with actual media.
    Really USA has lost something during the improvement.

    I’m not from US, but also have to add that we all have lost something.
    Old time were good time =)

  13. John Paradox says:


    Now I want an OREO phone!


  14. BubbaRay says:

    #11, I have no idea, looks like it’s just an energy storage device / buffer, a giant capacitor.

    But darnit, someone has actually patented the flux capacitor — unfortunately it’s not going to handle all those gigawatts we need for time travel. Snore.

  15. Les says:

    #14 You are correct sir! A capacitor holds a charge within conductors and dielectrics. They can also be used to smooth out electrical power fluctuations. Your UPS (which I hope you have!) would have several inside it. It also makes that weird sound in defibrillator and electronic flash. It is also fun to see one blow up when inserted to the circuit wrong, minus to positive and vice versa. I once saw one blow up and made 10 engineers grin and a supervisor fume. If you look inside your power supply for your desktop you may see some, they can be blue, or yellow, or any number of colors. That is one reason to make sure you are grounded and the power off before opening up a computer.

    POW!! DANG THAT HURTS LIKE A *&^$%^&&*!

  16. BubbaRay says:

    #15, Les, you should see the giant capacitor I constructed years ago from layers of glass and aluminum, about two feet on a side for an “ionic propulsion engine.” That, a huge copper wound inductance tower, one loud one inch spark gap and a first stage high voltage power supply made for a monster Tesla type very high voltage generator. I’ll never forget it zapping me in the nose from over 10 feet away on a dry winter day!

    POW!! DANG THAT HURTS LIKE A *&^$%^&&*!

    You bet!! Some crazy seventh-grader woke up on the floor. 😳

  17. Animal says:

    Wow, I didn’t know computers were edible! I think I’ll try it…

    Let’s see, I’ll start with the

  18. hhopper says:

    #14 – BubbaRay – Or jigawatts as they said in the movie.

  19. wskdjxw says:


  20. retro says:

    I just love the classics!


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