Richard Thorne grins as he waves his hand under a toilet paper dispenser in a women’s restroom. The machine spits five sheets of tissue into his grasp.

A year in the works, the electronic tissue dispenser is being rolled out to the masses by Kimberly-Clark Professional as it seeks to capture more of the $1 billion away-from-home toilet paper market. The company believes most people will be satisfied with five sheets — and use 20 percent less toilet paper.

“Most people will take the amount given,” says Thorne. Waxing philosophical, he adds, “People generally in life will take what you give them.”

Americans typically use twice as much toilet paper as Europeans — as much as an arm’s length each pull, Thorne says. The company decided the best length is about 20 inches — or precisely five standard toilet paper squares, though the machine can also be adjusted to churn out 16 inches or 24 inches, depending on the demand.

As they say in the article, call it a final frontier — of cheapness.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – Well, if I get to pry guns out of cold dead hands, then sure, I’ll grant the DittoHeads a slight reprieve….

    Slight though… These bastards broke my country… I’m still pretty ticked off about that…

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – And I’m also a little steamed about only having 5 raggedy-ass squares of paper to clean up with!

  3. Frank IBC says:

    We are now just weeks out from the impeachment

    By a Congress whose approval rating is barely half that of the President, and can’t come to any sort of consensus WRT the Iraq War? Lotsa luck…

  4. Eideard says:

    Lauren – you give me a chuckle. More than that probably to folks who’ve known me a spell. Let’s just note that I was a delegate at the founding convention of CLUW in 1974 – and did a fair piece of organizing work beforehand. And since.

  5. GregA says:


    Interesting theory, but too bad you are simply wrong, or a liar.

    If you look at that chart, you can see when the congress approval tanked. Right when they let Bush have his way on Iraq.

    You can bet they wont repeat that mistake, and the fix is gonna be impeachment.

    Check mate. It is over. Your idealogoy is now bankrupt and irrelevant. As of right now, Meiers has 5 days to show up or the impeachment begins NEXT WEEK.

    Good luck with those facts of yours that are based on delusion rather than reality.

  6. hhopper says:

    OFTLO said, “raggedy-ass squares.,,”

    They’re not raggedy-ass. Coming out of that shiny, high-tech machine they’re clean-cut-ass squares.

  7. Frank IBC says:

    It looks like you have trouble reading, GregA. All of your polls in your link show the President with a higher approval rating than the Congress.

    you can see when the congress approval tanked. Right when they let Bush have his way on Iraq.

    So how does that explain why Congress’ approval rating is LOWER?

    Your idealogoy

    Is this some kind of cryptic ethnic allusion to neoconservatives?

    Meiers has 5 days to show up or the impeachment begins NEXT WEEK.

    I just set my stopwatch. Have fun. And in the extremely unlikely event that there is an impeachment, how do you hope to get a conviction in the Senate, where the Democrats only have 49 and Lieberman sure as heck isn’t going to vote to convict?

  8. moss says:

    Yup, Frank. You’re absolutely right. There isn’t one Republican in the Senate (+ Joe) who has the integrity or ethics to vote to convict.

  9. Frank IBC says:

    So all the Democrats have to offer the country now is the futile hope that they can impeach Bush for firing several at-will employees.

  10. GregA says:

    Confirmed!!! Full judiciary meeting monday morning to vote and order arrest of Hariet Meiers, and debate Obstruction of Justice charges against Bush.

    Frank, suck on it.

  11. Frank IBC says:

    Congress can only cite for contempt, it can’t order the arrest directly, dumb@$$.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 – Well, that and election tampering…

  13. Frank IBC says:

    I would like to think that the Democrats have more to offer than election tampering, OFTLO. But at least it gives the dead voters of Chicago and Philadelphia off the streets.

  14. Frank IBC says:

    Sorry, “gives” should be “keeps”.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #36 – πŸ™‚

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #44 – It’s cool… I knew what ya meant… By the way, despite you being 100% wrong in all matters involving the maligning of the patriotic Democrats who selflessly serve this great nation, I should note that I am really enjoying your exceptional comments in the global warming thread a few posts back… (And I’m not even being ironic or sarcastic)

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Procedure necessary for ordering arrest for contempt of Congress (as used since 1935)

    1) Subcommittee passes resolution of contempt

    2) Full Committee passes resolution of contempt

    3) Full House passes resolution of contempt

    4) Speaker refers matter to the US Attorney for the District of Columbia

    5) US Attorney/DC refers matter to grand jury for action

    Bio of the US Attorney for the District of Columbia:

    Prior to his work in Washington, DC, Jeffrey Taylor served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California from 1995–1999.[1] From 1999 to 2002, Mr. Taylor served as majority counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee where he advised Chairman Orrin Hatch and drafted provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act.[2]

    Before his appointment as U.S. Attorney, Mr. Taylor served as Counselor to Attorneys General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales from 2002 to 2006 where he oversaw law enforcement operations by U.S. attorneys.[1] He was appointed interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia by Alberto Gonzales on September 22, 2006 and was sworn in seven days later.

    To make a long story short, nothing’s happening Monday morning.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    I don’t hate the Democrats, I’m just saying that being a viable second party means a lot more than just whining about “stolen elections”, “AWOL chickenhawks” and fantazising about impeachment.

  19. Jonathan says:

    #11. Speak for yourself with your European name. As a British European I take offense at that! I hate those damn corporate toilet roll dispensers… If you have a messy crap you need as much as you need. I just rip the damn thing off the wall or get the refill TP and use it manually.

    Was it Sheryl Crowe who was advocating 3 or 4 sheets? get real lady…. thats fine when your a woman with a peachy bottom but when your a man with a hairy ass crack to clean, you need to get to the paper that will do the job!

    Mean bastards!

  20. gquaglia says:

    Jesus Christ! This post was about toilet paper and you have turned into a political Bush bash. I think you all need to relax before you pop a hemorrhoid.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    Expect the next version of these dispensers to be able to read the bar coding on your company’s ID and more importantly, some bean counting administrator to assign a fixed monthly number of toilet paper squares each employee can use.

    Even creepier would be that if you use less than your monthly quota then you will have your toilet paper supply cut even more.

  22. ChrisMac says:

    I was thinking the same thing.. But this is actually a great place to discuss american politics

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #48 – Bwahahaha – And that isn’t maligning the patriotic Democrats who selflessly serve this great nation?

    #50 – That’s what makes it a great thread…. πŸ™‚

  24. Frank IBC says:

    #48 – Bwahahaha – And that isn’t maligning the patriotic Democrats who selflessly serve this great nation?

    Joe Lieberman?

  25. Who the F counts his TP squares? says:

    Note #13’s comment about (toilet-)paper “control systems”:

    Cheap-bastard TP dispensers are nothing new.

    Solution? VANDALISM.

    Encourage gangs to break them open, carve their insignia into them, and flush the batteries.

  26. ECA says:

    Whats the REALIZATION, is that the dispenser WONT cost much more…But the Paper will…

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    Jesus Christ! This post was about toilet paper and you have turned into a political Bush bash. I think you all need to relax before you pop a hemorrhoid.
    Comment by gquaglia β€” 7/12/2007 @ 1:34 pm

    gq, So I don’t get it. Isn’t there a direct connection between Bush and toilet paper?

    Pop a hemorrhoid. Now that is funny.

  28. iGlobalWarmer says:

    If the squares were a foot on a side….

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #54 – Joe Lieberman?

    Comment by Frank IBC β€” 7/12/2007 @ 4:34 pm

    Oh… Fine… If you are gonna bring up that son of a bitch I guess the gloves are coming off! πŸ™‚


    Hey! Note the πŸ™‚

  30. Constantine says:

    Just a thought…

    You do realize that you have the makings of a Google bomb here, don’t you? You know, where the Google search for “Bush” will link to toilet paper sites πŸ˜‰

    The funny thing is that even those that try to defend Bush here are actually reinforcing the effect.


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