“Our baby-daddy is Al Gore!”
Nearly half of pregnant teens in China’s financial center Shanghai met their partners on the Internet, according to a newspaper report that also spotlighted widespread ignorance about sexual health.
Fully 46 percent of the more than 20,000 girls who called the city’s pregnancy hot line during the past two years said they had sex with boys they met online, the China Daily said, citing Dr. Zhang Zhengrong of Shanghai’s No. 411 Hospital.
Most of the would-be fathers disappeared after being told of the pregnancies, while in some cases the girls did not even know their partners’ true names, the report said.
The report said calls to the hot line have shot up 12 percent since the start of school holidays, which began two weeks ago and run through August.
Vacation to China anyone?
Umm, and the other 54% are from the REGULAR way??
And what were these ladies chatting about??
Dude, DITTO.
I’m buying my plane ticket now xD
Don’t the Chinese have to kill have of their kids anyways since they can only have one?
Pretty much.
I went to school with at least 3 chinese girls who were adopted after being found on the sides of train tracks or something simmilar invoving a cardboard box.
Well… This is conclusive proof… We need to shut down the Internet. It obviously leads to pregnant Chinese girls…
Why shut down the internet when we can capitalize on the pregnant chinese women? Surely there are people with that kind of fetish we can persuade some deniro out of.
#7 – Get me Donald Wildmon on the phone! That is exactly the kind of blasphemous and sinful iniquity that is leading to the moral decay of…
Oh what the hell… I could use the cash… I’m in…
Another Ted Stevens crack after I destroy the anti-tubes newbs in another thread. I’m glad you’ve all recognized that this blog has turned to shit.
#9 – It is so damn cute that you think of yourself of the Destroyer Of Threads… You are like the bastard love child of the Simpson’s Comic Book Store Guy and Conan The Barbarian.
Shhhhh…stop provoking him
Don’t move………….he cant see us if we stand still……..
…Yet he keeps coming back.
Dont move….
He can’t see us if we stand still……….
Why would you go to China? This is the 00’s, and OMG, sex is more free now that it was in the 60’s.
The feminists ~like~ to claim that Sex in the City and the belly showing fashions havent actually made women in to whores, but it aint true (she is not a whore just becuase she will sleep with you on your first date, or as is now common BEFORE the first date just to get it out of the way).
Here is how the internet pickup culture works. Go on a singles chat, find someone somewhat close to you(not too close). Chat with them for three weeks. Be able to be funny and somewhat smart, canned lines work. Ask to go out and ‘have fun’ some time.
There you go. You are getting laid. That is all there is to it.
#14 – You say that like its a bad thing….
Greg A: three weeks????
Didn’t you mean three minutes?
I’ll never understand breeders.
Your worship is noted.
Note how none of you actually refuted that the blog is shit. I accept your silence as confirmation of this fact.
#17 – Nice… Once again you have replied with the intellectual equivalent of “I know you are but what am I”… What’s next? You gonna give us a wedgie?
And I accept that comment as confirmation that you are a douchebag
19. “And I accept that comment as confirmation that you are a douchebag”
You guys have to stop arguing with “James Hill.” He’s not a person. It’s basically a spam bot modified to start flame wars on blogs. The code is actually quite brilliant, even though the comments themselves are pretty lame. We’ve tried blocking the IP addresses but that was pointless as it constantly changes. Just ignore it, we do.
17, trolls are best dealt with silence….oops!
M$ will sue you for using their 3D tubes screensaver the wrong way XD
22. Actually, Dave put it together and John has deeper pockets. So I’m pretty safe. But if they ever find out about the pirate copies of Microsoft Bob I’m selling on eBay, I’m in deep trouble.
#23 – Ooooh Ooooh I’ll take a copy of BOB… 🙂
And don’t worry too much about trolls… I like to think of them as pets…
24. “Ooooh Ooooh I’ll take a copy of BOB…”
Here you go. Gee, I wonder if it’s Vista compatible?
24. “And don’t worry too much about trolls…”
He’s not a troll. I’m serious.
#26 – SN… You are serious? Are you trying to tell me that Jimmy Boy is not a recluse in his Mother’s Utah basement with a serious anti-social streak and fetish for Steve Jobs… But rather an actual spambot? A Matrix grade swatch of code, enabled with the power to autospam in context?
You aren’t yanking my chain?
27. It took us a long time to figure it out, but it’s true. And his IP addresses are from all over the place. We have no idea where it’s coming from. (By that I mean the guy who originated it and from where.)
There is probably some way we could block it, but you have to admit it’s sort of fun. And it adds to the discussion, in its own way. So, no harm no foul. (Whatever the frick that means?!)
But when I see guys getting all hot and bothered about it, well, I felt I should speak up.
Your worship is noted.
Note how none of you actually refuted that the blog is shit. I accept your silence as confirmation of this fact.
Comment by James Hill — 7/12/2007 @ 10:49 am
The only one worshiping you might be your dog. And then, only when you aren’t fornicating with him. For god’s sake Hill, HE’S A CHINESE CRESTED HAIRLESS !!!
Note how you dance whenever I command you. That’s called ownership kids.
Continue to worship me. I command you.