“Our baby-daddy is Al Gore!”

Associated Press – 7/11/07:

Nearly half of pregnant teens in China’s financial center Shanghai met their partners on the Internet, according to a newspaper report that also spotlighted widespread ignorance about sexual health.

Fully 46 percent of the more than 20,000 girls who called the city’s pregnancy hot line during the past two years said they had sex with boys they met online, the China Daily said, citing Dr. Zhang Zhengrong of Shanghai’s No. 411 Hospital.

Most of the would-be fathers disappeared after being told of the pregnancies, while in some cases the girls did not even know their partners’ true names, the report said.

The report said calls to the hot line have shot up 12 percent since the start of school holidays, which began two weeks ago and run through August.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #28 – But when I see guys getting all hot and bothered about it, well, I felt I should speak up.

    Comment by SN — 7/12/2007 @ 6:06 pm

    Well, I often SEEM hot and bothered… That’s part of the fun for a deranged sort like myself 🙂


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