Welcome home to Springfield, Vermont, Homer and Marge Simpson.
The Vermont town on Tuesday beat 13 other Springfields from around the United States in an online vote for the right to host the premiere of the upcoming Simpsons movie featuring the popular television cartoon family.
The Vermont town beat Springfields in Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida and Louisiana in the video contest to best portray the “Simpsons’ spirit.”
Better order your tickets for the premiere, now!
I know the creators say they will not let people know what state the Simpsons live in, but I think we can get it down to a region. Well here is where I am coming from. To the best of my knowledge Principal Skinner has spent his life in Springfield (except for the time he was in Vietnam) and in the episode “Homer’s Paternity Coot” where Homer gets a 40 years old letter for his mother that states that she was having an affare with a life guard, Principal Skinner is talking on a Ham radio and he gives the call sign WA3QIZ as his call sign
A quick check of the call districts in the US shows that there are 3 states and one district that has 3 in it. PA, MD, DE, and DC. We can remove DC from that list since DC is a city and not a state. So we have one of three states the Simpsons live in PA, MD, or DE.0
Yes I know this is a pointless post but I just thought it would be fun, I guess I should get a life, or a girlfriend.
“I guess I should get a life, or a girlfriend”, are mutually exclusive attributes.
#1 – I guess I should get a life, or a girlfriend.
You… and me… and everyone else here 🙂
I married my girlfriend. I guess that makes her not a girlfriend anymore.
My girlfriend came up with a way to figure out where Springfield is. I forgot how she did it, but she came to the conclusion that its Springfield MD.
The contest was not about finding out the “Real Springfield”, it was about the town that had the most Simpson Spirit for the premiere. The title you put on here is misleading.
I grew up one exit south (on interstate 91) of Springfield VT! Does that mean I’m from Shelbyville? – – As for the question of “where is the Springfield of the Simpsons?”, well, there is the one line in the movie trailer where Flanders and Bart on top of a large hill, and Flanders says something along the lines of “from up here you cn see the four states that border Springfield; Oregon, Nevada, Ohio and Maine.” ~LB
Thank you … please come again.
If you’re from Shelbyville then you like to f*ck with your cousins.
hmmm .. is the capital of Vermont ‘Capital City’?
I remember reading that the creators of the Simpsons have said that all the clues are out there in existing episodes to piece together which Springfield is the actual Springfield.
I can’t tell you which one it was but I remember seeing that they were absolutely and positively in Kentucky.
Too bad I can’t remember which episode or even the circumstances of the revelation. I find it kind of sad that they turned the secret into a marketing gimmick for the flick.
#11. the ‘Behind the Laughter’ episode referred (at the very end) to the Simpsons as ‘this Northern Kentucky family.’ which makes all those episodes with Springfield as a sea port kind of problematical …
It seems like it is just me who doesn’t care about this film coming out. I really don’t care for a simpsons film and the trailer I saw at Shrek 3 (which I thought was rubbish) didn’t exactly fill me with enthusiasm for it.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate everyone and everything in it, there are some films coming out that I do look forward to, like Transformers, because I am kind of warped and twisted and also a couple of others, but just the idea of a simspons film I can’t be bothered with.
#6 – Joe
“The title you put on here is misleading.”
Misleading? On DU?? You can’t be serious.
The “Behind the Laughter” says they are from Kentucky.
In the episode where Homer goes to Italy to get a sports car for Mr. Burns he hands a local a cup that says Kentucky.
But looking on a map clearly shows a Shelbyville next to Springfield IL, but the Simpsons Springfield doesn’t seem like a capital city to me.
No, the capital city of whatever state their Springfield is in is named ‘Capital City.’ That oughta narrow it down some…
I live in and grew up in one of the losing Springfield candidates. At first I was disappointed but after some thought I came to the conclusion that my Springfield is populated with mostly hateful a$$holes who are not nearly as charming or funny as the ones on TV. We didn’t deserve the honor.
If this is the best viral marketing they can come up with for the film, it won’t do well.
Oh, I dunno. I mean, I’m gonna
d/lgo watch it on opening day…