I feel so dirty after watching this ;)

  1. Wightout says:


  2. Danijel says:

    The eBay item mentioned in the clip:

  3. Danijel says:

    Phone Brand: Apple iPhone
    Condition: Used


  4. BubbaRay says:

    Gasparrini, If you don’t quit posting this stuff, I’ll have to buy a new monitor every week! Mine is, once again, covered with coffee!! Great site, great post.

    Here’s the one for transformers (scripts must be enabled):

  5. Cursor_ says:

    I want this man’s job when he retires. No doubt.

    Jobs should really use this in a commercial. The iPhone… it even blends.


  6. Kevin says:

    Brilliant! I had forgotten all about “will it blend”. Great marketing for only $500.

  7. Dauragon88 says:

    I think my emotions ranged from:

    “oh no he’s not!”

    “oh yes he is!”

    “oh dear god!”

    “oh no!”

    “oh christ it so horrible…..cant….look…away….”


    *shiver* “must….watch….again….”

  8. RTaylor says:

    It would be very funny to walk into an AT&T store and file an insurance or warranty claim on what’s left in a zip lock bag.

  9. johns says:

    HA HA HA I love it. Does he have a Steve “Blow” Jobs sized blender?

  10. JoaoPT says:

    I really really don’t get the American taste for blending…It’s just something that eludes me.

  11. mark says:

    When that guy dies, you know what I’d like to see……….you guessed it.

  12. Iamanassholetoo says:


    The display remained lit for a suprisingly long time.

  13. hhopper says:

    Americans love to see stuff destroyed. And blending is one great way to obliterate something. Demolition derbies, figure eight racing, car crushers, monster trucks, etc., etc.

  14. James Hill says:

    Another fine Utah company.

  15. your-name-here says:

    Yes… I loved it. I’m going over to the website to watch some more Will It Blend videos now.

  16. John Scott says:

    Gee, if I drink a iPhone will I suddenly become popular and feel like worshiping Steve Jobs. Maybe my senses will become like a touch screen. Touch my nose for smell, touch my eye for direction.
    Push my belly button to return to top menu!

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    What’s the deal with this “Americans love to…” stereotypical bullshit hhopper? There’s always some ass-muncher on here who has to throw in some line about some made up American stereo type. It’s getting old.

  18. hhopper says:

    Well why do you think “Will It Blend” is so popular then???

  19. Thomas says:

    Could it possibly be the novelty of blending golf balls and iPhones?

  20. Brian says:

    haha good stuff…I wonder how many apple fanboys pissed themselves over this one.

  21. GregA says:

    OMG did you guys see what happened when the pure evil escaped from the iPhone?

  22. Doctor J says:

    I’d bet if you put a [sic] Crackberry in the blender, it’d look about the same and probably wouldn’t hold up as long.

  23. BubbleCoG says:



    The Darkness is spreading.

  24. mark says:

    21. LOL, or was it black gold? Hmmmmmm?

  25. JoaoPT says:

    #13 U forgot one:

  26. Mathew says:

    I love the fact that he bought the iPhone on ebay, blended it, and is now selling it on ebay once again. Of course, this time it includes accessories such as a blender, dvd and t shirt 🙂

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – What’s the deal with this “Americans love to…” stereotypical bullshit hhopper? There’s always some ass-muncher on here who has to throw in some line about some made up American stereo type. It’s getting old.

    Comment by FRAGaLOT — 7/11/2007 @ 8:03 am

    Man… Americans sure do like flying off the handle…

    Americans are really defensive.

    Americans add “ass” to a lot of words.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Well, I noticed that the monitor stayed on for quite a while after getting beat about some, as #12 noted… Therefore, and this is for you James Hill… I have decided that the iPhone must be the toughest son of a bitch in the cell phone world and I plan to buy one as soon as possible.

  29. Bill says:

    How about Letterman’s “will it float?”
    or “takes a licking and keeps on ticking”?
    I remember them putting a Timex on a boat propeller and water skiing behind the boat… It still worked…

  30. Mark T. says:

    Ugh, what is all the black powder? Is that part of the battery or the display? Looks toxic to me.


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