In case you don’t recognise the tune in the ad, it’s from the movie ‘Never Ending Story’.

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    I swear, I am moving to Europe just for the commertials 😀

    That was by far the best cameo EVER

  2. LittleLloyd says:

    Were those rocks… erm… “doing it” across the road?

  3. jasontheodd says:

    boulder sex????????

  4. undissembled says:

    #2 is right. That was the real WTF moment.

  5. JoaoPT says:

    Piedras de reproducción…

  6. Gasparrini says:

    #5, Piedras EN reproducción (Rocks reproducing).

  7. MacBandit says:

    What cameo?

  8. MacBandit says:

    What cameo? Maybe I’m just blind.

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Cameo? You mean Richard Clayderman?

  10. mark says:

    WTF? You can say that again, WTF?

  11. M0les says:

    FFS! Can NO-ONE read the subtitles?

    Yes, “A wounded superhero. The reprodction of two rocks. Some distracting cyclists. And Richard Clayderman playing his white brake-less piano”.

    I suspect it’s supposed to be a bit surreal/dada like the Tooheys “Big Ad.” (oh, you Northern hemisphericals haven’t seen it yet? Go seek it out, it’ll change your life – and make you careful about jumping over a fence in a nightie).

  12. M0les says:

    Oop! “Big Ad.” is Carlton, not Tooheys – may bad.

  13. sinisterdesign says:

    yup, it made me say “WTF”, as in “who the f#$% is richard clayderman”. i had to wiki him. still never heard of him, but at least i know he’s supposed to be behind a piano.

    funky commercial. i’ll stick w/ rewinding to the bikers…

  14. … have to admit … I would have said WTF even without the cameo …

  15. OmegaMan says:

    Claderman…looked like John Tesh to me….

  16. Mr.Newton says:

    #15,,my thought exactly,john tesh,that’s who i think it is..

  17. Jim W. says:

    The only Wtf I saw was what looked like the Mach 5 at the very very end. Everything else seemed like normal European wackiness.

    but then I’m just a dumb American 😉

  18. Mike Voice says:

    #12 Oop! “Big Ad.” is Carlton, not Tooheys – may bad.

    But, it is a funny ad.

    Saw it via link from a 3D website, since they used the same software – Massive – for the computer-generated crowds that was used for the “Lord of the Rings” battle sequences.

  19. Mike Voice says:

    Oh yeah, the company that did “post production” for the Carlton “Big Ad” have a nice version to watch on their website.

    None of the crappy compression you’d get on Gootube.

  20. JoaoPT says:

    Mike, that’s an helluva site too.

  21. Piculin says:

    Whoa, I am a Spanish regular visitor to this site and I didn’t expect to find this here… It is indeed wacky, the ad became very popular for it.
    By the way, some translations could be waaaay simpler, like “nieve” (snow – “snowflakes” = “copos de nieve”) , “jabones” (bars of soap), “una vaca sorda” (a deaf cow), “rocas en reproducción” (mating rocks)…


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