Willie, the father of Tina, who made the sandbag rests fires a .50BMG, an Armalite AR-50 and it ricochets off of a steel plate that it should have easily penetrated. The bullet comes straight back and hits him in the head. You can see it hit the dirt about 15 feet in front on him before it clobbers him. Luckily he was uninjured. He’s a bit sore today, but otherwise fine. Lucky lucky bastard. He has been advised to buy lottery tickets while he still has so much luck. I don’t know about the timing, but you can hear the hit on the steel plate. Time that till the impact on Willie’s head… how fast is that 750 grain slug traveling? The range is 100 yards. Amazing.
Geez, what a sound! This guy sure was lucky it didn’t nail him between the eyes. |
Having checked the dumpster for Jim Hill-isms and finding nothing but trash, I am going to post on this topic.
That guy is very lucky! He should look around for the bullet and mount it on a plaque.
C’mon Cletus! Let’s go shoot us sum guns! Shootin’ shit is fun! WOOOOOO!!! Grab a case of Pabst and let’s play with guns!!!
Who the fuck is Tina?
#3 – Willie’s daughter.
Jeeze man… Can’t you read? 😉
Tina made the sandbag rests. 🙂
Ya, shoot some 12guage OLD steel plating, and see what you get…
love the blue leisure suit guy, quite a fashionista.
Yeah, I can read, OFTLO, but my question remains: Who the fuck is Tina. I mean, if they said “…father of Lady Diana”, that would mean something. Who gives a shit who made the damned sand bags? As the lead sentence in the story, I would expect Tina to be somebody, besides being an amateur seamstress who can sew together some canvas sacks.
Mr. Mustard – When quoting sources, we NEVER change any of the original text. If you’re that curious as to who Tina is, just click on the link to the site it came from.
#8 – Hey man… I put a smiley at the end… Besides… It’s from MadOgre dot com… It isn’t like Bob Woodward wrote the piece.
Some hick shot himself in the head and his buddies are so dumb that they think it’ll make a funny post. And it is funny, if you aren’t one of the bumblefucks who should be embarrassed by being in the video.
Who is Tina? Wait 12 years and you can meet her at the Double D Gentleman’s Club out by Route 6 and Mine Shaft Road.
I would never have believed a bullet could bounce straight back like that. There is a puff of smoke just ahead of him, must have ricocheted off the ground as well(?). If so, then the angle from the ground to his head might be somewhat similar to the angle before hitting the ground, indicating it returned in a big arc. The whistling sound must be the bullet returning end-over end. But why didn’t it just collapse at the plate? Maybe the target plate had some spring to it?? Or more than 1 richochet was involved? Speculation.
I shot a .12 gauge shotgun slug at a stump and it bounced back and hit my friends boot.. didn’t hurt him, but we didn’t do that anymore either..
Why did the camera guy focus on the shooter before he was “hit”, but didn’t bother filming him afterwards?
Tragically, Sturm of the old Sturm, Ruger and Company was killed by a fluke ricochet. Bill Ruger was devastated and changed the logo from red to black as an expression of the loss. Don’t shoot at steel stuff — I don’t.
There was definitely another shooter on the ‘grassy rockpile’.
Actually, Sturm died of hepatitis in 1951.
Well, I’ve got to hand it to Tina. She did a good job on the sandbags. That’s very little visible recoil for a .50 caliber AR-50. Kudos, ma’am!
I’ll pass on this shotgun rule once related by a coworker:
“Never fire a 12 gauge into a cow pat.”
He didn’t say why this is important..
It looks like all those hours spent on thumping the Bible finally paid off.
I think I bent my metal plate Agin..