The sun’s changing energy levels are not to blame for recent global warming and, if anything, solar variations over the past 20 years should have had a cooling effect, scientists said on Wednesday.

They concluded that the rapid rise in global mean temperatures seen since the late 1980s could not be ascribed to solar variability, whatever mechanism was invoked.

Britain’s Royal Society — one of the world’s oldest scientific academies, founded in 1660 — said the new research was an important rebuff to climate change skeptics.

“At present there is a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change. They are often misrepresenting the science, when the reality is that the evidence is getting stronger every day,” it said in a statement.

Politics alone required this latest bit of cul-de-sac research. There were only a couple of scientists advancing the solar thesis; but, every wacko defender of the petroleum religion leapt upon the possibility as another divine revelation in the copout gospel.

And another one bites the dust.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    There ‘conspiracy crap’, and then there’s conspiracy crap.

    Co-President and oil-field services executive Cheney meeting in the White House with top executives of the biggest energy companies is a pretty good example of a completely credible conspiracy. Especially when the CoPrez adamantly refuses to say who was there or what was discussed – and in fact, pretty much tells anyone who wants to know to fuck off, that the American people have no right to know what was on the table.

    Of course, they could’ve been discussing golf.

  2. Stars & Bars says:

    # 100 Frank IBC

    Perhaps this will help clear things up for you.

    After you finish that, invest a little time reading the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers.

  3. JimR says:

    Lauren, Cheny and Energy execs. could have been discussing or planning anything… his kickba… um… secret documents, an iPhone party at his house…

  4. Stars & Bars says:

    #102 Fishy Lauren

    Then there’s this…

    Don’t over bake your noodle.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    I’d rather hear it in your own words, Stars & Bars.

  6. Frank IBC says:

    I guess I find it somewhat ironic that someone’s whose nick is a tribute to the Confederacy kowtows at the altar of the US federal government.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    88 – Joshua – “On Global Warming, the BBC, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, the L.A. Times are water boys for ANYONE who claims it’s Human causation.”

    Do you know anything about how media bias works? It shows in what the publisher-editor-reporter chain ignores more than in what it publishes. You can see it brightly lit at Fox and CBS, which were about equal in misinforming their viewers about the nonexistent link between Osama and Saddam, their ignoring the significant short-selling just before 9/11 on companies located in the downed buildings, and other such issues.

    Where the newspapers are concerned, again the bias, if any, consists more of what is NOT published than of what IS published. Where GW is concerned, they’re reporting what they’re told by scientists, politicians and others on the subject. Usually with full attribution unless it’s a signed opinion piece.

    Stop shooting the messengers, okay? They’re not carrying water for anyone but their dwindling advertisers and their wealthy publishers. Attacking them as water carriers for one side or another of a politicized question of science you’re falling for the tiresome crap continually flung by the likes of Stars & Bars.

  8. Frank IBC says:

    their ignoring the significant short-selling just before 9/11 on companies located in the downed buildings

    Oh dear, we’ve got another one…

  9. Frank IBC says:

    #103 Stars & Bars –

    According to your link, the fall of the dollar has been caused by the policies of the US Federal Government. So how is that a critique of the concept of a “world government”?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Confederate Traitor,

    Why don’t you give it up. Instead of linking to bullshit articles about driving an SUV on mars, link to a study with actual evidence.

    Tim Ball is a great man and very intelligent. Yet he hasn’t done any research himself.

    So 2660 scientists have signed a petition saying they don’t agree with CO2 causing global warming. There has to be 100 times that number of researchers that believe global warming is a fact and CO2 is a contributory factor.

  11. JimR says:

    Re shorting and put options of American Airlines prior to 9/1, 2001…

    AMR news release, 9/07, 2001:
    “FORT WORTH, Texas – AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, Inc. and TWA Airlines LLC, said today that it expects a third quarter loss considerably larger than its second quarter loss as it continues to feel the combined effects of a weak economic climate, high fuel prices and increased labor costs. The company said that it also expects a significant fourth quarter loss. ”

    In fact, they haven’t turned a profit again until this year. Any astute investor would have shorted them with that kind of news since their stock price had been relatively stable for 6 months prior.

  12. Stars & Bars says:

    #107 Frank IBC

    kowtows at the altar of the US federal government
    I do no such thing. I kowtow at the alter of the Founding Fathers of the united States. The US federal government, you reference, is in no way what the Founding Fathers envisioned.

    “A republic if you can keep it.” said Franklin.

    The republic was dismantled by Lincoln & FDR. Wilson, LBJ, Bush 41 & 43 continue(d) to pile dirt on the grave. When is the last time you heard of this country referred to as a republic? Everyone calls it a democracy. Do you know the difference between a republic and a democracy?

    Re Bush 43. Google the following: Military Commissions Act of 2006, John Warner National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2007′ (H.R.5122) and see if you agree with what you read.

    What if Cindy Sheehan is correct. Bush administration needs more terror to save a doomed foreign policy, along with recent legislation that establishes the framework for martial law in the event of an emergency, Sheehan was open to the plausibility that another false flag attack could be visited upon the American people.

    “I definitely think that is a distinct possibility, that there will be some kind of attack whether it’s manufactured or real….I think it’s really possible that these people will do that – why would he [Bush] put in that presidential directive if he didn’t need to use it – I think it’s really really frightening,”

    “Does anybody think that [Bush’s] recent presidential decision directive wasn’t for declaring martial law and suspending elections – that’s why they have to be stopped,”

    Re #110. Do you know who owns/runs the federal reserve?

  13. Frank IBC says:

    Do you know who owns/runs the federal reserve?

    Um, I dunno – the International Jewish Conspiracy(TM)?

  14. Frank IBC says:

    Why is “world government” in principle worse than national government, state government, county government or city/township government, S&B?

  15. Stars & Bars says:

    #115 Frank IBC

    Are you afraid to look it up? I’ll give you a clue, it’s not the US Government. The Federal Reserve is no more federal then Federal Express.

  16. Stars & Bars says:

    #115 The answer to your question can be found in the second part of #103.

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Again, as I said in #106, I’d rather hear it in your own words, preferably in two paragraphs or less.

  18. JimR says:

    #111…um Mr.F, I just checked, and the IPCC has just over 2500 “scientific expert reviewers”. So it seems the scientist disbelievers and believers are about equal. Hmmm….

  19. Frank IBC says:

    #116 –

    You are implying that the Federal Reserve and “world goverment” are somehow equivalent. Please demonstrate how this is the case, in your own words, preferably two paragraphs or less.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Wow! We’ve really taken almost every road that leads to Crackpotville that one can take. Now if someone will invoke ZOG and the works of William Turner, the loonbattery will be complete…

    I can’t freaking believe the twisted reality that I find myself living in here, but I’m actually enjoying watching as Frank IBC bitchslaps the local Montana Freeman’s kookball political worldview.

    IBC (isn’t that a brand of Root Beer?)

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So 2660 scientists have signed a petition saying
    >>they don’t agree with CO2 causing global warming.

    Well, you have to subtract from that number the dead guys, the talking-head weathermen from TV stations, and the legitimate scientists who say they had NEVER SEEN THE PETITION. Leave it to the petroleum industry lackeys and Hummer dealers to try and distort the truth. (And just who the fuck DID Heart Attack Cheney meet with in his Secret Taxpayer-Funded Energy Cabal meeting, anyway?)

    Your figure of “100 times” goes up somewhat from there.

  22. Frank IBC says:

    IBC (isn’t that a brand of Root Beer?)

    Yes, my nick is a tribute to my very favorite soft drink in the whole world.

  23. Frank IBC says:

    Or to put my earlier question in different words – how is “world government” inherently worse than, say, the combined performance of the New Orleans municipal government, the Louisiana state government, and the US federal government during Hurricane Katrina?

  24. ArianeB says:

    On that list of 2660 scientists:
    1) The petition has nothing to do with the science of global warming, its just a list of 2660 scientists who dont agree with the Kyoto Accord.
    2) I picked two names on the list at random. One was dead, the other does not exist anywhere on the web except on copies of the same petition. So much for “prominent” scientists.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So much for “prominent” scientists.

    The whole thing is a scam, ArianeB. Nobody who’s not on the payroll of the petroleum industry takes that ridiculous “petition” thing seriously. Just whackadoodles like Stars and Bars. He’d cite ANYTHING to try and “debunk” the “myth” of global warming. Be interesting to see who is underwriting his spittle-spewing efforts. Or if I was right in the first place, it’s the moonshine that’s clouded his judgement.

  26. Stars & Bars says:

    #120 Frank IBC When appropriate I use the words of others as a fulcrum.

    Here is a quote from Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws”

    Now, why would a Rothschild make such a statement? Do you know any history regarding the Rothschild’s?

    I’m not talking about this dope though he is part of the same family. Wonder what his real interests are regarding Global Warming? BTW this is the book given out at the Live Earth Concert.

    PS. Have you ever tried “Gale’s Rootbeer”? Once you do, you’ll never touch IBC again.

  27. JimR says:

    LOL, I just checked a few on that list as well. Some were legitimate, a few recently died (one was 102 in 1998) and some were unknowns.. ie not on the web. It’s old… pre 1998.

    I wonder where the original petition is.

  28. Stars & Bars says:

    #110 Frank IBC

    Perhaps you didn’t read the article completely.

    America needs to remake itself — to recommit to its original principles of personal freedom, civil liberties and social justice , to reject the demagoguery and warmongering of the Bush regime, to reestablish our belief in habeas corpus, the presumption of innocence and the rule of law.

  29. Stars & Bars says:


    From Lewis vs. United States, 680 F. 2d 1239 9th Circuit 1982

    “The regional Federal Reserve banks are not government agencies. …but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations.”

    “The Federal Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities…”

  30. bobbo says:

    99—With intent and practice you can treat semantic arguments as if they were conclusions. ie–not that interesting and not let semantics avoid the recognition, collection, and evaluation of facts that hopefully underlie the semantics. Semantics, rhetoric, defintions–valuable discussions to have before the argument is even engaged.

    To your point, the distinction between cause and contribute isn’t worth the candle. Move on to the only issue that counts: What do you plan to do about the situation?

    100—One world government (OWG) is an interesting concept about how you view yourself. A human being vs being an American and why you choose to value one over the other. OWG like everything else would have pro’s and cons. The pro–a shot at stopping wars, but the reality is war would move to insurrection. The main thing I see against OWG is that it would tend to equalize the haves with the have nots. As a have, I wouldn’t like that. Yes, it is an accident where we are born, but I’ve gotten used to it.

    127—“When appropriate I use the words of others as a fulcrum.” /// To move what where? The same process could be called I start with a fact and then go off on a tangent.


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