I think this is outrageous! A robot pays it’s premiums and now can’t get reimbursement? What is this world coming to? Click the link to read the letter in it’s entirety and be amazed at the temerity of this puny human agent.

A Letter to Optimus Prime From His GEICO Auto Insurance Agent

Dear Mr. Prime,

We have received your accident-claim reports for the month of June—they total 27. I regret to inform you that GEICO will not be able to reimburse you for any of those repairs. I feel that I have sent the same letter to you once a month for the last six months, and I am now sending it again.

Since becoming a GEICO customer in January of this year, you have reported 131 accidents, requesting reimbursement for repairs necessitated by each one. You have claimed not to be responsible in any of them, usually listing the cause of the accident as either “Sneak attack by Decepticons” or “Unavoidable damage caused by protecting freedom for all sentient beings.”

The only repairs for which you were reimbursed were the replacement of a cracked fender and a headlight, required after a Mr. I. Ron Hide backed his van into your truck; these cost $1,286.63. Our own investigation concluded that you were not at fault and that Mr. Hide had been drinking prior to the accident. Though police were unable to test his blood-alcohol level—Mr. Hide claimed that it would be impossible for police to examine his blood-alcohol content with a Breathalyzer, because he “doesn’t breathe”—under Washington-state law, refusal to take a Breathalyzer test is equivalent to returning a result above the legal level.

This is making me wonder what insurance company Megatron uses.

GEICO has been unable to reimburse you for any repairs, but due to the high number of accidents you have been a party to this month, combined with the many accidents you have had in the preceding five months, your premium has increased to $235,567.50 per month. While that may seem like a lot, I remind you that it is a savings of $137 over Progressive and $98 over State Farm.

  1. YeahRight says:

    Cute letter…funny…

    I think Optimus should call his employer ( Hasbro and Paramount Pictures ) to pay for his premiums. This was during work hours so they should be willing to accept this. … and with the money they made lately, this premium should not make a dent in their pockets…


  2. Dauragon88 says:

    Damn, I didn’t know saving the universe would cost so much.

  3. James Hill says:

    That’s why the Autobots always take a medic with them. Fuck the green lizard.

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    If they didn’t destroy the “all spark” they wouldn’t need insurance and could repair themselves. But nooooooooo.. little punk Sam (who reminds me of Wil Weaton) had to shove it into Megatron.

  5. Greymoon says:

    All this proves is that GEICO is a pyramid scam. Tricky cavemen everywhere you go. Bring back the British lizard.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe if he worked for Avon..


  7. Bill says:

    There should be universal car insrance along with the universal healthcare, FHA house loans, and citizenship for everyone in this part of tha galaxy.


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