Unfortunately, the link to them is down at the time I posted this. Probably just a few people are interested. Like the ones on it. Are you (interested or on it)?

If it, er, um, comes back up or gets posted to somewhere else, be assured we’ll let you know the moment it surfaces!! Unless we’re on it.

Accused D.C. Madam Releases Phone Records

The phone records of the accused D.C. Madam have been posted online and are available for public viewing.

Deborah Jeane Palfrey’s attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, tells WTOP he changed his plan of distributing the information — which includes calls from 1994-2006 — only to journalists after he learned of one organization’s plan to post the numbers in their entirety.

Sibley says after he began distributing CDs with the information, he was alerted that their security coding wasn’t sophisticated enough to prevent hacking, and it would be easy to make someone’s number appear on the list even if it hadn’t been originally.

When he initially offered the records to journalists and bloggers last week, it was with the condition that the information would not be posted in its entirety.

“I sent out 54 discs with the records on them,” Sibley says. “[Monday] morning, we got calls and emails saying there wasn’t any security on the coding and the numbers were going to be all over the place anyway.”

UPDATE: Sen. David Vitter, R-LA, was on the list.

Time to start a game. Which party will have the most people on the list. Who will win? Republicans or Democrats?

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    Ahhh gotta love my city. Never a dull moment in D.C.

    This sucks for anyone who is on it 😀

  2. heyzeus says:

    The Democrats and Republicans are at war again. Funny, Democrats believe in sexual freedom thus they have liasons with hot babes in hotels and the oval office. Republicans believe in sexual suppression thus they have sex with little boys in motels and in the congressional basements.

  3. undissembled says:

    There will be more republicans on the list because they are the bible thumpers.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    We should have a BLOG pool – how many of each & who’s the “highest” name on the list.

  5. Dauragon88 says:

    Republicans, hands down.

    When you have such giant restrictions on sexuality, you end up looking else where for satisfaction. I don’t see many republican wives beeing very kinky.

    LOL I just found the best response to Sen. Vitter apology, where he stated that he asked God for forgiveness afterwards:

    “His bible thumping family value gravy train has derailed.”

    God I love the internet!

  6. RTaylor says:

    Let me state here that if I had over two grand a night to spend on a top notch call girl, I probably would. 🙂

  7. @RTaylor,

    Yeah but they shouldnt use their per diem for it

  8. Billabong says:

    Larry Flynt wins. He knows you need pictures of our rulers in action to affect anything. He has offered a cool million for sex tapes of dems or republicans. He saved Clinton.

  9. Tim Harris says:

    Can someone please make sure I’m not on the list…That’s Tim Harris with an “H”.

  10. grog says:

    dude, every republican blindly accepts whatever their politicians say and will make excuses for their every foible — so if any republicans’ numbers are on the list, all those republicans will have to do is act contrite on tv, maybe cry a little, that’s all.

    republicans can forgive any perversion, drug addiction, felony conviction, what-have-you so long at the perp is a republican.

  11. Dauragon88 says:

    “so if any republicans’ numbers are on the list, all those republicans will have to do is act contrite on tv, maybe cry a little, that’s all.”

    Don’t forget saying the words God and Jesus and forgiveness repeatedly.

    “So what if I slept with a hooker?……I talked to God about it, and he says its cool…”

    Apologizing might be ok between you God, but government policy is a different story. “I’m sorry” isn’t enough to refute the fact that soliciting sex is a crime.

  12. Kballweg says:

    Oh do go to http://wonkette.com to follow this. Juicy, juicy dish.

  13. James Hill says:

    Hate to break it to you, but this kind of story just isn’t interesting anymore.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – Right. Let’s keep talking about cell phones….

  15. Eric says:

    The link is: http://deborahjeanepalfrey.com/Jeane10c.html

    (the final L on html was missing from the link)

  16. Bill says:

    Hey! My name is missing!

  17. joshua says:

    I’ll bet that there will be gaps in the list where most of the well known names have paid her to sort of create blank spots where their names used to be.

    But, if they didn’t pay(can anyone say…Vitter?), it could make for a fun summer for some politicians of both parties….

    Betting they will be about equal.

  18. joshua says:

    Oh….and this is priceless….apparently Salon had a story 3 years ago about Vitter and his roving dick, but no one paid any attention to it.
    But when Mrs. Vitter(Wendy) was asked in a Times-Picyune interview when the story was reported in the Louisiana Weekly, here’s what she said about her husband cheating:


    Got to love it……now we know why Senator Vitter isn’t cheating anymore. 🙂

    Also….according to Wonkette….this brings the total of, to quote the blog…..

    ****This brings the total number of dickless Senators up to 18, and counting****

  19. joshua says:

    oooops….the quote disappeared….lol….here it is…I hope……from Wendy Vitter….

    Asked by an interviewer in 2000 whether she could forgive her husband if she learned he’d had an extramarital affair, as Hillary Clinton and Bob Livingston’s wife had done, Wendy Vitter told the Times-Picayune: “I’m a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. If he does something like that, I’m walking away with one thing, and it’s not alimony, trust me.”
    This brings the total number of dickless Senators up to 18, counting

  20. Li says:

    My problem with most legislators is not that they lack penises (’cause I sure feel screwed anymore), but that they lack balls.

    I have a right to one low-blow every year or so. 😉

  21. Lord Purple says:

    Dames and Gents,
    In times unprecedented and tinged with despair, it is appropriate to reflect on the founding of our great nation. It was not with George Washington, but with Brutus, and not the one who killed Caeser. There was another who rebelled against the tyrant monarchy of Rome, The Tarquins. He wrote the Roman Constitution that would stand for 500 years. His sons sided with the monarchy. The monarchy lost. So to punish his sons and found a perfect union, he immolated his own sons.
    Machiavelli speaks fluently and voluminoulsy and voiciferously on this subject, in ‘The Discourses’, and yet is proved wrong on several counts by the miracle of America.
    He says that a nation founded in servitude, as America was a colony, will never win its freedom. He also says that a nation founded on fertile soil that is easily defended, will in time loose all of its freedoms because it will become, eventually, inevitably, sloth and sated, and will forget to protect them.
    As regards ‘The DC Madam’, I am personally involved. You can view my involvement at http://www.maytheygetwhattheydeserve.com/KAT.html
    Sometimes a mouse will lead you to a kat, and a kat can lead you to a rat and a rat, ironically, can lead you to the truth.
    And the truth, as they say, and as it is written, will set you Free.
    May all those who sincerely and patiently wait for freedom be free and may all those who desire to steal those freedoms find instead the dire consequences that accompany contempt for a great man like Brutus.
    As regards Machiavelli,
    eram sapiens tamen nefas
    And again,
    vox vocis publicus est vox vocis deus
    May The Republic stand forever and bring the Glory of The World, with Dignity, into Its Treasury.


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