Ted Stevens’ SUV

We can only hope.

Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and once the chief power broker for dispensing federal dollars, says he’s worried that a corruption investigation “could cause me some trouble” in running for re-election next year.

The 83-year-old Alaska Republican has drawn Justice Department scrutiny over a renovation project in 2000 that more than doubled the size of his home.

The remodeling was overseen by Bill Allen, a contractor who has pleaded guilty to bribing Alaska state legislators. Allen is founder of VECO Corp., an Alaska-based oil field services and engineering company that has reaped tens of millions of dollars in federal contracts.

Step back in awe at the ethics of our favorite Congressional thug! Here’s my favorite quote:

“I’m working to get this concept out of my mind that someone is trying to make something illegal out of all this, That’s what’s really disturbing.”

At least he’s proved that Alaskan voters are as ignorant and gulllible as the electorate in the lower 48.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:


    Maybe, but no one makes such big & vulgar display of power than the Bush clan, specially when they’re young and find out their family’s influences can make them do anything they want.

  2. bobbo says:

    28—“they are all crooks”—OK, only a slight exaggeration if a violation of law must occur before one is a crook, not to be excused because they are humans. If however a crook is a hypocrite in violtion of a public trust and oath of office, then the charge sticks if “all” means 99% and up.

    Is this a lazy mans approach to politics? No—it takes alot of energy not to give up and put one’s faith in “something!” Easier to just say OK–I trust you because you are saying what I want to hear, than it is to say “You are saying what I want to hear, but what is your actual track record?”

    All the Dems that ran on bringing transparency to government and then refused to itemize their own earmarks? Hypocrites by defintion, crooks by extension.

    All the Dems that said the War in Iraq was wrong and should stop yet voted to continue its funding without substantive restrictions or timetables? Hypocrites by defintion, crooks by extension.

    All the Repugs? — Yes, by defintion.

    So, as in all things, it depends on what you mean, and even in disagreement, there can be kernels of truth that should be attended.

  3. joshua says:

    #28…OFTLO….Well…chill dude!!
    I’m the one who usually says that not all of them are crooks, or that generalizations suck. But, my hard on about long term service is that when they are there for a long time they aquire senority, and to many of them use that to pore the pork into their districts, and when they do that they are depriving the people(note…taxpayers) whose representitives may not have that pull, but who pay taxes just like everyone else.
    I don’t advocate a regular change over, where younger replaces older, just new verses old, fresh verses possibly stale. An elimination of a permanent political class and a return to the original idea of citizen legislators. Something along the line of Ciccinatus, leaving the farm to lend a hand then going home when the crisis is over. Even Washington himself felt that you should serve when needed, then put down the mantle and return to your former life.
    Of course the world isn’t as simple(or seem as simple) as it once was, but thats what the beuracrats are for, the continuity, and the long view.
    But, maybe thats not possible anymore.

  4. James Hill says:

    #25, #29 – You guys are on the right track. Yes, he’s a pork grabbing SOB, and that’s exactly what his base (the entire state) wants.

    That’s the same reason I flame the newbs around here for his “tubes” rant. The only tube he wants is the one pumping money from the Lower 48… and once you understand that his “tubes” argument makes perfect sense.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Sadly, this ain’t on the front page… But what the hell… I’m at work and I hate work so I’ll just answer…

    #33 – Dude… That rant was for fun but it was toward a little bit of a lot of posts… Not specifically you. Except of course, for the part that was specifically you… But ranting is like a sport 🙂

    #34 – The reason you flame people is because you are anti-social and wrong-headed. Ted’s Tube speech was only effective at showing how out of touch he was about technology. He may not be a complete moron in all areas, but he’s clueless about tech and should shut up.

    Like Mac users….

  6. Luis Proenza says:

    I have known Ted Stevens, Frank Murkowski, and Don Young for years. And YES, together they have provided some of the most outrageous pork barrel federally funded line items in Congress’s recent history. Remember the Supercomputer they got the University of Alaska, which I used to catapult my career? Band of theives it turns out they be… featherbedding their kids’ incomes/careers/creature comforts with govt land deals (your money), lobbyist bucks, free plane rides, countless meals around the nation and on 4 continents, DOUBLING the size of vacation properties, etc etc etc. Ted stevens is a crook. Criminals need to be punished.


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