Interesting video of an advertisement that’s definitely NSFW. ;)

  1. heyzeus says:

    “Men Don’t Want to Look at Naked Men”

    BUT THEY DO all the time when they watch porn. Pornography might be the CIA’s attempt to turn all men into secret homosexuals.

  2. James says:

    Next time… please clarify that title and say “most (or many) heterosexual men don’t want to look at naked men”… ie speak for yourself.

  3. prophet says:

    This commercial is inaccurate. I have never put beer in my cereal.

    It’s a wonder any of us ever get laid.

  4. joshua says:

    Ok…this was funny. 🙂

  5. Dallas says:

    I was a bit turned on visualizing she was a guy and ignoring the growth on (his) chest. Nice legs!

  6. BlowMeDown says:

    the little hand wave at the end was a nice touch, did you miss it?

  7. The REAL James says:

    I don’t get it. The girl was hot, the farting was gross. Is this just to increase brand awareness? All things being equal I guess I would buy the underwear the uses hot, half-naked babes in the advertising.

  8. David says:

    Funny and clever…though I’m also ok with looking at naked men 😉

    Why is it that Europe can show NAKED people in TV commercials or print , and their societies don’t crumble? But if the prudish U.S. tried that, the “family values” crowed would go nuts. It’s just a human body, get over it!

    So we’re somewhere between Europe (this commercial) and Iran (where woman have to wear burkas).

  9. rasco says:

    #1 Lesbian porn = 100% meat free.

  10. ECA says:

    Because for SOME odd reason, it embarrasses Some people.
    Esp, many religious zealots, that Dont understand that Adam and Eve DIDNT understand about Naked, until the Ate the apple.

    And then come the idea of comparing one self, with those Models on TV, and thinking about WHAT YOU AINT GOT… But, we dont put Fat or Ugly people on TV either, in this country.

  11. Kent Goldings says:

    That’s still pretty nasty.

  12. Mike says:

    #9, they also don’t seem to really give a crap what they are looking at as long as it has a vagina. Good friend of mine came back from Iraq and decided she wanted to be a lesbian, and I’m almost embarrassed for her about the girls she’ll settle for to that end. If you are going to be into girls, at least let them be attractive ones. You see almost as many “men” at lesbian bars as you do straight ones. It’s a paradox, and I quit trying to figure it out a long time ago.

  13. RBG says:

    Let’s see, what do I now associate with JBS underwear?

    I’m conflicted but I think the image of used underwear with tire-tracks wins.


  14. Angel H. Wong says:


    So she goes for the fat, toothless, trucker women & the Rosie O’donnell type?

  15. Mike says:

    #14, no, it’s more the binge-drinking, emo boy look-a-likes. She was with a fat chick with a rat-tail for a little while though… lol, even she didn’t want me to see what that chick looked like.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:


    Then I suggest you send her in here to satisfy her desire to look at androginous males since the majority of the art is like that in such site.

    I prefer men like Steve Wozniak though but to each his own.

    BTW kudos to you if you can find my username in that site.

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #16, OK, guess it’s my turn.

    Angel, you horny bastard!

  18. Dauragon88 says:

    Damn, reminds me of my girlfriend.

    She’s like a middle linebacker trapped in a sexy dancer’s body.

    Does that make me gay? .>

  19. blafusel says:

    unbelievable one has to consider this being tagged with a NSFW. i mean seriously. IT’S JUST BREASTS!

  20. Steve S says:

    “unbelievable one has to consider this being tagged with a NSFW. i mean seriously. IT’S JUST BREASTS!”

    Tell that to Janet Jackson!

  21. Angel H. Wong says:


    Nope, that makes you the luckiest man alive; you won’t have to deal with Cosmopolitan Magazine BS plus she can always bring the munchies for Superbowl.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>“family values” crowed would go nuts.

    Naw, they’re too busy fucking hookers in DC and Louisiana, or page boys, or jerking off in hot-sheet motels with prostitutes. One good thing about the “family values” crowd is that most of them are such pervs that their secrets are eventually outed, and they become toothless.

  23. Brown Charlie says:

    What is with men who are terrified of seeing another man naked, anyway? You never hear women saying “Ewwww, a naked woman!” but (straight) men have to be all macho and act like the accidentla sight of another man’s dick is going to turn them gay or something. Get over it, folks.


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