1. You says:

    There is no way that last one could have aired on U.S. television.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – And THAT is what is wrong with America…

  3. sdf says:

    #3, nah, this is what’s wrong with amerika

  4. prophet says:

    I can just see the heads of all the religious organizations exploding in anger and outrage!

    These three commercials represent everything that is wrong with the world. Murder, degradation, and vibrators….

  5. joshua says:

    Priceless!!!! 🙂

  6. bobbo says:

    5—Nope. They are all about sex and not picking your things up. But you are right, religious leaders could be even more upset with this trioka. Tired limp old white men don’t need to be reminded of this.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – And that too 🙂

  8. Canadian says:

    Seen them all on TV here in the great white north.

    yea, even the third one. There was another one where the kid pulls it out in front of mom and a friend too.

  9. Les says:

    I still have no idea who or what Ikea is. This is not a good ad. Funny as can be though

  10. Steve Jibs says:

    #10 Didn’t all the pictures of furniture tip you off?

  11. joshua says:

    #10…not meant to be an insult….but what rock have you been hiding under for the last 8 or 10 years?? LOL…….I know NOTHING about fashion or furniture and EVEN I know what IKEA is. 🙂

  12. mark says:

    12. Correct me if wrong but I believe it is more European than American. I havent seen much here in the states, but a large presence in London.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    #13, mark, my daughter informed me that there are two in TX, one in Houston and one in DFW. Cheese, I’m near one of ’em. Help me! If my wife finds out, I’m doomed!!

  14. B. Dog says:

    #10: That’s OK, I didn’t know what IKEA was until this year. They sell furniture that people buy and put together. It’s nice cleanly designed stuff. In cities that have IKEA stores, they can be wildly popular. A good quote that I like is, “Everyone I know has an apartment that looks the same, because of IKEA”.

  15. joshua says:

    When they opened their new store in Oakland a year or so, people camped out and thousands almost rioted to get in when the doors opened.
    They are wildly popular in Europe, I don’t think I know anyone there that dosen’t have half their flats or homes filled with IKEA stuff. Same here in the Bay area….and I know they are very popular in Phoenix, especially amoung students.

  16. Dennis says:


    I’m laughing my arse off here.

  17. moshguy says:

    The little kid with the dildo was priceless.


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