Associated Press – July 8, 2007:

Nearly 2,000 officials in central China’s Hunan province have been caught breaking China’s strict one-child policy, state media reported Sunday.

China’s family planning policy, implemented in the late 1970s, limits most urban couples to one child and rural families to two in an attempt to control population growth and conserve natural resources in the world’s most populous country.

Xinhua said the officials were caught between 2000 and 2005 by the provincial family planning commission and included 21 national and local lawmakers and 24 political advisers.

Xinhua said some of the officials were discovered breaking the law only when they were being investigated for corruption.

The 1-child policy is a disaster waiting to happen. Parents are overwhelmingly choosing to have boys, thus generations of men will live with no possibility of female companionship. As far as I remember from when I was young, women civilize us, they’re the reason we get off the couch, cut our hair, shave, shower and get real jobs. Does anyone really think a guy would work 12 hours a day in a coal mine or factory if he didn’t have a woman and kids to go home to?! We’ll have to wait to see how China will deal with a country full of pissed off horny men.

  1. undissembled says:

    So, in 10-20 years, China will be a super-power with a bunch of pissed off, lazy, un-bathed, smelly, testosterone rich guys in command. What could go wrong?

  2. dawn says:

    probably they’ll deal with it the same way some men in various Muslim countries, and some parts of India, do when the numbers of females drop… by kidnapping those they can find.

  3. Jetfire says:

    “Does anyone really think a guy would work 12 hours a day in a coal mine or factory if he didn’t have a woman and kids to go home to?”
    Nope because now he would actually want to go home now.
    “As far as I remember from when I was young, women civilize us” So you’re saying women are the reason for many wars, since we tried to civilize many of these other primitive races.

  4. Perry Noiya says:

    #1. The in-fighting should take care of any problems.

    The real danger is that the few Chinese women will become somewhat spoiled. Millions of Paris Hiltons.


  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Does anyone really think a guy would work 12 hours a day in a coal mine or factory if he didn’t have a woman and kids to go home to?!

    I do that now…

    Children, by the way, are not an incentive to do anything.

  6. ECA says:

    Ummm, NO..
    1-2 of the middle east countries has this problem in the EXTREME.
    But they use Dowry, from the Females family. And the Males family extorts more money from the Females family, as If they dont, the Males family has the right to Kick her OUT.
    The real problem comes with a VERY high population,
    NOT wanting to pay Dowry
    Not wanting a female child
    Males=70-80% of the country, so thats about 8/1 male/female..
    Then comes the Horny idea of what MEN do Anyway. And that the country wants PURE females when they get married.

    At this point, you could internet Marry most of them, sans dowry, and most of the family would MOVE to the USA in the BLINK of an eye, just to get the Girl out of the country.

  7. jz says:

    “As far as I remember from when I was young, women civilize us, they’re the reason we get off the couch, cut our hair, shave, shower and get real jobs.”

    Oh, please, like women are so civil. I worked in a sorority. The women were every bit as crude and uncivilized, and they were way more catty. And the military does a much better job training men about personal hygiene than a woman.

    “Does anyone really think a guy would work 12 hours a day in a coal mine or factory if he didn’t have a woman and kids to go home to?! ”

    So the reason men work harder and earn more income is because of women. That is an unbelievably sexist statement. Even though men earn more than women, women control 65% of the country’s wealth. Given this logic, women should control more. Hell, we might as well not even allow men to pick up a paycheck.

    I personally think it is just the opposite. Men don’t work as hard as they used to because they are so penalized by divorce and child support.

    And last I checked, the mostly male China was kicking economic ass.

    It will be interesting to see what happens because China is not so ass backwards like the Arab world sexually. In the Arab world, you are promised women by becoming a terrorist because if you are poor, it often is the only way you think you will ever get one. China and most of Asia is not so sexually repressed.

    My bet is that competition for women becomes so intense the Chinese men work harder than ever, and it will be a good thing. At some point, when families see daughters reaping more financial gain than their hard working males, the desire to have girls will explode.

  8. GregA says:

    I think China has a bright future in Polyandry. That is one wife many husbands. Sort of a straight-feminists utopia. Near total commodification of pussy.

    Also, and most genocidalogists forget this for some reason… If you want to reduce the population, you have to lower the number women, as genetically men are basically disposable. So it looks like, while China’s one child policy is very unpopular, it is working expertly, and in another generation of enforcement, China’s population should be dropping to more manageable levels.

    Sucks not being free though.

  9. bobbo says:

    Nice graphic here showing the impact. What is the disaster again?

    Fascinating is near by India without the official rule. We don’t pay enough attention to India.

  10. chuck says:

    Dont ask. Dont tell.

  11. SN says:

    5. “Children, by the way, are not an incentive to do anything.”

    Gee, either you’re not a parent or you’re a lousy parent.

    7. “Oh, please, like women are so civil.”

    I never said that women were civil. I said that women provided a reason for men to be civil. Those are two different things.

  12. Bryan Carney says:

    It’s a gay man’s dream! Let’s help those horny men out.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – Well, that’s not how I mean to say that, but I already clicked the send button…

    But you are right… I’m not that good a parent. I’m just better than my own and most others I’ve seen. Truth is, humans are not that good at being parents. But those who are a good are those who approach the responsibility with an understanding that they are fallible.

  14. SN says:

    13. Sorry for the misunderstanding. If you want me to correct what you wrote in 5, I will and then I’ll delete what I wrote about you in 11.

  15. Phillep says:

    (shrug) Our instincts are set up for small tribe life, a mix of both sexes and all ages. We have problems when any of the parts are missing. China is going to turn expansionist, trying to grab women from sorrounding countries. The young men will not be able to buy them or pay for their transportation, so they will try to steal them. Betcha.

  16. MikeN says:

    Yeah, the government planning messed things up again. They’ll probably fight some wars to burn off the excess, or maybe take women from other countries. Liberals generally support family planning, even at the point of a gun which is what China does.

  17. bobbo says:

    GOUSA used to export products to China and import young hot babes as wives. The first part has reversed. Look for the second part to reverse any time soon now.

  18. bobbo says:

    16—“Liberals generally support family planning, even at the point of a gun which is what China does” //// The only folks with guns is the Bushie Fundies forcing wimen to bear children. Family planning support whatever decision a family/woman makes===logically incoherent to link that with force by gun.

    Good job Bushie.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – The point that I botched so botchedly was that being a parent isn’t really something we should all aspire to… It isn’t for everyone and we’d all be better off if fewer people did it.

    But the joys of being a parent is a subjective matter.

    Personally, I feel that on a planet surpassing 6.5 billion, that purposely getting pregnant is rather selfish, and that adoption is a selfless act that more people should pursue.

  20. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, that may be the case here, but in China forced abortions and sterilizations are common in support of their one child policy. It’s been fairly common in many countries where the UN family planning groups get involved. The fact is that the elites running those operations feel that there are too many people being born of certain skin colors, and are willing to do what it takes to reverse that.

  21. bobbo says:

    20–OK, my reference was family planning in GOUSA and yours was the “family planning” taking place in China. Calling China’s policy a liberal response got me on the wrong track I guess.

    Faced with the population pressures that China is, what would be the non-liberal response you would recommend for the Chinese?

    Now, what exactly is the UN doing? Discriminating by skin color? What color is it that they prefer and how do they sell such services to their client customers?

  22. traaxx says:

    Last time I saw a estimate for the US we had more women than men. This would be a great chance to mix the races and further globalization, could they’ve of planned it any better. Looks like when all the lazy Iraqi war refugees come over here after the war is over, bringing with them their peaceful ways, we can look forward to wave after wave of illegal Mexican and Chinese coming here not just for the welfare but for th women.

    Kinda makes you glad we had so many abortions here in the US and worked so hard to control our own population, look from now we and look forward to see Mexican and Chinese faces everywhere they let us have job, but then again that won’t be many places.

  23. MikeN says:

    As we saw during the immigration debate, there is an elite that operates different from the rest of the public. The UN and ‘client countries’ operate the same way. Throw in liberal views on abortion and family planning, and also population control, and various countries sign off pretty quickly on the elitists’ ideas of culling the herd. My solution for China would have been to do nothing about population, and instead liberalize the economy so they could produce enough to support that population. The liberals’ neoMalthusianism has been wrong for 40 years now. Overpopulation isn’t a problem. Countries can boost productivity enough to feed themselves, and with economic growth, the population ‘problem’ disappears. Most of Europe has a declining population problem, and most of the third world is getting to that position. We are likely to see shrinking populations outside of the Islamic world pretty soon.

  24. bobbo says:

    23—Good one. Your solution to overpopulation is to have more people.

    Cracks me up. Then I will assume any notion of a limiting carrying capacity of the Earth is a liberal lie? Unless I am held down on the ground and hit with bricks, I will assume you are kidding. We liberals are like that, continuously overestimating the opposition.

  25. TIHZ_HO says:

    China does not have to worry about “pissed of Chinese men”. The male Chinese culture is very penis-centric even with the “one baby policy”.

    Chinese penis-centricity:

    In China there is popular alcoholic liquor whose name translates as “Three Penis Wine”. I suppose it makes the one work as three…(?)

    There are so many Chinese food dishes which are reported to be good for “the little brother” such as turtle soup. (Chinese usually refer to their penis as their ‘little brother’)

    Of course there are a lot of traditional Chinese medicines to grant god-like powers to the little brother – and they are not cheap!

    In every Chinese city there are what my wife and I call “Naughty (hair) Salons”. They resemble a hair salon but it would take them forever to find a pair of scissors. Think of these places as a gym for the little brother – shooting hoops so to speak. They are EVERYWHERE!

    Dead giveaways for these types of Hair Salons are the pretty girls sitting in the window and usually dimmer lighting – usually pink.

    The irony of this is the Chinese government has a very strict policy of cleaning up the internet of all porn. Perhaps the logic of the Chinese is if you are hungry don’t waste time looking at cook books. 😉

    (Yes…this comment is similar to my comment on the stone penises)

  26. ABC says:

    Actually its not a 1 child policy any more, its 2. You can have more than 2 but pay a tax every year.

  27. OvenMaster says:

    Two ways a country will deal with its population of nothing but pissed-off men:

    1. War to conquer neighbors in order to assimilate their populations

    2. Population DROP… and therefore less of an economic threat to the rest of the world

    Personally, I’m hoping for the second.

  28. MikeN says:

    I don’t consider overpopulation to be a problem at all. It’s not breeding more people that causes opulations to drop, but rather economic growth.


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