True to his word, Apple’s Steve Wozniak on Friday night was first in line when the Valley Fair outlet opened at 6PM — choosing to stand in line for hours and buy the iPhone himself rather than wait for the free phone that fellow Apple founder Steve Jobs had promised to deliver on Saturday.

Understandably, the very earliest of Apple employees was greeted with a warm reception by both the store’s employees and those who had arrived later to wait for the phone. But while he was treated as a VIP and had helped distribute fan-made T-shirts commemorating the event, Woz was evidently comfortable with the proceedings, mixing with the crowd instead of making the hasty exit associated with a celebrity.

Woz was also mindful of the retail stores’ two-phone limit and walked out of the store with no more than those who followed afterwards, despite his ultimate intent to buy phones for all three of his children as soon as possible.

  1. Let me get this straight. He chose to wait in line when he didn’t have to. Yeah. OK. This makes sense to anyone?

  2. Ronan says:

    Ask Leo that question. He thought it was great 🙂

  3. sdf says:

    probably apple’s #1 fan. nice pics

  4. Dennis says:

    Yes, John, it does. Woz has always gone his own route and if that means that he decided to wait in line with the peons, then that’s what he was going to do.

    I expected no less of a comment since you don’t like Apple to begin with and that’s been well documented.

  5. Aaron Figueroa says:

    At least he brought his Segway for the bathroom breaks…

  6. Erik Blazynski says:

    WOW, Woz is FAT!!

  7. Danijel says:

    I say this is just propaganda. I doubt that he would find the iPhone THAT cool. He just doesn’t seem like a “mindless zombie” kind of person like the rest of that crowd…

  8. mandarin says:

    Thats admirable. Most famous people are stuck up and would rather get them for free.

  9. Podesta says:

    Woz wasn’t the only Apple brass waiting in line. Bill Atkinson waited at the SoHo store and the head of marketing was in line at another California location.

  10. lance says:

    i met him at a conference a few months ago….it doesn’t surprise
    me that he waited in line with the rest of the crowd as he is just that nice of a guy

    he was a fun
    person to talk to and he definitely tried to make time and answer questions for as many people as he could

  11. Mac Guy says:

    #10 – I concur. Woz has always been one of the nicest guys you could ever come across. It’s no surprise he waited in line like everyone else.

  12. Aaron Figueroa says:

    I heard on one of the Twit broadcast that one of the persons on a geek cruise was surprised to see Woz taking one of the classes like anyone else.

  13. lance says:


    he even autographed my DMM !!!

  14. bill says:

    As with the intoduction of the MAC, the universe has changed yet again. If you were there you would have realized this in an instant.
    I’m looking forward to the future! This was a great first step.
    Remember, “phasers on stun” we want a few developers left to keep it up!

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet he’s a very cuddly bear.

    Joke aside, I noticed one thing: Everyone on this blog hates Jobs but everyone likes Wozniak, I wonder why?

  16. Shadowbird says:

    Steve Wozniak – the anti-celebrity.

    All hail the Woz.

  17. Carcarius says:

    Three possibilities:

    1. It was a possible publicity stunt to bring a little extra hype and publicity to the iPhone launch.
    2. Woz appears to be a guy who would find this sort of thing fun, standing in line for a “revolutionary” new product brought to us by Apple.
    3. He has plenty of time on his hands… why not enjoy the action while hanging out in line (a slight slant on #2).

    Woz does seem really cool and respect-worthy, one of the quintessential geeks of our lifetime. If his presence had a little “stunt” to it, so be it, it was a good idea.


  18. noname says:

    The WOZ is no fake.

    History shows, aristocrats almost always view practiced humility with disdained disbelieve. Stone throwers always see others only in their own self aggrandizing motives, hint hint #1 John C Dvorak.

    It seems the WOZ is certainly enjoying himself.

  19. meetsy says:

    Shame on WOZ!
    He should know better than to set such a poor example for his kids, and grandkids!! I thought he identified as a teacher! Geez, Woz, is the only way you can get press these days by lumbering around and waiting to spend your money on gizmos that you should still be able to, at least, get at cost? Damn. That’s sad.


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