Fun while testing probiotics

Beneficial bacteria that promote intestinal health in humans and livestock could get a boost of their own, thanks to a new method for turning certain sugars from corn and other crops into complex carbohydrates called oligosaccharides.

According to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) chemist Greg Cote, the oligosaccharides have commercial potential as “prebiotics.” These are food or feed additives that nourish populations of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and other “probiotic” bacteria that live inside their hosts’ colons.

Besides unlocking minerals, vitamins and other nutrients from the oligosaccharides, probiotic bacteria can also make the colon less hospitable to pathogens, such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli, that can cause illness in humans.

I love it. Helping your body’s chemistry set fight invaders is exciting stuff.

  1. ethanol says:

    Which is why Kefir is great for humans!

  2. ECA says:


  3. Amy Goodmann says:

    My doctor prescribed these Macriobiotic beverages for me.
    Pour me another macrobiotic beer – a tall metric one.
    Its for my good health.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    I’ve been on a strong antibiotic during the last week, which totally screwed up my gut – I’ve been eating active-culture yogurt and it’s improved the situation dramatically.

  5. Herb says:

    On a related note, THC has relaxing side-effects, and doesn’t toxify your body nearly as bad an alcohol.

    As for boosting bacterial effects, would it boost my colonic gaseous output?

  6. meetsy says:

    why isn’t that woman breast feeding the baby?


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