Caution mildly lewd.
I really had a friend in high school named Richard Hertz.
Found by Art Snyder.
By hhopper Sunday July 1, 2007
Caution mildly lewd.
I really had a friend in high school named Richard Hertz.
Found by Art Snyder.
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High school history teacher named Richard Head. his wife taught at the school also.
We came up with the name Richard Head a number of years ago. I decided to look in the phone book to see if there really was a Richard Head in there. There was! We thought that was hilarious.
Then a number of years later there was an article in the local paper about a man who’s Ford slipped out of park as he was leaving the car and it ran over and killed him…it was the same Richard Head. The newspaper missed the greatest headline ever:
Dick Head runs over himself with his own car.
2.Going to college on the GI Bill, I worked part time for a regional Veterans Admin processing center (work study program). We had records going back to WWI and it was my job to pull the files then replace them when finished. Some of the names on file I saw there:
Mary Christmas
Wendell Fagg (and his twin brother Orville)
St. Christopher Christian.
George George.
Dick Butt
Harry Butt
Lot’s of funny names out there… 😀
Mr. Gateman seems like an innocent name… until his students discovered that his name spelled backward was name tag.
There was a girl in my high school class named Crystal Chandelier.
Also a girl in college with the last name of Dick. There were always muffled snickers in the classroom when the instructor called out, “Miss Dick!”
Richard cranium= Dick head…
Back in the 60’s, my brother went to a state Young Republican convention and they had a condidate, Richard Lipps.
Of course, the had ribbons that said, “I’m for Dick LIpps”
When I was going through boot camp down at Parris Island years ago, the name of the senior drill instructor of the platoon below mine was Harry Bush.
When I was a kid I used to pass this house. I never met the guy. Painted in large letters on his garbage cans was A. KISS. Best looking garbage cans in the hole town.
I saw a picture of the election posters, on poles next to each other, 2 candidates for the State House named….Richard Strait and Becky Gay.
One of my favorites.
A user where I work has the last name “Batman”
Another user’s shortname is “ahacker”