New Mexico has a new medical marijuana law with a twist: It requires the state to grow its own.
The law, effective today, not only protects medical marijuana users from prosecution – as 11 other states do – but requires New Mexico to oversee a production and distribution system for the drug.
The law was passed in March and signed by Gov. Bill Richardson, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
The kicker is – like most everything we do in NM – nothing was accomplished on time. Therefore, this special rule:

From Medical Cannabis Program Brochure
Thanks for reminding me, Joshua
Download the wee .pdf linked at the bottom, James. The short answer is, “yes”.
Well if interstate commerce is the justification the Feds use of trampling over state efforts in this matter, hopefully this kind of law will help fight it
This zero tolerance administration will not let this slip by anymore than they have allowed this to be “legal” in any of the other states that have tried this.
oh, I am sure that the Republicans, who believes in limiting the role of the Federal government and expanding that of the States, will not have the DEA try to shut this down … right?
6–Federalism should be brought into sharp focus once State Officials pursuant to their assigned functions are arrested by the Feds.
But this is all a SLIPPERY SLOPE towards states followed by citizens being given the freedom to be left alone by government??? Cant have that if we are going to be a moral christian nation.
I don’t think you need worry; the GOP believes firmly in individual liberty, less regulation and getting the government off the people’s backs.
Marie of Roumania.
Does this means the 4th of July barbecues will be done with reggae music?
Anyone with a legitimate Rx for marijuana deserves compassion. I’m delighted to see NM show wisdom in this area,
I’m mildly surprised (not!) that RBG isn’t here, sharing his dire prognostications of the wholesale misery and mayhem that will inevitably follow any ‘surrender’ in the wise, noble War On Drugs…
California allows a minimum of 6 mature plants, 12 immature plants and 8 ounces of processed marijuana. But the way the law was written, it allows individual counties to have higher, but not lower limits than the state minimum.
In the country where my friends father lives near Sacramento, his father is allowed 60 mature plants, 100 immature and 3 pounds of processed marijuana. He has a Medical Marijuana card and can sell to any other person with a card. His name is on a list with the county sheriff’s office and he has to keep his permit posted on the fence around his plants, and on his front door in the winter when they bring the plants indoors. He has never had any hassle at all from state, local or county police.
I wonder how it would effect the Feds if the New Mexico Legislature added a line to the effect that this statute apples ONLY in New Mexico is subject ONLY to the jurisdiction of New Mexico courts. Shoot, they could even add their own penalties if some outside law enforcement people tried to interfere.
Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick !!! Could you imagine the Supreme Court trying to explain how the Tenth Amendment doesn’t apply?
Bill for Prez! I’m afraid he won’t get the nod but I really wish he would!
#12, I didn’t realize it was in vogue again for you liberals to acknowledge that there is a tenth (or ninth) amendment.
#14. Sadly, both the 9th and 10th Amendments have been read out of the Constitution. Politicians cite ‘federalism’ when they want a given outcome, then conveniently forget about it when they don’t.
Conservatives tend to be the worst hypocrites, because liberals have traditionally shied away from ‘State’s rights’ because of its association with segregation. Conservatives still bang the drum, except when state laws will supposedly interfere with such Conservative Federal faves like the ‘War on Drugs,’ or Federally-enforced theocratic measures like keeping Terry Schaivo from entering the kingdom of heaven or outlawing late term abortions.
5. oh, I am sure that the Republicans, who believes in limiting the role of the Federal government and expanding that of the States, will not have the DEA try to shut this down … right?
Some maybe, Dr. Paul believes it should be left up to individual states.If you believe in limited federal govt, take a look.
8. God NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
11. Nice. And in Colorado simple possesion is a $100.00 fine, still illegal, but at least it wont ruin your life. There are probably guys in Texas stll serving for some seeds found in the ashtray back in the 70’s.
“Does this means the 4th of July barbecues will be done with reggae music?”
#17 – mark
“8. God NOOOOOOO!!!!!!”
OK. Gangsta rap it is, then. 🙂
19, Arghhh! Kill me nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
#15….Doug…..now you know why I always advocate a third party….as a conservative, it pisses me off what this bunch has done to a basic set of princibles.
Conservativism has been used and abused for 60 years by one far right wing group after another. To the point that the true values aren’t known by most who call themselves conservative.
#16. I certainly appreciate his social libertarian principles, but Ron Paul lost me when he advocated abolishing the Federal Reserve.
#21. We have truly been in an era of big-government ‘conservatism’ over the course of the last few years. the GOP, in pursuit of suburban and evangelical votes, has broken loose of its traditional belief in a limited role for the federal government.
look at abortion. back in the day, a lot of Republicans would say that their beef with Roe was that it was an invented right that usurped the role of the States in regulating that sort of thing. that has morphed to the point that every GOP presidential platform calls for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion – which would do the same thing that Roe did!
same thing with the ‘war on drugs.’ used to be that Federal law enforcement concerned itself with big, interstate criminal enterprises. now they are busting street corner drug dealers, and will bring experts to court to testify that your driveway was ‘in interstate commerce,’ because the UPS guy made a delivery!
one can only hope the paleocons will reassert themselves, but so long as the GOP has to rely on the religious right and ‘won’t someone think of the children!’ scared white suburbanites to get a big share of their vote, it seems unlikely
Good news! You can have all the alcohol and tobacco you want!
Recreation isn’t fun unless your drunk and coughing…