Victoria McArthur

Fox News – June 27, 2007 via

Starburst Fruit Chews are exactly as their name would indicate: chewy. But one Michigan woman says the candies are so chewy, they should come with a warning label.

Victoria McArthur, of Romero, Mich., is suing Starbursts’ parent company, Mars Inc., for more than $25,000 for “permanent personal injuries” she claims she sustained after biting into one of their yellow candy in 2005.

“I don’t know, maybe about 3 chews and it literally locked my jaw … and it just literally pulled my jaw out of joint,” she told

McArthur’s lawyer, Brian Muawad, says the candies caused her to develop a condition known as temporal mandibular joint dysfunction. McArthur says she has had trouble chewing, talking and sleeping since the incident.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Dorkmeister, in your sheltered life, you apparently have never encountered the extremely commonplace phenomenon of a greedy / amoral / unethical / desperate lawyer taking a totally bullshit case.

    “Her lawyer either feels she has a very good case or would have advised her to forget about it.”

    ‘A very good case,’ my hairy yellow ass. The lawyer in question thinks he can convince a jury of 6 or 12 dimwits like you that that mean, nasty company recklessly ruined this innocent woman’s life and should be made to cough up big bucks, of which he, surprisingly enough, will get 30 or 40%.

    Scumbag lawyers like this one don’t give two fucks whether the case is any good or not. The only criterion is this: Is it winnable?

    And you compound your idiocy by suggesting that anyone in their right mind would try this piece of shit case before a judge. Only juries are stupid enough to actually take claims like hers seriously. And people like you, of course. You’re a PI lawyer’s dream.


  2. bobbo says:

    33—Sorry to be repetitious, but what is the difference between “whether the case is good or not” and “winnable?” Once again, exactly the same thing?

    Fusion makes a good point. Most likely a pre-existing condition that the Defendant wont be able to prove?

    Its like craps. A good roll is one you win.

    34–No. Its long been the name of the bone involved. Now why it is named that I don’t know, but it was named 1763.811.034 years before warp drive was discovered.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    OK where the fuck is the Wacky Michigan tag for this??????

    If this was Florida it would get a wacky FL tag.

    We could have a wacky for most stories.

    How about some even handedness?


    [The tag is “Wacky News” from FL, not “Wacky FL.” – .ed]

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Lauren,

    Dorkmeister, in your sheltered life, you apparently have never encountered the extremely commonplace phenomenon of a greedy / amoral / unethical / desperate lawyer taking a totally bullshit case.

    In case your drug addled mind didn’t grasp the idea, THE LAWYER HAS TO PROVE HIS CASE, first to a Judge that there is a case and then to a jury. He will be the one paying to file the complaint. He will pay for the expert affidavits. He will pay for the stenographer to take depositions. All before the suit ever makes it to trial. If he loses the trial and even if it is tossed as frivolous, the Judge has the option of making him pay for the Defenses expenses too.

    Now those are FACTS. Nothing emotional. Nothing wildly claimed. Nothing insulting. No wild accusations.

    40% of $25,000 doesn’t sound like he is being greedy / amoral / unethical or desperate. Especially when he stands a good chance of losing. Geeze, you really hate being wrong.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, Try that Venezuelan poster that bores everyone so much.


  6. jz says:

    Another court case that should be decided in small claims. Yeesh.

    What gets me is this is the old, “There should be a warning label” bullshit.

    Right, as if this whale is even going to bother to read the label say “I may get TMJ” and not eat it.

    I could literally list potentially 100 medical conditions associated with the chewing of one starburst.

  7. hhopper says:

    ” ‘A very good case,’ my hairy yellow ass.”

    Lauren – Really?!

    I can’t believe Angel didn’t comment on this.

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Nah. Angel got bored and tuned out when lawyers were mentioned… 🙂

  9. Brandon says:

    Victoria McArthur; It’s called cock suckers cramp.

  10. reaggaannnn says:

    youuuurr stupid.

    its a starburts, you hick!


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