Engadget – June 30, 2007:

Struggling with your new iPhone on a 64-bit Windows Vista or XP system? Take solace, you’re not alone. The error message, “The software required for iPhone is not installed. Run the iTunes installer to remove iTunes, then install iTunes again.” is Apple’s magical way of telling you that iTunes is not supported on 64-bit flavors of Microsoft’s operating systems. Yeah, we agree, they should have listed the incompatibility on the iPhone specs page under Windows System Requirements. Unfortunately for those of you new to Apple software, it’s buried in support article 301301 which states, “iTunes is currently not supported in Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or any 64-bit edition of Windows Vista.” Now you know.

  1. Michael says:

    That’s what you get for running the 64-bit version of Windows. It’s not the only 64-bit incompatibility, you know. There’s tons of issues with 64-bit Windows. Consumers are ignorantly installing these 64-bit versions of Windows thinking that they’re going to see some miraculous increase in their system’s performance… WRONG! PC users are best off sticking with 32-bit versions of Windows. Mostly everything for Windows is still written for 32-bit versions. Like it’s Apple’s fault that there’s such a broken bridge between 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows. Why is it that Apple can manage to make a system that can run both 32-bit Intel or PowerPC AND 64-bit PowerPC and Intel, seamlessly, but Microsoft can’t get it right on the Intel architecture alone? This is just another one of the benefits of Apple’s close hardware platform. We’re basking in compatibility and loving it. Just another sorry reason to be a Windows user.

  2. Michael says:

    What, do you have to approve comment posts? You’re not paid by Microsoft, are you?

  3. ECA says:

    To many products released, in this day and age, As software or hardware are released as BETA WARE.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    This could seriously inconvenience as many as 12 people.

  5. bill says:

    As with the iPhone, go buy yourself a MAC, it’s worth it.
    It will change your life.

  6. bobbo says:

    4–As subjects are double posted, I will too with my response.

    Dont buy anything that does not have consumer replaceable batteries. I know the temptation, but resist it. It wouldn’t take much get get these bastards to remove one hand from our backs.

    Send an email “Nice product. I very much want to buy it, but no replaceable batteries? Fuck YOU. Waiting for version two.”

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    Until they realize their superior OSX, their superior Photoshop, their superior movie editing software, their superior DVD burning features and their superior case looks means nothing to Halo 2.

  8. ECA says:

    NOT quite.
    consider that MS sold(LOL) 4 million copies of Vista..
    NOT really sold, but every DELL, HP, Compaq, that was released HAD Vista installed, and the consumer was the Worse off. Most of them dont know the difference. They didnt have a choice.

  9. JoaoPT says:

    Well there’s two things you can do to overcome this:
    Buy a Mac!
    To install iTunes (I know, you can do it on windows but the Mac matches soooo well your iPod and your spanking new iPhone.)
    so you can activate your cell.

    Buy a Blackberry and a Prada phone (and a duo sim card…). It’s cheaper than the iPhone, and you get two phones: one for office and one for social events.

    If all of that fails, and you still feel depressed, use your next holidays to do some humanitarian work with an NGO in Africa. Suddenly all this first world crap about fashion statements becomes background noise.

  10. GregA says:


    Um.. That report was about 2 months ago and it was about 40 million copies of vista, not 4 million(given the history of pc sales it is more like 56 million now)…

  11. GregA says:

    Dang to much sun….

    I missed the obvious conversation ending zinger….

    iPhone doesnt work on Leopard either.

    Neener neener neener.

  12. bs says:

    #8 X64 and Vista are two different things. Most Vista sold today is X32.

    The biggest problem with Vista X64 is the driver signing policy. In X32 YOU can choose to install non-microsoft approved drivers. You DO NOT have the option with X64, although X64 can run the drivers just fine.

    This is a litte FU from Microsoft. and hopefully they will pay by more people staying with X32.

  13. JoaoPT says:

    #12 well, M$ is not really really interested into moving to 64bits…and breaking almost everything software ever written. Not because it wouldn’t work, but because of security. Windows Vista 64bits is really clamped down and M$ will not loose it in any way. But hey, why should you use 64 bit in the first place? If you need more than 4 gigs of ram, chances are you’re a professional, and should not be installing iTunes on your workstation…

  14. mark says:

    6. Dont buy anything that does not have consumer replaceable batteries. I know the temptation, but resist it. It wouldn’t take much get get these bastards to remove one hand from our backs.

    Touche. It bears repeating.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:


    And that should be the next thing they should invest R&D: Why would you need to replace a rechargeable battery?

  16. mauvis says:

    Paying money to M$ so you can have your driver signature and compliance with Vista 64 bits and XP 64 bits doesnt look the best way to go.
    The pros to have a 64bits M$ operational system: Security
    The cons: no one willing to be a slave of M$ to be compliance.

    If M$ did it in the nice way to all vendors deploy his softwares/drivers over the 64Bits version, maybe we will have more 3rd part options in using the 64 bits version.

  17. GregA says:


    Look at this picture

    See those high tech iPhone battery connections? I am a maker, and I know people who are crazy good at soldering (I have some soldering skills) And… Well any other people who have soldered care to comment on that?

  18. Jerk-Face says:

    I just love these Apple Dick Wads. Back when Win95 was released Apple-Heads complained about why Microsoft wouln’t release a real 32-bit operating system. Now that Microsoft has beat Apple to the punch, and OSX has 64-bit extensions tacked onto a 32-bit OS, those same Apple Dick Wads are bitching about Win-64. “Oh why do you need a 64-bit operating system, what’s the point?”

  19. mark says:

    17. Not sure where you are going with this, but that is an easy solder job, would take me about 30 seconds. Problem is, as with the iPod, it will void the warranty, and putting the iPod together again (seamlessly) was a bit of a trick, dont know about the iPhone, dont care really.

  20. John Scott says:

    If Microsoft pulled something like this the media and comsumer’s would be all over it!! In fact the minor glitches of activating the iPhone would have doomed any Microsoft glitch. Apple appears to be the technology underdog. Im not dogging the iPhone nor am I supporting Microsoft.
    But a blunder is a blunder no matter who you are. Everyone gives Microsoft heck about keeping their software close to the vest and not sharing? Come on look at what Apple has done. They have managed to package a computer and OS and software together. Plus the iPhone has a exclusive deal with AT&T unwilling to share this great technology with everyone. Jobs must have some big stock shares with AT&T!!
    But, I really look for that to be cracked at least oversea’s real soon.
    I like Apple, Im typing this on a MacBook. But I am not blindly in love with Apple.

  21. JimR says:

    The battery will last 1-5 years depending on use. Apple will replace it for a fee of ??.

  22. bs says:

    Your shiny new iphone will be obsolete far faster than the battery will wear out.

    Any one signing up for an iphone is signing up for years of fleecing by apple and att. Just get used to it. I think we will see a never ending parade of new and improved iphones designed solely to bilk the ifaithful of all their imoney.

  23. Brian says:

    haha the apple fanboys are out in force on this one.

    Instead of placing the blame where it squarely belongs (on apple’s head), you clowns want to bash MS and their OS? Telling people to switch to an inferior piece of fluff you call a computer so that I can have fewer software choices and a nearly non-existant gaming platform?

    Yeah *that* makes sense. Asshats.

  24. hypePhone says:

    Since I’m the resident computer and communications expert for friends and family, some of them have been asking me what I think about Apple’s latest fad toy…

    I call it the ‘hypePhone’…

  25. Steve says:

    #14 and #21

    I agree about rejecting devices that don’t have at least have an option of user replaceable batteries. For me, it is not just an issue that the battery will wear out and require replacement (if I remember correctly lithium batteries are good for 500 recharges and then must be replaced), it also presents a problem when I’m on the road.

    There have been a number of times when my battery wears out and I’m not able to charge it (short battery life is the reason that I rarely take my iPod on the road). But the ability to carry a spare battery and quickly replace a discharged battery myself would deal with the problem of short battery life.

    My preference is for devices that use commonly available batteries (AA and AAA) versus custom batteries. That way, I can easily carry a few spare batteries, and even if I don’t have any spares, I can easily pick up extra batteries.

    To me, many of the issues with a device’s battery life are because the batteries are not replaceable. Easily replaceable batteries negate much of the issue with short battery life.

  26. James Hill says:

    You guys already lost the anti-iPhone line of thinking in another thread, but nice try.

    This is a non-story: x64 platforms do not have enough market share to matter these days. Conveniently, the platform to change this will be Leopard… which I’m sure will be made to work with the iPhone if any incompatibilities exist.

    Honestly, watching you guys cry over this device is getting a little sad. Just because your e-dicks shriveled up on Friday is no reason to get pissy.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:


    For a hefty fee they will.


    And so they say the same thing for OSX.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – As with the iPhone, go buy yourself a MAC, it’s worth it.
    It will change your life.

    It will change my life by allowing me to go outside more often since I won’t own a useful computer anymore. Instead, I’ll have an Internet appliance.

  29. Angel H. Wong says:


    But… With a Mac you can edit 5,000 pictures of you cat flawlessly.


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