
Apparently one of the guys who saw it all decided to “tell all” after his death. Is the affidavit a hoax? I mean, would the government lie about such things?

However this changed in 2000. Haut gave a lengthy recorded oral history with researchers Wendy Connors and Dennis Balthauser, people he knew well and trusted. Haut stipulated the interview was not to be released until after his death. (Haut died in December 2005). In the interview Haut first disclosed he saw the craft and small bodies in one of the hangars. He also disclosed that Gen. Roger Ramey, one of the architects of the weather balloon cover-up, had flown in for the staff morning meeting on July 8, and helped decide on how to deal with the situation.

found by Mark McCullough

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #31 – mark

    BTW, the adolescent tactic of claiming to have not read a post that just coïncidentally blows your argument to shreds is nothing new, in fact it’s really become cliché… You really should try something original and honest – like admitting error you’ve been caught red-handed in.

    “I believe in this because I have seen some evidence of it, firsthand, as have others.”

    That’s where you’re either a) deluded, or b) stupid. You, nor anyone else has seen anything that constitutes evidence. The first person to actually do so will instantly become a) world-famous, and b) very, very wealthy.

    To a child, the presence of toys under the tree is proof that Santa is real. To a mental child like you, some load of hooey accompanied by some crappy Theremin music is proof the aliens have visited.

    What’s really hilarious is the look on a ‘true believer’s face when they finally snap to the fact they’ve been had. Some never figure it out, they keep their fairytales to the bitter end.

    You’re probably one of those…

  2. mark says:

    It would be nice, just once to see you post a rebuttal without resort to verbal abuse. The only thing I will say to you at this point is, get over yourself, you dont hold the secrets to the universe. And believe me, if you ever talked to me in person the way you speak to me whilst hiding behind your Mac, I would drop you so hard and fast, it would make you great great grandmother wince.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yadda yadda yadda. Boneheads are the most reliable people around, you show them how they’ve made fools of themselves and they respond with boilerplate macho threats of physical violence. While avoiding the subject, of course. Predictable as the tides.

    You apparently didn’t bother to notice, but I responded to you in my #21 with undue courtesy, considering remarks you’ve made in the past – but since none of this is taken seriously, at least by the adults among us, I replied to you without rancor, abuse or insults. Unless you think that pointing out that you’re naïve and credulous is an insult and not a opinion…

    But you, like an asshole, respond to my sincere response with adolescent puke, so I declined to continue being courteous with you. Instead of learning something from someone who knows one Hell of a lot more about how the real world works – instead of engaging in an interchange of ideas, or trying to defend your words, or admitting your errors – all adult behaviors – you smirk off what you imagine is a clever dismissal of my words and insult me, then transparently try to turn the table and make me look like the bad guy. Hah!

    Soooooo – I don’t know anywhere near everything, but I know more than you, because, unlike you, I listen to those who know more than me. It’s called ‘learning’. Try it. Then one day, you too can know the pleasure of pissing off some young, slow-witted know-it-all believer in ridiculous fairytales.

    And save the pointless, idle, uninformed threats. Insults are just words, just hot air, threats’ll get you in trouble. When (and if) you eventually grow up, that’s another thing you’ll realize, just like avoiding threatening strangers you know nothing about…

    IOW – fuck off. Now go get your “evidence” and convince those millions of dummies who, despite their high IQs, immeasurable scientific experience and expertise in things you know nothing about, aren’t as smart as you. Fame and fortune await!! Just ONE TINY PIECE OF EVIDENCE, and you’ll go down in history!!

    But you have no response for that except to close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and go “NANANANANANA I CAN’T HEAR YOU NANANANANANA!”

    Yep, you win that debate. Your little green friends’ll be so proud. Santa, too.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Dios Mio, I try to post something of interest for #25, come back to see if Johnson enjoyed it, and I see a fist fight. Sorry Johnson , why bother? Guess I’ll just forget about it. Few read what I say anyway.

    I love posting this late, no one will ever read it! 🙂 Beam me up, Scotty!

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Not so, B-man. Think about it – for every one of the “regular” posters here, there’s dozens, prolly hundreds of silent readers sitting there nodding their heads in solemn agreement, throwing their monitors through the window, spitting on the floor, laughing their ass off, or otherwise enjoying the show.

    “Guess I’ll just forget about it. Few read what I say anyway.’

    What?? And quit showbiz??? 🙂

  6. BubbaRay says:

    Ah, showbiz. Hey Mom and Dad — I’ve hit the big time !!! Thanks, Lauren. Hope you enjoyed the Carl Sagan link. 8)


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