A car on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport, police have confirmed. Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.

The airport has been evacuated and all flights suspended following the incident.

Taxi driver Ian Crosby said: “This was no accident. This was a deliberate attack on Glasgow Airport.”

The reaction of members of the public was not to help the men in the car, but to restrain them, he told the BBC.

Two men, one of whom was reported to be badly burned, were seen being led away in handcuffs.

Looks like they’re having a busy weekend in the UK.

Update: The hospital where at least one of the arson car occupants was taken has been evacuated. Turns out he was wearing an explosives vest!

The vest was removed and detonated by police. Latest reports say the police are disassembling and examining the device. [No one does the “disarming the infernal device” movies better than the Brits. “Juggernaut” Rules!]

Update: One of the two suspects arrested is in critical condition from injuries in the arson attack. The second is in police custody, as well. CNN now says there was a third suspect in the attack and he died inside the car.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Just another coincidence, eh, Nobrane?

  2. mark says:

    1. Frank, Have you ever actually owned a Jeep Cherokee? This is pretty standard behaviour for that rattletrap piece of shit.

  3. bobbo says:

    Except for the evidence of the London type bomb stuff in the car, this driving is pretty standard for an Asian. Lets not rely on stereotypes that all cars on fire being driven into public buildings are terrorist weapons.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    Yeah, Jeep Cherokees have a magnetic attraction to airports and they always carry extra molotov cocktails with them, right Mark?

    Please tell me you are joking and not actually that blind/stupid.

  5. RTaylor says:

    How did I miss this Scot/Asian war? Of course waiting for the facts would never occur to us posters.

  6. Frank IBC says:

    “Asian” does not mean “Chinese”, RTaylor.

  7. mark says:

    If you didnt see that as a joke, then I do feel sorry for you. On the other hand, having owned a Jeep Cherokee, well, that part is no joke.

  8. #5 What you have missed is the fact that for whatever reason Muslim immigrants (some likely from the most populus Muslim country in the world: Indonesia are Asians) have picked Glasgow as their center in the UK. Glasgow is right now mainly populated by Muslim immigrants, not Scotts. 7/7 bombing groups came from there as well…

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Quite a few people don’t realize that Asia includes the Middle East and everything east of the Ural mountains in Russia.

    #8 – Glasgow is right now mainly populated by Muslim immigrants, not Scotts.

    Nice shooting the shit without checking the facts…

    Population of Glasgow: 578,790
    Number of Muslims in Glasgow: ~20,000
    Percentage of Muslims in Glasgow:~3.46%

  10. Ian says:

    “Update: The hospital where at least one of the arson car occupants was taken has been evacuated. Turns out he’s wearing an explosives vest!”

    Says who? I live 10 miles from the airport and I’ve no idea where you get that quote from? the burning guy had few clothes once they put him out!

    personally … I would have left him to burn

  11. Eideard says:

    Ian – turn on your bloody telly. ITN and Sky are both carrying the update. They may be wrong; but, they’re closer than 10 miles.

  12. Eideard says:

    I’ve also updated the update. Strathclyde Police removed and detonated the explosives vest.

  13. Ian says:

    well I’m watching news 24…. nothing regarding an explosives vest yet *yawns*

  14. Ian says:

    BREAKING NEWS just in!

    Bush administration detonates small tactical nuclear device in Paisley area, Scotland in what they describe as ” a small measure to curtail muslim activities in the local area”

    Get a grip people! this is NOTHING compared to the IRA campaign In Britain.. but you forget to mention that fact since the majority of the IRA’s funding was from America – shocker.

  15. moss says:

    Must be a Rangers fan. They been sleeping for years.

  16. mark says:

    12. There is nothing about a explosive jacket on SKY or ITNs’ websites, where are you getting this information Ed?

  17. Ian says:

    “Update: One of the two suspects arrested has died from injuries in the arson attack.”

    Damn that was one powerful nuke! ty America!

    still waiting on confirmation of that bomb vest…

    and no, might be a shock to you but I’m not a big fan of football — if I was I’d follow a team not in the SPL. I take it your English? it’s all you guys ever talk about.

  18. Jägermeister says:


    No information on BBC either. It’s a dud from a hotshot reporter.

  19. Ian says:

    confirmation by strathclyde police…

    they’ve stated that a ‘suspect device’ was found and removed to be put in a safe area…

  20. Eideard says:

    The live press conference notes the suspect device that Ian mentioned. And if you look out front, I’ve corrected CNN’s report that the fried arsonist had croaked.

    Jagermeister – c’mon, c’mon. Watch the crawl on at least 2 channels at once. 🙂

    btw, Ian – though we have an editor in the UK [London area], he’s not a football fan either.  There are a couple of us in the DU crew – in 2 other countries.  Though the 1st proper football match I attended was an Auld Firm Derby – in 1971.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #15 – Ian

    “…you forget to mention that fact since the majority of the IRA’s funding was from America – shocker.”

    Ah… that’s correct, as far as it goes – however, lest some innocent soul imagine that the general American public was providing IRA terrorists with funding, I think it would be appropriate to specify that the Americans who sent their dollars to Irish murderers were in fact – w a i t f o r i t . . . Irish! Who’d’a thunk it?

    Somehow the idea of Italian-, Pakistani-, Korean-, African-, Etceteran-Americans taking sides and sending checks to Gerry A. and his comrades is rather amusing.

  22. Jägermeister says:


    I just watched BBC and they didn’t even mention a vest… or a device for that matter. Anyway, we’ll know more later on when the first confusion is over.

    This whole terrorist plot sounds like the works of Al-Qaeda Lite

  23. You should know that in much of the UK “Asian” also refers to Pakistani’s and even Indians. Japanese and Chinese are referred to as Japanese and Chinese. And the real term comes from “East Asian” Meaning East of the Middle East. Think of Asia Minor as the nexus not China.

    One news report had this comment which bothers me:
    “But I think you’ll find in the future that it will not be possible to drop off relatives and so on at the entrance, I think that will be out of the question.”

    so HTF are we supposed to get to the friggin’ airport anyway?

  24. srg86 says:

    #24 – When something like this happens here in the UK, there is usually a knee jerk reaction by other airports etc which then dies down, I think if this was put in permenantly, there would be a bit of a backlash.

  25. Captain Cheeseloaf says:

    I’ll wager that everyone will be forced into shuttle buses in the future. park your cars and get on the bus.

  26. Eideard says:

    Just updated the front end, again.

    CNN now says there was a third suspect in the attack and he died inside the car.

  27. joshua says:

    Asian, when used as it was in the first reports earlier, mean’s pakistani, or Indian. Generally when not in a hurry, East Asian is used to mean anyone from the Indonesia area.(Singapore, Malaysia etc.)

    BBC won’t give out all the details right away, it makes the Asians look bad and they are a *favored* group in the BBC panthanon of elite *victims*.

    Glasgow is becoming cosmopolitan, but it sure as hell isn’t mostly Muslim dimwad.

    Couple this with the 2 cars found yesterday loaded with explosives in London and you got a lot of upset people.

    As long as the only people these jerks kill are themselves, who gives a rats ass how burned they were.

  28. Frank IBC says:

    This whole terrorist plot sounds like the works of Al-Qaeda Lite…

    Yes, because al-Qaeda “regular” has been killed, detained at Guantanamo, or tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  29. BubbaRay says:

    #24, John, so HTF are we supposed to get to the friggin’ airport anyway?

    Not so long ago it was actually quicker for me to drive (or walk) 1 mile to my local tiny airport and fly myself to Love Field to get on Southwest. (Free Parking!!) I could just walk right into the gate from the general aviation pavilion. Now with all this Homeland Security baloney, I can’t even do that anymore. Better check those sneakers, they might be bombs. 😥

  30. srg86 says:

    It’s now been confirmed that one of the occupants of the Jeep had a suicide belt and there was petrol and propane gas cylinders.


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